
Learning from Failures Essay

Decent Essays

Whoooo. Taking a deep breath, I whisk my nerves aside. This is the moment I have worked so hard for and I had to dive in head first. The curtain whisks open to an auditorium filled with hundreds of silhouettes. Dimly the lights cast a gray mist over the anticipating crowd. As the music begins the lights burst onto the stage. Suddenly ten gorgeous girls with heavy stage makeup and curls swing into action. This is the moment we have all been waiting for after a week of countless activities and interviews. Our choreography is timed perfectly to the music, and before we know it the curtain is being slammed back over our faces. Giddy from the thrill, we race back to the dressing room to get ready for the evening gown competition.

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The crowns reflected the multiple stage lights and they literally looked like a million bucks. Upbeat music burst on and the retiring royalty taunted the candidates with prized items. This was the moment everyone was waiting for. Before I knew it the first one the three crowns was being haloed over each of our heads. Landing on a basket of blonde curls two girls away from me, I could feel my heart drop a little in the pit of my stomach. The second danced above my head, but eventually made its way to the other side of the line. Onto a girl in a $400 dollar designer dress. One more. I thought, there was still a chance. The third crown was extreme torture for me. It was bounced in front of my face, and then flounced directly behind my head for what seemed like hours. The hours abruptly ended when the coveted crown was slide onto the girl standing directly across from me. As the crowd erupted wildly into cheers, my heart dropped onto the floor. When the curtains closed, I was left standing in the dark.

Looking back on that blurry night, I have learned a lot of lessons from that experience. My confidence shot through the roof during the weeks of preparation. Public speaking no longer was an anxiety for me, and I learned to carry myself like I had a crown on my head no matter where I was. I learned that I should not put all my eggs in one basket just in case the basket wasn't as reliable as first thought. Supporting the girls that

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