
Legalizing Prostitution In Canada

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Often called the worlds oldest profession prostitution has existed for centuries, despite this many people look down upon prostitution especially people who hold conservative and religious views because prostitution is the sale of sex for money these people believe that it is a sign of societies moral decay. Different societies hold different views and opinions on prostitution some object the thought of legalization while others go aboard with it. This topic is very broad

Governments of Western nations are trying to change the appearance and the way prostitution is managed, little consensus exists but new laws are being adopted some met with fierce criticism. Prostitution is the sale of sexual services of oneself for money or goods and without …show more content…

Despite being legal certain acts which pertain to prostitution are considered illegal, these include communicating about buying or selling sex in a public place. A public place includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, express or by invitation. Soliciting sex for money is also deemed illegal and is considered a crime when two persons agree to exchange money for sex. A common bawdy house refers to any place that is kept or occupied by one or more persons for the purpose of prostitution or the practice of indecent acts, In Canada being involved in a common bawdy house is illegal and contrary to section 110 of the Canadian Criminal Code. When a person is found guilty and convicted of owning and operating a common bawdy house they will be guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term up to but not exceeding two years. This applies to everyone who …show more content…

All the activities made illegal regarding prostitution In Canada make it difficult for this to be recognized as a proper profession to make a living off legally, although legal it can be seen that Canadian society does not want to associate itself with prostitution choosing to brush it off the shoulder and allow it to exist minimally. In Canada it has long been debated the role the criminal code plays in regulating and controlling prostitution. The diversified opinions of Canadians over prostitution have been made visible through constitutional court challenges as well as government and parliamentary reviews dating and scanning back the past three decades.(Insert citation) This led to a supreme court decision which called the laws surrounding prostitution unconstitutional and the government was given the task to replace these laws with a time span of one year. The Canadian government responded to this with bill c-36 which was introduced by Justice Minister Peter Mackay on June 4th 2014. Bill c-36 will criminalize the purchase of sexual services thus making prostitution an illegal activity for the first time in Canada's history as a country. This new piece of legislation will considerably change the manner in which the criminal code addresses prostitution and

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