Persuasive Essay 'Legalisation of Same Sex Marriage and the Impact on Family Values '
Lately there has been a great deal of discussion over legalising same sex marriage. To some people; there is no problem with it. However this is a controversial matter and there is still a great deal of debate ongoing in some countries, including this one, whether homosexual couples should continue to be denied the rights that straight couples enjoy. There is no reason why homosexuals relationships should be differentiated in any way from heterosexual ones. Homosexuality isn 't a choice. Any intolerance in our society concerning something someone cannot control, where no harm is caused, is not only ludicrous but also a form of discrimination. There is
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Recently the American President was quoted in Chicago showing his support for gay couples adopting. "...what makes you a man is not the ability to make a child, it 's the courage to raise one." This shows how times have changed and the support for gay rights is growing. Sadly many people feel that same sex marriage should be illegal because they feel that homosexual couples are unable to make the same contributions to society that heterosexual marriages are able to make. Despite this homosexual marriages do not affect society in a negative way and should be legal and recognized just as heterosexual marriages are. Physically homosexuals cannot procreate, but that does not mean that they can 't contribute to society through raising children well. There are millions of children who want to be in a home with a family who love them. Foster children are often sent from foster home to foster home, which leads to a very unsteady childhood. Currently one quarter of children living with same-sex couples in the United States have been adopted, according to a research done by the Georgia State University College of Law. Some say that homosexuals will not be able to provide a stable house for children, but a home with two caring parents is far more stable than a foster home where a child rarely receives attention. Due to the fact that most nations are wanting to be one of equality, if homosexuals are not allowed
When comparing doodle to Christ through symbolizism, in my opinion, there is really no way to really compare, unless your preference of religion allows for hate, disrespect or the ability to ignore the significance of such practice. Doodling is an activity that, for the most part, isn't taken seriously. An artist just draws aimlessly without any thought or serious consideration involved and no real attention invested. So, how can something of the such be compared to something that people give their life and devotion to without a doubt in their mind and also pass down to their families to adopt? I don't see the comparison, it can't be one.
Many people from older generations argue that same sex parenting is an abomination resisting any other insight into what is truly best for children. But it is true that hundreds of thousands of children are placed in foster care awaiting their forever families, and these children should not be denied a permanent family because of narrow mindedness. It does not take a scientist to figure that two people of the same sexual orientation cannot biologically conceive a child on their own; therefore adoption is the only option homosexuals have. While adoption
Recently a study at Australia´s University of Melbourne determined that in terms of emotional and physical health children of homosexual parents are the same as heterosexual parents. In some cases, these children, even seem to be happier and healthier, because gay couples tend to create partnerships and households based on quality. There is some evidence in fact, that show gay couples make better parents. Thousands of children still need loving homes to be placed into and homosexual parents are an option that is rarely considered. Same-sex adoption does not in fact hurt these children. It is when these children are discriminated against by others for having same-sex parents. In the end it does not matter what the parent´s sexuality is. What
Gay marriage has been an issue for a very long time and since some states are legalizing it, many worry that it would soon be added as an amendment. The topic of gay marriage brings up religious, legal, and many other issues. In "What's wrong with Gay Marriage?" by Katha Pollitt, the author supports gay marriage and wants it legalized. She states that there is no problem with gay marriage and it's all a matter of separating the church and state. But in “Gay ‘Marriage’: Societal Suicide,” by Charles Colson, the author opposes the idea of gay marriage and states that it will destroy society. Marriage is intended to unite a man and a woman together to bring children into the world, but due to the same-sex marriage,
There are many controversies surrounding today's world, such as abortion, animal testing, and social reform issues. It seems that no one can come to a common agreement on the legitimacy of these topics. Personal characteristics, such as upbringing, culture, religion and ethnicity, all play a role in determining one's feelings on a given controversial issue. However, one of the most protested and discussed issues in current political debate is same-sex marriage. There is no right or wrong answer to this question, only hard pressed arguments expressing speculation regarding supposed outcomes, benefits and possible tribulations that would come along with the endorsement of gay marriage. Such ideas are shown
Since the 1990’s approximately 8-10 million children in the US alone are raised in a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) household. Same-Sex Adoption is controversial because many people throughout the world are against LGBT adoption; but when faced with the number of kids who pray everyday for someone out there wanting to be the parent of a foster child, it is difficult to understand why the topic of gay adoption is controversial. Yes, there can be a bad outcome but there can also be a very good outcome of these kinds of adoptions. The LGBT Adoption situation can be fixed by allowing any adult or parent to adopt a child if they have the right living environment or the knowledge and skills that it takes to raise a kid in the proper way. But social workers have reservations on considering gay adoptive parents because they are fearful of how the parents will treat and raise the children and how they will grow up feeling. People who oppose same sex marriage, including U.S. elected officials, have argued that a child raised by a LGBT parent will need additional emotional support or will face social challenges compared to children with heterosexual parents (Borreli). Although many people believe that LGBT parents shouldn’t be allowed to adopt because it affects the child, LGBT parents should be allowed to adopt because many kids need a place to call home or someone they can call family, they need someone in a similar situation that they can talk
Same-sex parents are constantly getting rejected by a variety of adoption agencies because of who they choose to marry. Adopting agencies state that kids growing up in “that type of environment” would be unhealthy for the development of the child. They fear that the child would end up getting bullied by their peers, other concerning parents, and by the community which they live on. They also fear that the child will end up making the same life choices as their parents. Ultimately, same-sex parents should be allowed to adopt for the reasons that: gay parents have the same basic human rights as everyone else, the child would benefit from growing up in a same-sex home, and it would reduce the amount of orphans that are in need of a loving family.
There are currently 107,011 kids in the U.S. foster care system that are hoping and waiting to be adopted, so just imagine how many of those children could be adopted if more lesbian and gay couples were able to adopt. According to lifelong adoption agencies more and more gay and lesbian couples are becoming parents through artificial insemination, a surrogate, or LGBT adoption. It’s hard for same sex couples to adopt because adoption agencies that have religious beliefs against same sex couples reject them, or a state law prohibits same sex parents. Same sex couples face much opposition from a large number of people even though they do not have well supported arguments for their beliefs. Many studies have been done in an attempt to figure
Gay parents are facing discrimination because of their sexual orientation. Twenty-two states currently allow single gays to adopt and 21 states currently allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt in the U.S. (Mallon, 2007, p. 6). The ability of gay couples to rear a child should not be denied only because they are gay. Homosexuals may be looked down upon by society, but they still are humans and have morals. These morals they possess, may influence a child more than those morals taught to a child with heterosexual parents. All over the world, children suffer in families consisting of alcoholics, drug abusers, and sexual abusers (Powell, 2007, p.1). It is not possible that these environments are safer than what would be provided by homosexual
First of all, homosexuals should be allowed to adopt. The goal of our adoption and foster care systems is to provide all children with permanent, stable homes with loving and supportive parents, but discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and marital status hinders that. State governments bear discrimination, economic costs, same-sex couples are denied the ability to build a family, and, most importantly, children in need of loving and permanent homes are left in unstable caregiving situations. Over the years' child foster care has increased by a big number. With all these restrictions on homosexuals trying to adopt children doesn't help the number go down at all. People are trying to start a family and they can't because people don't believe it's right
As we know, same-sex marriage has been a prominent issue that has so many arguments not just in the United States, but around the world over many years now. There is absolutely nothing more controversial than same-sex marriage in gay rights topic. Everyone has different opinions about same-sex marriage whether it should be legal or not. We now have to consider two aspects that are moral and religious. These two form a fundamental belief that same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples are different. Based on the definition of marriage, the view of religion, bad effects to children, and the lifestyle that should not be encouraged; therefore, the government should not legalize the same-sex marriage.
In recent years, there has been an extraordinary amount of discussion on whether same sex relationships and marriage is ‘wrong’. Many people around the world have an opinion on this subject, with some forming strong judgments against those who disagree with them. As this is a heavily discussed topic, few have no preference to legalisation or not. Dr Martin Luther King Jr said “marriage is a basic human right. You cannot tell people they cannot fall in love,” although he said this referring to mixed race marriage, the same can also be said for those of same-sex. Who are we to allow some couples to get married and tell others they cannot. Everyone deserves equal opportunities in life. Therefore homosexuality should be globally accepted.
Ultimately I want to get my point across on same-sex marriage as a societal institution. I will also touch on homosexuality, not as an issue of practice overall, but to use as background and in text evidence. I will also use homosexuality to support the need for same-sex marriage.
First, it can clearly be seen that same-sex marriage is primarily about equality. Everyone has equal rights and liberties to chase happiness, as long as it does not cause harm to the society, so why should their freedoms be limits? Why can’t someone be able to marry a person they truly love? Discrimination and banning homosexual couples to get married violates human rights and freedoms. Laws which against gay marriage deny the First Amendment which states that everyone has freedom of speech, expression and religion. Sexual determination is an option, so it is how some people can express themselves.
Since the early 1900s, homosexual people have become increasingly popular and greatly resisted. People that are homosexual face barriers placed upon them by the political system and society. Due to these challenges, homosexuals fought to have the same marital and parental rights as heterosexual people. Same-sex adoption is not prohibited in most states in the United States of America and many places worldwide. Family is not determined solely on blood relations and should be legalized in all parts of the world; because homosexual parents are just as good as heterosexual parents, if not better, and can provide an enriching second chance for many children waiting to be adopted.