Emma Fishel
Mrs. Gallos
English 3 honors
29 March, 2017
Legal Abortion is a Necessity
Even though many people have negative opinions on abortions, legal abortion is a necessity. Women should have access to this because those who do not can experience more stress than if she was able to have one. Women need to have legal abortions mainly for the concerns for the mother’s and/or baby 's health as well as unwanted pregnancies. In 1972, the Roe v. Wade supreme court case legalized abortion nationwide but since then numerous states have passed laws to restrict the availability of abortions. In some states, they now require counseling and a waiting period before women can receive an abortion. Legal abortion is a safe procedure, and has a
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Many women who want an abortion are from low income and/or broken families. It is needed because they are worried around money and rely on insurance to help pay for the procedure. Without the insurance to help cover the procedure - which can be up to 1,500 dollars - it makes it hard for these women to get them. These laws are established to make abortions safer for women but many of them are making it harder to obtain an abortion and making women wait longer for their procedures.
A few states require women to have counseling about the negative mental and emotional effects abortions can have on women, even though “research consistently shows that abortion is a safe medical procedure and that the overwhelming majority of women who get abortions feel it was the right decision for them and do not experience negative psychological reactions after the fact” (Abortion). Studies have shown women who do not have access to an abortion because of laws and restrictions that may exist in their state, can experience more stress than if they could have one. The extra stress could be from trying to receive the procedure, the pressure of society’s judgement, or because of the reason(s) they want to receive the abortion. Most women choose to have an abortion because they do not have the money for a baby, because they do not want to be a single parent or believe it would interfere with work, school or their future. Women with these reasons who are denied an
Roe vs. Wade case was a ground-breaking landmark case because it gave a woman the right to choose. Since then landmark cases and legislation restricted a woman from having an abortion. The rights of the unborn are the reason why a woman's rights to have an abortion are being eroded. In addition, violent events have occurred because a woman has a right to have an abortion. Clearly, this topic has affected the political, health, social, and religious, aspects of our society. Currently, women are choosing not to have an abortion. The sentiment is so strong that a Harris poll showed that 72% of Americans say abortion should be illegal after the first 3 months of pregnancy. To make this point, abortion rates are down in the states where the abortion
Since the 1960s, the fight to receive accessible and affordable abortions has been a largely controversial issue in the United States. The case Roe v. Wade was the climax of that fight, for “the Court held that... only a pregnant woman and her doctor have the legal right to make the decision about an abortion” (“History of Abortion”). Although Roe v. Wade ultimately made abortions legal in the States, there are still setbacks for affordable and accessible abortions today, and many of these conflicts may be directly traced to state-by-state determination of abortion laws.
The issue of abortion is one of the most controversial topics of our time, but recently the amount of public interest has grown exponentially. A number of bills regarding this policy issue such as Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 and Child Interstate Notification Act have both greatly influenced the public’s opinion of abortion. Although, the issue of abortion hasn’t always been like this; according to Timeline of Abortion Laws and Events, an article from the Chicago Tribune, “The earliest anti-abortion laws were intended to protect women from untrained abortionists.” (Timeline) Since the 1973 passing of the Supreme Court Case, Roe V Wade, women have been able to obtain the abortion procedure in all 50 states, 46 of which were
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court, on the case of Roe v Wade, ruled to legalize abortion in all fifty US states. Forty two years after this decision, approximately 56 million abortions have been performed in the US alone and this number continues to climb drastically day to day. For some individuals, this number is simply not enough. For example, in her article, It Is Time to Integrate Abortion into Primary Care, Susan Yanow argues the case that abortion is here to stay. With this observation, she further believes that the procedure should be made more available to all women, and likewise, any physician should be easily allowed to perform abortions.
“The U.S. has the highest abortion rate of any western industrialized nation.” (Incidence of Abortion section). Abortion has long been a controversial issue over the years. Throughout the nation lies many known and unknown statistics involving abortion. Many of those who choose abortion do so based upon many similar reasons. There also happen to be many individuals who view abortion in the same manner. The individuals and majority feel abortion to be wrong for a handful of reasons. Each year women decide for a number of reasons to end their pregnancy in the result of an abortion, and although the decision is still commonly viewed as wrong, is there any justification to how it could be accepted?
Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making the choice for thousands of years. It has become a large dilemma since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court passed a law making the procedure legal, and an even larger controversial issue. The controversy is divided into “Pro-Choice” and Pro-Life” views. Pro-Choice supporters believe that the woman should have to choice whether to abort or not. Pro-Life supporters believe that it should be illegal to abort and preformed. However, there are many ways for this procedure to be performed. Abortion still remains today a controversial issue, by who should determine if it is the right thing to terminate a pregnancy or not and by how the procedure should be preformed.
Over the years controversies on abortion was a salient issue and today the topic still remain the debate, said Driedger, Leo, and Shiva S. Halli. Ongoing debate whether if it right or wrong to end a life causes tension worldwide. Pro-choice argue that it’s their right to decide whether abortion is the option. Determining whether the abortion is a right or wrong, the decision depends on an individual believe, situation, and preference according to NARAL Pro-choice America staff in 2016. Pregnancy occurs from sexual activity whether voluntary participating or un-consensual, but when pregnancy resulted unexpectedly women may seek abortion. Some common reasons why women have an abortion are because too young, victim of rape or incest, contraceptive failure, financial issue, inconvenient, career priority, and without any reason abortion would be an easier decision according to Driedger, Leo, and Shiva S. Halli. Pro-Choice is a movement act that allows women rights to terminate pregnancy base on the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case in 1973, said FedWorld official webpage 2016.
The topic of abortion is quite a controversial one, many people are both for and against the motion: “Should abortion be legal in the U.S.?”. The main arguments for this topic are “You are taking a child’s life when aborting.” but others may say “Women deserve the right to their own health decisions.” Many people are also in the grey spot with this topic, many believe under certain circumstances such as medical complications, that abortion should be legal.
Abortion is a debatable question that has been argued over a long period of time. The controversy of abortion has caused or may cause deaths and several violent conflicts between, should abortion be legal or illegal. Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed worldwide also known as elective termination of pregnancy (History,2016). Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother’s womb. This procedure can be done almost anyone from the mother herself to back alley, most common, abortion clinics. More than 40% of all women will end a pregnancy by abortion and remains common in the US. But the questions is should abortion be legal or illegal?
Should an individual have the obligation to go through a nine month pregnancy, or go through childbirth, or the mental stress of raising or giving away the child? The individual rights a women has are not only for herself, but the child relying on her to live. One of the woman’s most basic freedoms is the right to control her own body and to determine if she bears a child. Only she can determine whether she is emotional, physical, and economic ready at any given time to have and raise a child.(Chicago Women’s Liberation Union) While the common good for abortion is in a recent study, US Supreme Court found that women have better mental health when they have abortion as an option. It also means children are born and raised by parents who wants them and that young teens have a chance to educate themselves and become parents when they are ready. People often think an abortion is a terrible thing, a choice for those irresponsible teenagers that get pregnant while lots of more stressful arguments go into abortion. Thinking of such a
Abortion has been a complex social issue in the United States ever since restrictive abortion laws began to appear in the 1820s. By 1965, abortions had been outlawed in the U.S., although they continued illegally; about one million abortions per year were estimated to have occurred in the 1960s. (Krannich 366) Ultimately, in the 1973 Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, it was ruled that women had the right to privacy and could make an individual choice on whether or not to have an abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. (Yishai 213)
Statement of Problem: Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Today, especially here in the United States of America, there is a growing issue and debate around the idea of abortion. There is a stigma against abortion because of the possibility of negative religious, political, medical, emotional, and mental consequences it may cause. Each year, worldwide there is an estimated 42 billion abortions that take place. This number does not include abortions that are not performed by professionals. The big issue alongside with abortion itself, is the affects it has on the mental health of females who undergo the procedure.
Abortion is a necessary procedure for women (Ann Furedi), it helps them get out of unwanted pregnancies that could keep them from jobs they need, or even destroy their lives. Some say that denying women of abortion is a violation of their rights (Susan Milligan) that puts their future, and the future of their children, in a bad spot (Joshua Lang). Too many new laws are being passed at the state level to make small, cozy clinics look and feel like scary, intimidating hospitals, while also passing laws to make abortions less safe (Molly Redden). While these new rules are passed, many abortion clinics are closing. Women have to travel far to receive an abortion. So far, actually, that organizations for helping women receive abortions are paying
A major step in becoming an adult is being able to vote. Using the right to vote to the best of its ability is extremely important, not only to you, but to every other american. Exercising your right to vote and being educated is going to help your country. Realizing that your vote is more than just one vote and that not voting is still voting. Being educated about the issues and the views of the presidential candidates on the issues is needed to make the most out of your vote. Whatever political issue you deem to be most important to you, you should understand what candidate is going to fulfill your expectations. I have discussed three issues that are important to me and could potentially make or break a candidate. A presidential candidate’s
Abortion is a highly-debated topic of whether it is ethical for a woman to decide to have one. Abortion is any of various surgical methods for deliberately terminating a pregnancy. When we speak of abortion today, we mean induced abortion performed by trained doctors, not including miscarriage (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2015). Some current methods of abortion are morning-after pill, mifepristone, uterine or vacuum aspiration, dilation and curettage, saline solution, prostaglandin drugs, hysterotomy, and partial birth abortion. Abortion involves questions about rights, happiness, and well-being, as well as the status and value of human life. The people who think it is ethical to have an abortion stand on the Pro-choice side and the people who think it is unethical stand on the Pro-life side. The liberal view of abortion supports abortions and the conservative view opposes abortion. There are many legal, religious, and medical conflicts that are included in the debate over abortion. The arguments made from both sides help us better understand whether a woman should have an abortion.