
Legalization Of Legalization For Recreational Marijuana

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It has been called Maryjane, Pot, Reefer, Ganga, Green and many other names, but this little plant seems to be causing a big controversy in recent decades. Can Marijuana really help us or is it a problem in the making? This question may seem simple, but in reality, it is more complex of an issue than we think. The opposing sides of legalization for recreational marijuana are so varied with many points of view to consider. Only a few of those views will be addressed in this article with simplified information to speak plainly on the subject. Bringing notice to the areas of the criminal justice system, economic revenue and wider medicinal availability versus the many public health concerns for adults and adolescents. Legalization for recreational marijuana seems to be the battle of a new age. Let us look at where legalization has made its mark so far. “In November 2012, Colorado and Washington State withdrew from the battle against marijuana. Voters in each state approved ballot initiatives legalizing possession of marijuana and authorizing state regulation of marijuana production and commercial sale. In 2014, Alaska, Oregon, and the District of Columbia followed suit” (Adler, 505). This is where it begins, a few liberal states become trailblazers for the marijuana revolution, giving others the hopeful possibility that their state’s participation is likely in the near future. Marijuana use is still illegal according to federal laws. It is only under state law that some have

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