The use of social media within the fire service is a controversial civil issue in which parties on both sides may feel as though his or her rights have been violated. Many fire and emergency services organizations, nationwide have established policies that prohibit and/or restrict the use of social media by employees, due to the growing problems associated with its use. Social networking is a relatively new issue to the legal system with judicial opinions that vary in wide degree. Social networking has become a tool that can convey a positive or negative image upon a fire department, therefore posting must be performed in good taste as to not convey negative public opinion upon the fire department and its members. A social media post that …show more content…
A legal opinion on a social networking site may be viewed favorably, as was the case in Hampton, Virginia, where a sheriff’s department employee was terminated for “liking” his boss’s opponent during a recent election (Knibbs, 2013). “In 2012, The U.S. District Court of Eastern Virginia didn’t buy their argument that the termination violated their First Amendment rights, and dismissed the case; however an appeals judge viewed the case differently and awarded in favor of the employee (Knibbs, 2013). The likely reasoning in this case was the social media posting caused no harm to any party and the employees right to free speech was infringed upon as his boss did not like his support of his opponent in the election. The larger issue was likely the right to vote or support a candidate rather than the social media post. Fire and emergency services regulation of social media use does not violate a person’s right to free speech. Policies are created to protect the department and its members from negative public opinion and the possibility of legal recourse from the postings. A person has the right to privacy and information, such as health information, social security numbers, and so on, is protected under state and federal laws. One who chooses to post on social media should consider the impact such a post may have on his or herself, the department, as well as
In today’s society, it is crucial for employees to understand the significance in the use of social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook. This subject will discuss the primary reasons companies allow the usage of social networking sites in the workplace. It will also explain the positive impact social media usage has in the workplace, such as allowing communication to a broader audience. In addition to the positive usage, this topic will also explore the negative implications usage can cause. Because social media is still relatively new, there are not many laws establishing the proper guidelines for these sites in the workplace. Scholarly articles such as the ‘Workplace impact of social networking” examine the effects of not establishing said policies, an error which results in an unhealthy work environment. Ultimately, employees can positively influence the workplace by using social media if they have the proper guidelines to follow.
These employees aired their frustrations on social media about the manager. The decision rendered in this matter was that Social media comments are protected concerted activity according to Section 7of National Labor Relations Act. Furthermore, because their postings were a continuation of the employees’ efforts to address concerns.
There is quite a debate when it comes to the idea of controlled fires to protect nature. Many agree that the benefits out way the risks but many also believe that a controlled fire is too dangerous to take that chance. If proper steps are taken, the outcome of the process is not only safe but also effective.
All (insert department name) personnel use computers, computer candidates, computer programs, Internet resources and network communications usage shall be in a responsible, professional, ethical, and lawful manner. The conduct of employees during on and off-duty is a replication of the department. This policy is proposed to guide and regulate the conduct of employees when related to representation and employment through the abundance of social network settings. This policy is also designed to promote efficiency, discipline and good public relations by setting guidelines governing the actions of every employee of (insert agency name) both on and off duty.
Edie Brous, RN, wrote an article on how the internet, social media and other new technologies have advanced. The use of social media has taken the free speech amendment to another level against those who don’t understand the restrictions. Nurses share ideas that they believed can be helpful when they post things but they must understand the legal risks of misusing. It’s becoming so broad that now different healthcare and professional organizations use it to communicate with their patients. There is a understanding to free speech limitation Brous notes:
Social media has become one of the main methods for public shaming. Many activists have used it as a way of getting attention with the media, but others have used it as a form of entertainment to watch people’s lives get burned to the ground. Though public shaming can be very entertaining it can also be hurtful and can even cause people to lose their jobs along with their self respect. The article How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life, written by Jon Ronson, describes how the punishment for using social media inappropriately can be detrimental to your future
F- On December 13, during seventh hour in my communications class on a Tuesday seven of us, Me (Sunmi), Morgan, Brandi, Maya, Rachael, Caralee, and Laine gathered in order to have a fishbowl discussion about the mistreatment and exploitation of marine animals.The primary purpose of this discussion according to our teacher, Mr. Wolfe was for us to select a committee type, create a problem, and then hold a discussion where we attempt to solve the problem in 30 minutes.The aquatic life representations, create a problem- marine animals are being exploited, hold a discussion that and create a resolution in 30 minutes. The second purpose of this activity was to help us become aware of the roles we as individuals play
The purpose of this literary review is to enlighten my viewers of the importance of the ethical idea of companies crossing the lines of business with your personal life, when involving social media accounts. Most of my research has operated from the ATU library using the find it tool. Furthermost, the researched information use was from peer-reviewed research journal. I will discuss includes social media cons in the work environment, if it is ethical to get fired over a post, and laws that protect both parties. Social media includes an assortment of electronic communications—most commonly networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace, Pinterest, Instagram, and the likes thereof. Social media also covers all forms of blogs, including Twitter (a micro-blog), wikis, online journals, diaries, personal newsletters, and World of Warfare and YouTube also are included under the umbrella term of social media (Lieber 2011).
People from almost all age groups, especially the teenagers and adults prefer to socialize through various social media websites for networking and this trend has been increased since the last decade with a wider internet utility. Though the social media websites are not less than any golden opportunity for online marketing in business, however, many cases have been reported for the job dismissals due to the controversial personal posts to the social media by the employees. The posts that have been done to the social media websites can be in the form of personal messages, photos, video clips, audio recordings, and comments on other’s posts. Hollifield, the Winter Part Employment Attorney
A growing hot topic, and cause for concern is the increasing use of social media in the workplace. The landscape for communication has changed, and the line between personal and professional communications has been blurred. How will your employer manage the risks associated with the use of social media and at the same time, gain the benefits that this media form provides? While many employers were initially concerned that employees would use company time and equipment for socializing with friends, they are quickly learning that many social networks can also be used directly for work purposes.
These three concepts have been chosen due to the awareness that all three have the potential to play hand in hand with one another. Social media can play a huge role on conflict in the workplace that could and should be avoided. Social networking sites, publishing tools, and micro-blogging sites are all considered social media with the most commonly used site being Facebook. “Social media, such as social networking sites, differ from traditional media, because they enable the exchange of user-generated content.”
Social networking sites such as Twitter or Facebook have created a new ethical dilemma for many businesses. Corporations, small businesses, and even universities are struggling create policies to manage their employees social networking behaviors. Social networking access, particularly for recruiters, can provide personal information about potential employees, which would otherwise not be available. A business must follow statutes and guidelines when disclosing information to the public. Individuals on social networking sites have no such constraints. Employees can and do make comments about their employers online. Employers can and do watch what employees post online. Any individual can send or post potentially damaging information
Walk into a library, you have a computer, you are most likely carrying a phone, at home, you most likely have a computer, laptop, tablet, or even all three. This shows that we have social media access at the tip of our fingers, making it so easy to open up the site or app and just type out a phrase or paragraph, letting hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions, of people know what you think. Back then, it was harder to let the nation know what you were thinking, and it took even take months before everyone knew, versus today, where the nation might know by the end of the day, and it’s because of this that companies regulate what their users are posting, attempting at keeping the online world free from threats, hate, harmful words, and more. Rutenberg quotes Jeffrey Goldberg as he says, “At a certain point I’d rather take myself off the platform where speech has become so become so offensive than advocate for the suppression of that speech” (2). Twitter also said that “everyone on Twitter should feel safe expressing diverse opinions and beliefs, but behavior that harasses, intimidates or uses fear to silence another person’s voice should have no place on our platform” (Rutenberg 2).
Communication has been permanently changed by social media. A wide conceptual definition of social media, as cited in Ressler & Glazer (2010), is “The online and mobile accessible services that enable individuals to connect, collaborate, and share with others in real time.” Social media has an obvious influence on informal communication style and represents both possibility and liability for healthcare institutions. As cited in Bernhardt, Alber, & Gold (2014), “Social media provide healthcare professionals with tools to share information, to debate health care policy and practice issues, to promote health behaviors, to engage with the public, and to educate and interact with patients, caregivers, students, and colleagues.” It also presents challenges, including risks to information accuracy, organizational reputation, and individual privacy. Social media can be a very helpful in communicating among nurses and other healthcare providers while creating professional connections, and sharing experiences, but guidelines for appropriate use by healthcare providers are essential. Whether or not certain healthcare organization decides to use social media as a communications tool - social media policy still need to be implemented. Policies help establish an organization 's rules and expectations around social media.
Fire prevention is a term being heard more and more today in America. It is starting to become a standard in today’s fire departments. Fire has the ability to keep us warm and also has the ability to make us homeless. As we grow as community and the technology changes, Fire Prevention needs to be made more of a necessity in our homes today. More homes are being built out of lighter material along with being built closer and closer together. Each can lead to extreme destruction, homes being lost, people being displaced, and even death. Why should we not protect homes and defend them against an enemy that can attack at any minute? Fire prevention needs to start in the home and then be carried onward in our lives. There are very