Legalization of Medical Marijuana Many people don’t know what Marijuana is, to clarify what it is, it is a dried bud, occasionally considered cannabis with a natural dust called THC on the plant. THC is the particle that causes reactions in the body. Another thing people at times don’t comprehend correctly is that the medical use of marijuana and the recreational use is totally different. The medical use of marijuana is recommended by a doctor in the treatment of a medical condition such as cancers, HIV/AIDS, Epilepsy, and many other conditions. The recreational use of marijuana is considered a misused drug; its use is for a “high” that is not recommended by a doctor, so it is illegal, sold in the black market trade. Knowing medicals marijuana purpose, it should be legalized for its medical use only for the soul purpose to help and provide relief to the hurt and/or sick. Medical marijuana use may provide relief and/or help to many ill people; marijuana’s medical use is the new natural drug that can help with more than one problem as in many other drugs also do. Medical marijuana is a highly used substance that has been used for millennia and it is here to stay whether it is legal or not (Newton 137). It is told that marijuana will never truly go away. People need to create legal ways for the sale of marijuana so it can be used as a medical herb without the common threat of legal consequences (129). Saying that more and more countries/ states are legalizing the use and/ or
Legalizing marijuana is crucial to the medical field because many patients cannot use this marvelous plant to relieve their pain. This plant can help patients with multiple sclerosis, nausea from cancer chemotherapy, HIV, nerve pain, and seizure disorders. Many patients must go behind the doctors back and consume cannabis or give it to a loved one to relieve their pain. Only twenty-nine states have allowed the use of medical marijuana. Furthermore, that means that twenty-two states do not allow the usage of any form of Cannabis. Marijuana should be an all-around legal
The United States of America stands as one of the leading territories in the consumption of forbidden
The well known debate over the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in The United States has been ongoing since 1935. Recently Colorado and Washington have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational use. By doing so, the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana has become more of an issue than it already was and now brings other states to question whether or not they should legalize marijuana (Breecher). Which brings about the question is the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Texas a good idea? I believe that legalizing marijuana would be a good idea. Just like the use of alcohol people should be able to choose if they want to use marijuana. Advocates of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana would agree, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana could yield substantial tax revenue, save the government money by decreasing the number of arrests and incarcerations, and quite possibly create a safer driving environment.
Marijuana is the most common drug in America and all over the world. It is legalized in some countries, but most countries prohibit its use. It has proven medical abilities and was used for this purpose for a while before being federally criminalized. The United States has been debating on the legalization of marijuana with some states supporting the move and others against it. ("10 Facts About Marijuana") Despite all these debates, the legalization of marijuana is the better option of the two. Legalizing marijuana will result in medical, economic and social benefits all over America.
The legalization of medical marijuana has brought into question various components of medical care for advance practice nurses (as well as others within the larger healthcare profession). In addition to navigating the legal complexities of care associated with this particular method, advance practice nurses must understand prescriptive rights, best practices for us and how statutory language as it is currently written has been amended for medical use. This is a growing movement in the healthcare sector and one that will continue to evolve as legalization continues to be a large part of the national health care conversation. Advance practice nurses, as professionals that can and often do prescribe medication, must be knowledgeable about the parameters surrounding prescriptive rights. Moreover, they are required to know the latest information from a legalization perspective in order to ensure professional boundaries are not being crossed in the process of helping patients.
All around this paper, there will be the very disputable discourse between sanctioning medicinal ganja and consistent hashish. Both sides of the contention have their advantages and disadvantages, and there is an in profundity depiction of both sides of the contention. At the end of the day, however, the paper completely underpins the sanctioning of therapeutic hashish and weed by and large. Medical hashish less destructive than most other lawful tobacco items and can lessen the ache inside feeble individuals. Cannabis likewise could be a treatable and more regular pill to help individuals in ache. Marijuana likewise has the possibility to raise the U.s. Out of their extreme monetary battle and also lower wrongdoing rate and make more occupations for many people more individuals. On the other hand, analysts accept that a restorative pot is still awful for individuals' wellbeing and the administration does not know how to direct the processing and offer of ganja. Both sides have good contentions, yet the aces exceed the cons by a noteworthy sum. This paper has assumptions of heaps of valid sources, specialists and scientists clarifying their side of the story. But read on to make your individual sentiment.
In 2012, Colorado was among one of the states that passed the legislation to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Similar to the age limitation set for buying and consuming alcohol and smoking of tobacco products, Colorado has set the age limit for recreational use for adults who are at least twenty-one years of age and over to use an ounce of this drug. According to the website, the drug marijuana is defined as a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa—the hemp plant. After two years of legalizing marijuana, Colorado has had various perks that range from medical, economic, and social. Other states like Ohio and Mississippi are also considering legalizing marijuana after looking at most of the benefits Colorado is having after legalizing the drug. According to the website, The News, after looking at the success the drug marijuana has brought to Colorado, state legislators have decided to try passing the legalization of the drug heroin as well. In this paper, we will look at the pros and cons of Colorado’s legalized soft drug marijuana versus the legalization of the hard drug heroin. We will also look from the opposing view that Peter de Marneffe is trying to make about the drug heroin and how it will affect our youth in their developmental stage of maturity.
life of five days. This means an occasional user can fail a drug test three
Medical marijuana is very a big and controversial issue in today's society, currently the community is divided on the issue. Questions are always being thrown around such as "how does marijuana affect the body?" and "what good does’ marijuana do for a person?" Researchers have tried to answer these questions with multiple studies and they have shown some of the positives of medical marijuana. If something is able to help someone who is in dire need why not use it on those people to find a better solution for them. I myself am on the supportive side of the issue of medical marijuana. I don't think it should be legal to just anyone though I believe there should be a legal age law, a driving while under the influence, and a public intoxication law in effect for medical marijuana to be legal.
NORML has several amounts of research that 73% of American’s are supporting the fact that marijuana should be legal and should be able to be prescribed. Everyone doesn’t believe that legalizing medical marijuana is only accessible for ill patients and not intended for recreation use. A lot of people believe that everyone just wants to legalize marijuana to smoke it but, several researchers throughout my assignment are declaring it to be extremely valuable
On Tuesday, June 27, the City of Blythe held a commercial cannabis forum to give direction to the city manager on how they wish to proceed with cannabis developers opening up dispensaries in Blythe, while also providing extensive feedback for staff to make the final re-adjustments to the permit application procedures and forms.
NZ has one of the highest marijuana use and abuse rates in the world according to an Australian study, published in British medical journal ‘The Lancet’, which is why the legalisation of a class C drug, even for medicinal purposes, is quite a controversial topic. ‘Medical marijuana’ refers to using the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom in a severely ill patient. There are multiple drug organisations within NZ that push for the legalisation of medicinal marijuana, such as United In Compassion, a drug organisation that advocates for NZ based research into the medicinal properties of marijuana and the Medical Cannabis Awareness NZ, a registered charity that “facilitates and promotes the re-introduction
Cannabis originated from the dried-out leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa.
Many people wonder what it would be like if we legalized marijuana, and what its effect would have on today society. On the other hand many do not even want to think about the drug legalization even if it is for a good cause, such as it being made into medical marijuana. The definition of Marijuana is “dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plants that yield THC and are smoked in cigarettes for their intoxicating effect.” (Merriam) Many people think that Marijuana is bad due to the fact that it is a drug but what many people cannot see is that Marijuana does more than just getting a person “high” it gives the freedom to sick patients from all their harsh medicines and pain to feel more normal, and functional. Although there
Marijuana legalization has been an argument in the United States for decades now. As of lately it has been in the media more and more, and although there are good medical reasons for marijuana legalization there are bad outcomes for it being legalized to the general public. I remember when I was younger and there was this commercial for drug usage it was used as a scare tactic for children and teenagers, while it may have worked on children in the 1990’s it seems like they steered away from commercials to scare youth away from marijuana. This proves that it is being accepted in public as more-safe than alcohol and cigarettes which is not the case. There are many reasons as to why marijuana should not be legalized, but there are three that stand out the most which are it effects the user’s overall health, it impairs the user’s judgment just like alcohol would, and it effects underage individuals.