
Essay about Legalize It!

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Legalize It!

Many feel today we are loosing the war on drugs. When a battle goes to the point where there is no winner there needs to be a re-evaluation of how to solve the problem. In the case of the war against drugs, years of fighting have caused increased crime, overcrowding of prisons and the wasted use of money and resources with no results. It is now time to look at alternative methods to solving the nation's drug problem. I will be looking at one of these methods that deals with the legalization of marijuana. In the following pages you can look at why I think there is a problem in the United States which deals with the use of drugs, our solutions to the problem and our responses to the attacks …show more content…

This shows that legalization actually decreases use because of the increased emphasis on rehabilitation and the decrease of drug pushers. Such a dramatic decrease in drug dealers has not only resulted in crime reduction in England but there was also a decrease of drug use.
It is true, legalization will not eliminate the major cause of violent crime; however, most argumentation which says that drug legalization will not decrease crime deals with the idea that most violent crime occurs as a result of alcohol use(Light). Since this is true, and legalization would not effect crime that is alcohol related but it will decrease violent crime that is linked to drug dealing and use. The drugs themselves may not cause violent crime but people involved in the distributing of illicit drugs make the deadliest crime.
By legalizing drugs the dealer would be eliminated and therefore crime would be reduced. By keeping the addict separate from the criminal then violent, jealous, possessive crime(Friedman 16).
Granted, the overall cost of drug use would not decrease; however, supporters of the continued war on drug and the further illegalization of these drugs say that legalization would cost more both socially and economically.
They say that legalization would result in increased use and eventually will

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