
Legal Issues In Coaches Essay

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Coaches have the experience of watching young people develop sport skills and contribute to developing a successful team. Coaches also have legal obligations to their schools and their athletes. The most common legal issue most coaches face today is liability and negligence. Coaches are expected to act as the cautious person in every situation. Oftentimes coaches are required to stand in the place of parents when athletes are left under their supervision. The hazards of coaching has become very relevant and it is very important for coaches to be familiar with their legal rights and responsibilities. Coaches have newer obstacles to endure in reference to legal issues. The need for safety and risk management awareness among coaches is greater than ever before. Negligence, which is the failure to use reasonable care to protect against foreseeable harm under the circumstances, is the legal theory relied on by athletes who have sued coaches for sports’ related injuries. (Straton, 1999) Most negligence suits arise from the lack of supervision among the coaching staff. Coaches oftentimes leave athletes unattended before or after practice. If this results in injury or in the worst case death a coach can be held liable because of the negligence of leaving athletes unsupervised. …show more content…

Like all other athletes, college athletes are competing at a higher level of competition and are subject to injury from participating in sports. Just like high school sports the college coaches have a legal duty not to put the athlete at risk of injury. There are relatively few cases in which college coaches have been sued for negligent instruction or supervision that causes injury to their own players, but coaches at this level of competition should use reasonable care to minimize the risks of injury. (Stratton,

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