1. The underlying public health issue of prostitution in Canada is the increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and AIDS. With the legalization of prostitution in Canada, rates of STIs within the industry of prostitution can be decreased. By legalizing prostitution, community health centres and health care providers will be able to help prevent the spread of STIs and enforce the use of contraceptives. The government will be able to help regulate and possibly manage the industry by encouraging people to practice safe sex. This will also make it easier for people involved in prostitution to seek out for help without being criminalized. In addition to legalizing prostitution to address the spread of STIs, it is important to …show more content…
The primary objective of legalizing prostitution is to reduce the rates of STIs among prostitution in Canada. The purpose of making prostitution a legal act is to help individuals involved in prostitution feel open about seeking help and raise awareness in the general population. Since prostitution occurs with or without it being legal, so legalizing it would not encourage people who were not originally part of the industry. Another primary objective of legalizing prostitution in Canada would be to help individuals with lower income and the homeless population. Since many individuals are only involved in prostitution and selling sex because of their financial circumstances, legalizing the act will help them earn their income and become financially stable without being afraid of …show more content…
Reducing the number of low income families and individuals suffering with homelessness would be the most effective measure to reduce the rates of STIs among prostitution in Canada. This is because research shows that these groups of people are often the reason individuals become a part of the prostitution industry (2). Implementing more shelters for the homeless that provide education, safety, and support would be effective in decreasing rates of homelessness (3). For example, the Covenant House in Toronto, Canada’s largest homeless youth agency, provides youth with services, education, health care, job training, and aftercare (3). At these shelters, individuals can be educated about the importance of birth control and the dangers of STIs. Furthermore, the residents can be assigned work positions within the facility or in the community. Providing them with a job will help to alleviate stress caused by the lack of financial needs. These actions will help to decrease the chances of individuals being involved in prostitution because they will have other ways to earn income. In addition, services could still be held for those who are already involved in prostitution. Low income individuals could receive monthly funds from the government donated by citizens. If the government implemented a policy, this alternative policy measure would be the most effective because it would help to prevent individuals from being tempted into prostitution because of financial issues. It would
Prostitution flourishes in territories that have a high crime rate, along these lines, cops and courts are overburdened with these cases, having next to zero effect on prostitution. The sex workers and their clients pay their fines and are back to the boulevards right away in a rotating door process. Law enforcement is occupied with adding prostitution to the rundown of things to shield us from, the genuine violations go unchecked and unchallenged. Not with standing if prostitution were legitimate, police would have less work attempting to dispose of prostitution and additional time shielding people from far more heinous crimes. "It is estimated that if prostitution were legalized in the United States, the rape rate would decrease by roughly 25% for a decrease of approximately 25,000 rapes per year. The analysis seems to support that the rape rate could be lowered if prostitution was more readily available. This would be accomplished in most countries by its legalization (Sexual Violence Such as Rape)."
Prostitution is considered as a control of taking part in sexual exercises with somebody for cash. In Canada, it is lawful to offer sexual administrations yet it is considered as a wrongdoing to purchase sexual administrations from others. When we talk about prostitution it is important to consider that which type of women is engaging in sexual activities for money. It is considered that the more than half of the women doing sex work is due to the sexual abuse during their childhood. Some of them are resulted from homelessness. Child abuse is considered as the
Overall, Bill C-36 attempts to create a new legal framing for prostitution in Canada and is rooted in the belief that prostitution is inherently violent and exploitative; therefore the intent is to protect sex workers from exploitation, protect communities from the harms caused by prostitution, and reduce the demand for sexual services. The framework of Bill C-36 seeks to “denounce and prohibit the purchase of sexual services, procurement of persons for the purposes of prostitution and the development of economic interests in the prostitution of others” (Canadian Criminal Justice Association, 2014). Even though the aim of Bill C-36 is to protect victims from exploitation and/or prevent exploitative situations, it does so at the expense of the lives of those in the sex trade. Bill C-36 creates the environment for exploitation to flourish by only
From a health standpoint, prostitution is more victimless than drug use, and also better integrated within a productive and sustainable North American economic climate. Prostitution comes in many different shapes and sizes and because of this, threatens to evade
This article focuses on how women who engage in sex work in Canada (whether it is by choice or not), are exposed to dangerous conditions and are often times abused, because of the prostitution laws that have been imposed over time. Abrol forms comparisons between several different countries in order to discuss the outcomes that may result from the legalization and/or decriminalization of prostitution (Abrol 2014). After looking closely at the data, Abrol's research has led him to the conclusion that although there is "no simple solution to the question of sex work" (Abrol 2014) criminalizing it will not help control the issue in the long run. The criminalization of prostitution has not worked to protect sex workers but has had the exact opposite
Due to the fairly recent changes regarding the legality of prostitution in Canada, individuals who use and provide these services have been cautious (Warnica, 2015). Unfortunately, new laws may create more problems than benefits, such as, financial problems due to fewer people buying sex because it is illegal to do so. In this paper, I will explicate and assess the new changes to the law regarding prostitution in Canada, arguing that prostitution should be legal in Canada. Prostitution laws vary all over the world. Some jurisdictions are similar to Canada whilst others are extremely different. The United Kingdom is similar to Canada, as acts related to prostitution are illegal but prostitution itself is not. In Germany, Netherlands, and New Zealand prostitution is legal and so are brothels. However, in Argentina, France, Singapore and Greece brothels are illegal put prostitution is. There is no universal agreement on how governments should legislate or regulate prostitution.
In Canada it is not illegal or a crime to sell sex in exchange of cash. It is also a source of issue for the supreme court of judgment to strike down prostitution laws and make changes. Also sex workers involved in various sexual activities were against the law. The old regime of Canada contained three pillars that stated it illegal for sex workers to own brothels and work in these places. It is seen that in Canada the sex selling business is totally legal. The three pillars of the old regime were declined by the Supreme Court. And also gave positive signals that new rules will be coming in Ottawa. The new rule will also consider the risks and safety of the sex workers. From various researches it has been found that the court agrees since prostitution is legal. There is no chance for Ottawa regulate prostitution. Parliament has the authority to take legal steps about prostitution without health and safety measures of the sex workers. It is illegal for prostitutes that did business in the same place and employed receptionist or security in public society. The court mentioned that people that are doing these things are risking their
To assume that it can be removed from society is harmful and a waste of our resources. Offering a safe environment for prostitution makes the most sense by allowing the “profession” to continue legally minimizing the dangers that are currently attached. Knowing that legalization offers prostitutes equal access to health care, protection by law enforcement, and decreased risks of human sex trafficking make the argument of legalization clear. As humans we should all want to help make life better for each other regardless of our choice of profession. We can do this by making prostitution legal in
Federal legalization would allow for the regulation of prostitution, specifically regulation of healthcare policies/screenings that would be both mandatory and voluntary. For example, if prostitutes are legally required to see a professional about treatment for an STD they have contracted and receive medication to possibly cure said STD, a link in the chain of transmission is severed and the STD will not be spread. A 1998 study of STDs in Australia, where the act of prostitution is legal, showed that the prevalence of STDs was 80 times greater in illegal street prostitutes than in legal brothel sex workers (Loff). Prostitutes would also have the voluntary option to seek medical attention about injuries or medical needs they have without fear of criminal injustice. With regulation, condoms could be mandated and the transmission of STDs, as well as the number of unwanted pregnancies among prostitutes would decrease.
One of the problems with prostitution is the spread of STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases. Due to prostitutes having sex
Apart from destroying the moral fabric, legalising prostitution will increase spread of sexually related diseases (STDs) such as syphilis, gonorrhoea, and HIV among others. The effect of prostitution on the economy through treatment is enormous. Bearing these costs will definitely have negative impact on the economy as well as the quality of life of people.
Weitzer explains that legalization of prostitution would require some regulation such as, “vetting and licensing business owners, registering workers, zoning street prostitution, mandatory medical exams, special business taxes, or officials’ periodic site visits and inspections of legal establishments” (22). If prostitution was legalized it could create numerous jobs such as doctors, nurses, and inspectors. It could also raise money by businesses purchasing licenses and paying taxes.
If we were to make prostitution legal we will eliminate the practice of unsafe sex in brothels. Beyond economic gains, legalizing prostitution could significantly reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including AIDS. With prostitution as a back alley business, it is impossible to impose any safety precautions for the industry. Condom use and testing for diseases are solely at the discretion of the individuals involved. Given the absence of health insurance for most prostitutes and the need for business, decent health care is rarely pursued, and condoms are often foregone according to the desires of the clients”(prostitution should be legalized). Clients usually wear no protection. Exposing the chance of getting a disease. Clients prefer the usage of no condoms. And as a back alley business then the workers think they have no choice to oblige to the command of no condom. And we as a state need to ensure that workers have a
Prostitution should be legalized because it could be regulated by the government. Legalization can reduce the risk of STD’s (Devdariani). By regulating prostitution, prostitutes can be required to get tested and can also make sure that they aren’t working while infected. There are multiple cases where this has worked. In Amsterdam, where prostitution is legal, there are health services that specialize in informing prostitutes about a free or low-cost clinic for STD’s (Amsterdam Prostitution). This is just one example of how legalizing prostitution can help regulate the spread of STD’s
Legalizing prostitution would be beneficial to the government and sex workers by creating tax revenue, bettering medical care, and protecting prostitutes against violence. Prostitution is viewed differently throughout society and holds a lot of negative opinions but no one really discuss’ the benefits of prostitution being legalized throughout America. Many people believe in legalizing Marijuana not knowing its positivity and negativity. When legalizing prostitution you should look at the overall impact and the influence it would have on the government. Legalizing prostitution could generate more tax revenue in the government, protect prostitutes from harm and also lower STD and health risks.