
Legalizing Prostitution In Canada

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1. The underlying public health issue of prostitution in Canada is the increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and AIDS. With the legalization of prostitution in Canada, rates of STIs within the industry of prostitution can be decreased. By legalizing prostitution, community health centres and health care providers will be able to help prevent the spread of STIs and enforce the use of contraceptives. The government will be able to help regulate and possibly manage the industry by encouraging people to practice safe sex. This will also make it easier for people involved in prostitution to seek out for help without being criminalized. In addition to legalizing prostitution to address the spread of STIs, it is important to …show more content…

The primary objective of legalizing prostitution is to reduce the rates of STIs among prostitution in Canada. The purpose of making prostitution a legal act is to help individuals involved in prostitution feel open about seeking help and raise awareness in the general population. Since prostitution occurs with or without it being legal, so legalizing it would not encourage people who were not originally part of the industry. Another primary objective of legalizing prostitution in Canada would be to help individuals with lower income and the homeless population. Since many individuals are only involved in prostitution and selling sex because of their financial circumstances, legalizing the act will help them earn their income and become financially stable without being afraid of …show more content…

Reducing the number of low income families and individuals suffering with homelessness would be the most effective measure to reduce the rates of STIs among prostitution in Canada. This is because research shows that these groups of people are often the reason individuals become a part of the prostitution industry (2). Implementing more shelters for the homeless that provide education, safety, and support would be effective in decreasing rates of homelessness (3). For example, the Covenant House in Toronto, Canada’s largest homeless youth agency, provides youth with services, education, health care, job training, and aftercare (3). At these shelters, individuals can be educated about the importance of birth control and the dangers of STIs. Furthermore, the residents can be assigned work positions within the facility or in the community. Providing them with a job will help to alleviate stress caused by the lack of financial needs. These actions will help to decrease the chances of individuals being involved in prostitution because they will have other ways to earn income. In addition, services could still be held for those who are already involved in prostitution. Low income individuals could receive monthly funds from the government donated by citizens. If the government implemented a policy, this alternative policy measure would be the most effective because it would help to prevent individuals from being tempted into prostitution because of financial issues. It would

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