
Legal Drinking Age To 19 Research Paper

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The legal drinking age should stay at 19 While Alcohol is a legal substance in our society for those 19 years of age and older, it is completely illegal for anyone under this age to drink. In moderation, it can be enjoyable to have a drink or two and there is nothing wrong with partaking in this experience as long as one is responsible and of age. Drinking beyond moderation, at any age, is where the problems come. Drinking to excess can cause liver damage, impaired decision making and can lead to devastating and irreversible consequences and possibly fatal consequences. Given that maturity is associated with better decision making, alcohol use must be restricted to those under 19. There has been research that that by changing the legal drinking age to 19 has been beneficial for Canadians and that parents should not allow or encourage drinking underage either at home or out, also it is important for parents to set good examples …show more content…

While we know that some teenagers will be curious and will want to experiment with alcohol, research indicates that its not a good idea to allow kids to drink at home or to give them alcohol when they are under age. Ultimitly, under age drinking is illegal and allowing them to participate in drinking under age is sending them a message that it is ok to break the law. More importantly, however, is that research shows that allowing your teen to drink at home while under age does not prevent them from binge drinking outside the home. According to Erin Anderssen, author of The Truth about Teens and Drinking,”the kids who drink the least, and wait the longest, are the ones whose parents make it clear they don’t approve, stress the risks of drinking, don’t supply alcohol or allow drinking at home”. Furthermore, it is not okay for a parent to let a child drink underage even when being supervised. The age limit is 19 for a beneficial reason and it should stay this

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