A Modest Proposal to keep leaves and yard debris from cluttering yards, overworking children, and chaining homeowners to their property nationwide. Every person who has ever lived around trees knows how they can provide shade, beauty, food, and a safe haven for birds, squirrels and a myriad of other animals. Trees also produce copious amounts of leaves, sticks, pine cones, seed pods, etc. that cover the yard in both spring and autumn. In autumn, many trees become barren and look much like skeletons than trees. A tree’s main function is to provide shade, shelter, food, and beauty. How can it possibly accomplish this when its leaves are scattered across the yard and neighboring yards? This issue doesn’t just affect people who live in wooded regions. It also affects people who have a single tree in their yard or a neighbor has a tree …show more content…
Compost bins and piles can occupy a large portion of the yard and it does not smell as nice as a bright green tree. Fifthly, green trees that last year round will provide homes for birds, squirrels, insects and other wildlife. This could reduce the need of wildlife migrating to find shelter. Sixthly, varnished green trees will provide constant shade. They will also always look the same. This is important to landscapers, who create beautiful designs from plants, who need to know how the yard and facilities will develop over time to minimize conflicts with powerlines and other structures. Of course, there are some who say this idea is foolish. Unfortunately, their ideas are not much better. These critics say that we should take these leaves, bag them and load them onto barges. These barges would move the leaves to third world countries allowing the leaves to compost during the long journey to their new home. Adding this compost will allow the soil in these countries to be nourished thus allowing their crops to grow and improve the countries
Every forest has a story to tell. By looking closely at its habitants, that story can be interpreted. Much of this narrative is written in the trees: their age, their tolerance to shade, and the rate at which they grow are all characteristics that can imply a lot about their environment. Exploring these relationships and how they connect with each other can indicate the health and history of the land. Heiberg Forest, located in northern New York, was once used for agricultural purposes in the 1800-1900’s. (Nowak, Lecture Notes) Much of the land once used for farming was left to regrow back into a young forest. The life history of different tree species can be determined by examining the most common species in Heiberg.
The goal of the project is well hearted, and has benifits for the environment, by encouraging recycling and lessening the amount of energy used by making new materials, the tax payers, by eliminating the cost it would take for the county to open a new landfill (which would be very costly), and citizens, by providing compost to use in their gardens.
Planting trees in metropolitan areas offer several benefits. The greenery adds beauty to the area as the plants absorb carbon dioxide, toxins and odors. The air is cleaner and pollution is less. Plants also release oxygen that humans need for breathing. The oxygen reduces the greenhouse effect that contributes to global warming. Trees also
The theatrical film The Lion In Winter stars Peter O’Toole as King Henry II, and Katharine Hepburn as his wife, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine. Adapted from his stage play of the same title, author James Goldman provides a fictional, but plausible, account of intra-family deceit and political conniving within the large and powerful Angevin Empire, which spanned much of the land that is now Britain, and much of what is now Northeastern France, within the medieval world. Directed and edited by Anthony Harvey, the story, set in the winter of 1183, details the succession crisis faced by the aging King Henry II, as his three surviving sons vie for the crown, and Queen Eleanor plots, both with and against them, to regain her freedom, and become the
#19. The green roof provides shade, remove air particulates. Protects the roof from sun damage, and cool the air as water lost moist from plants leaves.
It is simply the way of the future. All revolutions come with a price; the American revolution came with the price of many American lives and this smaller revolution will come with the price of disregarding the “cultural norms” that society has sculpted around burial and cremation. This practice is barely even a practice right now, but with the voices and bodies of the many who want to help our earth, this will be the new norm someday. Giving back to the earth through human composting is the ultimate thank you for keeping us alive and
Greenery in forestry implies growth and health, which doesn’t
Many things that all biodegradable and up in landfills the things that take years to decompose. Such as plastic, glass, metals! etc. This problem can be solved by me, with help, using $1000. When people throw away certain things, they don't know that many of those items are organic matter that can be decomposed. When you gather these organic and biodegradable items into a band, they decompose. This is called composting. The mixture inside the bin is called compost.this compost can be used as fertilizer and can help condition land. Things like fresh grass clippings, flowers, vegetable and fruit feelings such as potatoes and orange peelings, vegetable crop residue such as potatoes and tomato plants, herbivore manure, such as horse, cow, and rabbit,
If these trees were to disappear then when it rains landslides will happen costing thousands or millions to repair damage. Trees also provide food to many animals, and if the tree disappear so will the animals, and the animals that eat from trees. Source A “Tree Loss” states, “One tree can clean toxic emissions from dirty air exhausted from an average car being driven 4,000 miles.” If we had no tree or plants in all, our Earth would be covered in gasses that would be toxic to us. Many people may argue that trees helped build our society from houses and buildings, but us destroying trees are also destroying the environment or nature’s
Themes in the literature refer to universal ideas that an author explores in their literary work to communicate a message. In Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale, the author addresses diverse themes in the novel, focusing mainly on the oppression of women by the government, society, and men through sexual abuse, male chauvinism and according to women limited rights (Hammer, 47).
Trees don’t just become something totally different overnight that’s just not possible. The tree is a old, used plant that you are watching get slowly burned. You can’t ignore something so important on a daily basis The tree in the Devon park represents the cultures like Vietnam who were mistreated during the war. The tree is a reminder that something so old, and known to everyone can be brought down, purely because people didn’t care about it. People look at the tree and see a stoic, and traditional thing.
The affect of environmental issues occur everyday and in particular deforestation is becoming a highly ranked subject. From animals to the human race, the alacrity of trees that are cut down affects every individual in a variety of ways. Not only do people need to help the planet but they need to help themselves and further generations to come, such as children and grandchildren because these natural resources that are being taken away from society are as well shaping the future. For comprehensible reasons, forests use to make up the world, until man made creatures started to destroy and destruct the most important supply to human kind which are trees. Trees are crucial to every living entity for the reason of providing oxygen to all.
What happens to garbage once it leaves your house? It is either burned, buried, or recycled. However, the method that is leaving the greatest impact on nature is the burying of trash in landfills. Turns out, 55 percent of all trash ends up getting piled into landfills and left there. In 2006, Americans generated 251 million tons of garbage; 35 percent of that garbage came from schools and other commercial locations.Luckily, there is an easy way for schools to reduce their carbon footprint: composting. Schools should require uneaten food to be composted because it reduces the amount of trash in landfills, greenhouse gases, and the use of chemical fertilizers. In the paragraphs to follow I will explain to you the benefits of schools requiring uneaten food to be composted.
The Wilderness Society’s Governing Council states that “No other ecosystem in the world can store as much carbon as do these forests, and it’s a capacity they have not yet begun to reach” (Bert5). Trees are very important to all of the living species. The cutting down of the trees is now nearly 4 billion trees or 35% of the total trees cut around the
Imagine walking down a forest path, feeling the crisp fall breeze, hearing the birds chirping, breathing in the fresh air. The earth's environment is wonderful and as stewards of this plant, it is every human's job to protect and even enhance its beauty. Dumping incinerated garbage into a hole in the Earth is not exactly being a good steward. However, science has developed the technology of recycling, and people should use this blessing as readily as possible. In other words, everyone should recycle, and if they won't do it on their own, recycling should become a requirement. Recycling should be mandatory because it helps minimize pollution, conserve energy, preserve natural resources, and create jobs.