
Legalizing Medical Marijuana Research Paper

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Legalize Medical Marijuana When people think of marijuana they think everything bad about medical marijuana just because it has the word marijuana, but is medical marijuana really bad? Alcohol has been legal for centuries now and no doubt the most harmful drug in America and probably the most addictive. Marijuana has medical benefits to it that everyone always overlooks. Therefor why push away legalizing something that is beneficial to Americans with sickness and keep legal something that is harmful to Americans today. If medical marijuana has so many medical benefits, then why is alcohol, which has no medical benefits legally and not marijuana? Since 1996 when California legalized medical marijuana twenty two other states and the District of Columbia has also done the same. Medical Marijuana has Colorado being called …show more content…

When kids are given medical marijuana it is not actually everything that is obtained in marijuana it is called CBD or cannadbidiol which is one of dozen compounds in marijuana which plugs into receptors on nerve cells. The amount of money that parents spend on …show more content…

Time magazine goes on to say that after a random trial of 79 volunteers, the study shows that marijuana relieved a range of symptoms including nausea from chemotherapy, loss of appetite among HIV positive patients, multiple sclerosis spasms, depression,anxiety,sleep disorders,psychosis and Tourette syndrome. “Although most of those studies showed that the improvements were in the people taking the cannabinoid over the people using the placebo, but in many, the scientists admitted that they could not be sure that they could not be sure that the effect wasn’t simply due to chance since the association was not statistically significant.” says the time magazine. Therefore this goes to show that medical marijuana is actually

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