thing so that the students don’t forget everything they learned each year over the long breaks, but protesters of this say that summer vacation is the time where families usually plan their long vacations. The only thing wrong with this reason is that nowadays families don’t plan vacations around the season, and rather when their children are out of school, it just so happens that they are the same time during the year. “Some families appreciate the flexibility provided by year-round schooling, as it can be easier (and cheaper) to plan vacations during off-peak times,” (Leave Those Kids Alone: The Case for Long Summer Vacations 4). With it sometimes being really expensive during the peak summer months, some families choose to take vacations during the other parts of the year and therefore having their kids in year-round school will make it easier so that they don’t have to worry about their kids missing out on school.
Getting rid of summer break would hurt a lot of students; they do not have the patience to go to school during the school year—taking away what is supposed to be their vacation could possibly break them.
According to the National Association for Year-Round Education, students will be able to advance more rapidly if they did year-round schooling. A by-product of summer break is the dividing of classes based on age. If schooling was year-round, there would be less distinction between one year and the next. This only teaches us to work with people from our generation. If we had year-round schooling we could advance quicker and work with people from different generations, just like how it would be in the future with jobs. Also, the constant learning environment takes away the emphasis of when the student started school and instead emphasizes skill
Year-round schooling is the same number of days as a normal day at school, just split up with short breaks. They would go for 60 days and then get a 20-day break. More popular plans include 45-15 and 80-40. Some Pros for Year-round schooling: kids can suffer from the long summer break, year-round schools can replace summer school, teachers normally spend weeks reviewing things from the year before, but year-round schooling can prevent that. The cons to year-round schooling: There are higher demands on staff, cafeteria, and maintenance workers, it’s is harder to plan graduations and parent conferences, working parents can have a hard time finding transportation, and parents with kids in other schools can have a hard time planning vacations. More than 2 million kids came to year-round schools in
In his article “Go Year-Round: A Push for True Summer School”, Milton Chen, the executive director of Edutopia, urges readers to use the year-round schooling system. He explains in brief words what the summer vacation was for. “…when farm families needed young people home during the summer months to replace the three R's with the two P's -- plantin' and pickin' " (Chen). He carries on discussing that the problem with the school days is not only the amount, but the schedule of the school day. The curriculum is too tight; neither the students nor the teachers have the time to step away from the books and text and learn from the outside. The students do not have the chance to go into the outside world and observe what is going on in the society that they live in. Additionally, the teachers do not have the chance to decide how their time is spent because it is spent on the strict schedule of the classroom.
The first reason why kids should have a summer break is that it makes school less complicated. According to Jennifer Brozak, a disadvantage of having a year round school is that the school budget has to increase. They will need to have more fundraisers in order to keep the school going. If they neglect to get the amount of money they need they sometimes cancel and let the students have a summer break. In addition, teachers are having difficulty with planning lessons for students and grading papers in a short amount of time they have (Brozak). In addition, Brozak says, because of the short amount of time teachers have to grade papers they are prone to burnout. This is one of the reasons that schools should have a summer break because both teachers and students’ mental pressure because of work (Brozak). As a student, I can say that breaks will be necessary to recharge and prepare myself
Hillary Scott 1/19/16 3rd hour Year Round School Did you know that 3,000 schools in the United States have year round schools? Year round schools in the United States enroll more than 2 million students each year. Year round school is a school that has no summer break, therefore students attend school for a complete year with breaks in between. More school districts should switch to a year round school calendar because of the great benefits it provides such as, keeping children engaged, less time spent reteaching, and it saves money. Year round school helps school districts save money by a multi track calendar, occupying schools, and more space for students.
This is one reason that we should not have year round school in the United States. Year round schools don't learn any more than the kids in traditional nine month school calendar. The article says,"Students in "year-round" schools don't learn more than their peers in traditional nine-month schools, new research has found." This shows that kids in year round school don't learn any more then kids in the nine month school calendar. If kids don't learn any more than their peers than they shouldn't have to go to year round school. Kids in school deserve to have a summer vacation to hang out with friends and family and to be able to travel.
Year-round schooling could make those vacations more difficult. Even though there is a shorter summer break using year-round schooling, there is still enough time for families to go on a long summer vacation. In fact, because of the way a balanced calendar is set up, there are different opportunities for vacations. In year-round schooling there are multiple breaks after each quarter. These can allow families to go on vacation on seasons other than summer, and have more frequent, smaller breaks during the year (Year-round). The cost for plane tickets and some other expenses of a vacation could be reduced. This could occur because if going on vacation during an offseason, plane tickets are generally less expensive (Year-round). With standard schooling there are times when families want to go on vacation. The problem is that there either is not a break that the family could go during, or the break is not long enough for the vacation the family wants (Flanagan). This causes the student to miss school, and with that tests, lessons, and homework. It can be hard for students to get caught up and fully understand the information that they missed during their time off of school (Flanagan). The frequent break would help with this and make planning vacations more easy. Summer vacationing seems difficult with year-round schooling, but there are actually many
What do you do during summer break? Do you go on a long family trip, or do you have to get a job? Now imagine if those plans were ruined by year round schooling. Year round schooling is not beneficial for students and teachers because it can cause more stress, students get summer jobs, and people go on family trips and spend time with family and friends during summer break.
Year round school eliminates regression of learning due to extended time off. Having a year round school can reduce what people known as summer learning loss ("The Pros"). Almost every child will experience a decrease in their math over the time of summer break each summer break ("SUMMER LEARNING"). “On an average students lose two months of reading skills over summer” ("SUMMER LEARNING"). After
The minute that everybody has been expecting for has at long last arrived. The people are inclining toward the edge of their seats, listening for the last chime to ring to unleash them to freedom. We all love it when summer vacation has arrived, but the time just passes by so fast. A high percentage of the students want there to be a longer summer vacation, but are there really any benefits? Well yes in fact a longer vacation will be associated with many benefits such as increased social life, health benefits, and educational plus financial gains.
The average school period is one hundred and eighty days with small breaks in between and a three-month break during summer to ease students’ minds and let them relax. The Board of Education should make all schools in the United States year-round to increase educational time and decrease the loss of knowledge over the breaks. It gives students the same time to relax and plan family vacations periodically throughout the year, but never creates the stress of changing sleep schedules that summer break changes. Not only is it a good way to enhance education, but it also is better for planning family events, positive effects on budget, academic achievement, and could decrease the absence rate of students.
Summer vacation. For most children and teens, the phrase conjures up images of hot, sunny days and vacations with the whole family to far-off places. We all envision lazy afternoons relaxing on the beach, playing in water parks, and going on picnics. But what happens when summer ends and the reality of another year of school sinks in?
The third reason why we shouldn’t have all year round –schools is because, its tradition to have 180 day’s strait with 3 months of breaks and it gives us more important things to do in the summer. According to Julia Sines, to have a 3-month summer and do more fun activities to do all summer is better than going to school year round. Kids want to go on vacations with their parents. Some athletic kids won’t be able to play travel sports. Scientist say that year round school kids drop out by their senior year (Sines). Most juniors and seniors work in the summer for money for colleges and to save up, but they won’t be able to get money. It’s more American to have 180 straight days with 3-month break. Billee Bussard stated, “It is an idea that has been tried and failed for more than 100 years,” (Sines). So talking to that quote, why would we start now. Kids love going outside and swimming and playing games and making money, but because the kids go to year round schools they only have 3 weeks to do these fun
The three-month summer vacation block may sound great for planning vacations, but in reality, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. By having one large vacation block, parents have to compete in the workplace to get the appropriate time off and travel is more expensive because everyone else is traveling. Year round schooling offers more breaks and more opportunities for everyone to take a well-deserved vacation