
Learning To Think Things Through By Gerald M. Nosich: Article Analysis

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In the text, ‘Learning to Think Things Through’ written by Gerald M. Nosich, he emphasizes the importance of the comprehension of specific concepts that are necessary to achieve critical thinking. One of these concepts includes the seven standards, which he states are clearness, accuracy, relevance, sufficiency, depth, breadth, and precision. In the text he states “Two primary ingredients turn thinking into critical thinking. The first is that critical thinking is reflective thinking… the second is thinking that meet high standards of thinking” (Nosich, 133). Maddow aides the viewers in comprehension of the material by appropriately interpreting the purpose of the information and explaining the implications and consequences resulting from the issues. ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ demonstrates …show more content…

On October 9, 2015, Rachel Maddow of the ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ on MSNBC discussed a variety of significant topics that were popular in the media at the time. Her topics varied from “New Mexico Secretary of State being accused of fraud and money laundering to Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General suspended from practicing law because she is “readying porn e-mail release” (Maddow, “TRMS”). The standard of clearness seemed to be utilized sufficiently during her delivery of the information. In the text, Nosich states “your thinking is clear when it is easily understood, when it is free from the likelihood of misunderstanding, when it’s readily apparent what follows from it” (Nosich 134). She clearly stated the information that she acquired and how she felt about

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