Legalizing marijuana in Canada would help improve the economy by creating revenue from taxes as well as increasing job opportunities. There are some states in America that have legalized marijuana for recreational use and through the process have shown the benefits as well as disadvantages that can be achieved. In America there are currently four states as well as the District of Columbia that have legalized marijuana for recreational use. In 2014, Colorado generated $70 million in revenue from the taxes on marijuana for the year. (Time,2015) Canada is in a good position to legalize marijuana by looking at the approach America took and analyzing how to improve on the process. Canada already has the groundwork in place since there are
The legal status of marijuana is that Canada has been more lenient with citizens by ceasing marijuana as a crime so there isn’t a high jail rate. It has caused the U.S and Canada to have a “falling out” because it went against the U.S’s decision on a 1 year sentence for marijuana use/possession. The legal status of marijuana would cause many “dealers” to go out of business, but would be a great start for
economy. While not an entirely identical comparison, the legalization of marijuana could bear some of the same positive effects as a legalization of sports betting could. Revenues could help public schools gain funds, improve communities, and decrease the
Canada is known for the strongest Cannabis culture in the world, so two-third of the people want the law for marijuana to be legalised. On April 1st 2014, the government has introduced a new law for marijuana known as Marijuana for Medical Purpose Regulation (MMPR) which stated that all the patients should only buy marijuana from the licenced producers. However, the old law of Marijuana Medical Access Regulation (MMAR) stated that the patients can grow or anyone can grow on behalf of them.
THC is considered the most dangerous component of the drug. Scientists of Health Canada have set some limitations to grow cannabis within the toxic levels so to avoid any damage. This enables proper use of the drug and in addition will enhance the medicinal qualities of the plant. Government insists on licensing of marijuana growth due to the following reasons:
The Canadian Liberal Government hopes to introduce legislation to legalize marijuana in 2017, but I don’t know if that is the right choice to make. Almost two out of every 10 Canadians reported having consumed marijuana in the past year, but more than 30 per cent of poll respondents said they would do so in the next year if it were legal. There are no benefits of doing this substance, so why do it! There are many side effects that marijuana can have on a person such as dizziness, lack of motivation, lung problems, etc. Hopefully, weed does not become legalized in Canada because there are many negative aspects of doing so.
Should marijuana be legalized? Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is currently an illegal recreational herb or substance in Canada with some exceptions to government authorized dispensaries for medical use. Legalization means its legal but with regulations in place. Cigarettes are legal but have many regulations on how they are made, how they are packaged, how they are sold and even used. Legalization of marijuana ensures regulations are put in place for the wellbeing of all Canadians. There are many benefits to legalizing marijuana such as making the substance less accessible to minors, increase taxation revenues, and lowering criminal activity.
There are many debate over the legalization of marijuana in Canada for several decades and is still a very controversial issue. In Canada, many considers marijuana harmful because marijuana is an illegal drug according to the law. Some people are intending to justify the possession and use of marijuana by claiming the medical purposes and exaggerating how marihuana is less harmful than cigarette and alcohol. However, I strongly disagree to decriminalize the possession of marijuana because of health issues due to the use of marijuana, and no solid evidence of its medical value. Legalization of marijuana have a potential threat of causing additional addiction. Moreover, increase in the number of weed smokers cause more people to go on welfare,
Currently it is legal to use marijuana under a Health Canada license for medical purposes in Canada; however, the debate if Canada should legalize marijuana for recreational use has exploded in controversy of the years ( For instance, Lupick argues British Columbia should be proactive with legalizing recreational use of cannabis since most of the West Coast has already legalized marijuana in all capacities (Lupick). Some opinions argue that legalization should occur because the perception is there are no health risks to the use of marijuana and there are benefits for individuals with medical issues (Pacula et al. 1021). However, the opinion alters for some individuals that claim
There are many ways that marijuana would benefit the economy if legalized. An economy benefits when there is a healthy flow of monies within. This means internal spending by citizens on items of their choice. Citizen spending is what keeps the economy going. The use of citizen?s tax money would also be greatly affected. Tax money would be allocated more properly and used in more strategic ways. The taxation of items such as legalized marijuana brings a flow of money into the economy that would otherwise not be there. This increase of government funds would allocate more money to federal programs that are in financial need. Federal programs include public education, health education, treatment programs, etc. When the public?s way of
It is time for change by finding alternative ways to decrease the use and production of marijuana in Canada. Also, in the past years, more citizens started to like the idea of the legalization of marijuana. (Figure 1)
Canada currently allows for the cultivation of the cannabis for seed, grain and fibre production under licences issued by Health Canada.1 Cannabis was first banned in Canada in 1923, with regulated medical cannabis becoming legal in 2001.1 On July 1, 2018, the Canadian Federal government will pass Bill C-45, to legalize recreational marijuana use, effectively ending the prohibition on marijuana.5 Cannabis contains trahydrocannabinol (THC), one of at least 113 cannabinoids identified in cannabis and is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis.2 A WHO report stated that “cannabis is used by a significant proportion of Canadians, with youth and young adult use being higher than that among adults 25 years and older, and use being higher among males than females”.4 In anticipation of Bill C-45, the Ontario provincial government has set out some rules to address the issue of cannabis use amongst youth and to reduce and prevent harms associated with the drug.4,5 The Ontario government is using the same approach it is using for tobacco and alcohol. You will need to be 19 and older to buy, use, possess and
Marijuana legalization has been a debateable topic in the recent history. Canada’s government sees Marijuana as the biggest threat while alcohol and tobacco, two of the most life threatening substances are legal, so why not legalize marijuana as well? Is prohibition of marijuana really helping the society or is it just creating the forbidden fruit effect”, which provokes the citizens to try it? There are many different ideas regarding its complete legalization as well as the smaller scale medical marijuana legalization. Regardless of what the conclusion of the argument is, these beliefs fall under either social order or conflict perspective. Following this topic,
Most estimates say the cannabis industry in British Columbia is alone worth $34 billion yearly. That’s about two and a half times the agriculture exports for the entire country. That’s not including the taxation and the other uses for hemp such as paper, clothing, textiles and rope. The government would see a large increase in incoming money to be used on the other social benefits canada
Decisions about decriminalization of cannabis have been around for a very long time, however, it was not till marijuana party of Canada was established in 2000 when the topic became popular. In 2015, the Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau promised that he would legalize marijuana if he came in power. Today Justin Trudeau as the Prime minister of Canada is going forward with his promise and working on legalizing marijuana in the country. Nearly half of Canadians demand for the legalization of recreational marijuana. However, there is a lack of education when it comes to marijuana usage and its negative side effects. Instead of moving forward with legalization of marijuana, the negative effects of this illicit drug should be recognized. The recreational use of marijuana in Canada should not be legalized. Marijuana usage can negatively affect the mental and physical health of the body.
Marijuana is the cause of much commotion and debating, as the question of legalization becomes more of an issue. Drugs are a major influential force in countries all over the world today. Legalization is an option that has not had a chance, but really should be given one. Although many people feel that legalizing marijuana would increase the amount of drug use, legalization would benefit for the following reasons: 1)reduction of money spent on law enforcement 2)increase in the countries revenue 3)lessen crime 4)useful in treating certain medical conditions.