This past weekend we sold over 1,000 tickets to a show that amazed audiences, bringing everyone to their feet singing and cheering. Legally Blonde is one of the largest productions produced by Seattle Prep Drama. 81 Prep students are involved from 57 talented actors to 24 crew members working behind the scenes. Our artistic and design team are theatre professionals giving our students the tools they need to shine on stage.
Legally Blonde follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes, snobbery and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. This action-packed musical explodes on the stage with colorful characters, memorable songs and energetic dances. Equal parts hilarious and heart-warming, this musical is about empowerment and
Musicals were meant to bring exoticism to people so that people could enjoy and feel like they are somewhere for a couple of hours. What people didn’t see was the deeper meaning that some musicals brought to the surface like segregation, racism, body issues and LGBT. Hairspray and West Side Story are two musicals that bring deep meaning to their musicals if you look hard enough you will find them. Even though there is race faced in both Hairspray and West Side Story that build issues, yet the both come together as a group at the end.
Legally Blonde follows a young woman, Elle Woods, who is initially presented as a pink-loving, high-pitched squealing, vacuous-but-pretty sorority president. When her boyfriend breaks up with her because he “need[s] to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn,” Elle decides that she needs to set loftier and more serious goals for her education and career in order to win him back. Elle sets her sights on Harvard Law School, where Warner, her ex-boyfriend, is attending. However, law school is an entirely new beast that Elle must conquer, a far cry from the familiar sorority houses and poolside cabanas, and she must wage the battle of a lifetime to win back her man, defend her honor, and earn that law degree.
The Huffington Post has started a new ad campaign entitled “Celebs Have Issues” and will be a center for “famous people [to] use comedy to raise awareness about important issues,” and commencing their program with Kristen Bell beginning with the first ad, entitled “Pinksourcing” (McDonald 1). Bell’s ad is an ironic piece that, at face value, depicts the experience of women in the general professional world and workplace. Bell highlights experiences such as women’s general submissive nature and behavior and biological deterministic reasons for women not to work. Moreover, the ad’s depiction of the disenfranchisement of women on almost every level serves collectively as a paragon for the experience women have in the American workplace. As Lorber states, “when gender is a major component of structured inequality, the devalued genders have less power, prestige, and economic rewards than the valued genders,” Bell’s ad connects with this idea promoting that the notion that the existence of gendered institutions and societies inherently creates and perpetuates inequalities within them (Lorber 61). Kristen Bell’s ad “Pinksourcing” illustrates how gender is constructed in the workplace, through images of pink, illustrating the social construction of gender.
In many ways today's society, even though women have come a long way, we still live in a patriarchal world. There are many examples of this in everyday life, whether it be that there aren't very many women CEO's or the mere fact that we've yet to have a woman president. No matter where you live, there is the presence of a male dominated world. It especially extends into the working fields. There are professions that are categorically 'women's' jobs like nursing, school teacher, or secretarial jobs. The rest of the professional world is mainly male dominated, i.e. engineering, CEO's of major companies, and Law Firms. Which brings us to the movie I picked to watch, Legally Blonde.
Humorous, energetic, enjoyable and all-around fun, Legally Blonde: The Musical captured my attention from the get-go. This comical yet heartwarming musical portrays the story of a young woman following an ex-love to Harvard Law School only to realize the potential she possessed within herself and in the new life she creates for her own. After viewing this hit Broadway production, I am fascinated with how this theatre play was brought to life on stage with the lighting, sound, spacing and overall entertainment from the cast to the costumes. Altogether, this play is one of my all-time favorite productions and it is one that keeps my attention from the moment it takes off to the closing of the curtain at the end.
An inspiration, by definition, is someone or something that mentally stimulates a person to do something. Therefore, Jessica Lange is an inspiration to her fans because many people see what Lange does and who she is, and it makes these people want to follow in her famous footsteps. She is an American woman who had a great dream, and with hard work, she made it come true. This woman has had a very admirable life, in which she has overcome the obstacles of being a “nobody” from a very small town in Minnesota, living on her own, and dealing with the fame and publicity that is given to her. The ups and downs in her life never stopped her from pursuing her dream, which is one of the reasons why she is a role model to me and many others.
Early on, she gets dumped by her boyfriend,Warner, because he wants to become a senator by age 30 so says he needs to stop messing around and “marry a Jackie not a Marilyn.” Her sole motivation to attend Harvard Law is to win back Warner’s heart. Later, Elle gains a passion for law after she learns about how Warner really sees her. Warner tells Elle that she’s too dumb and she retorts with “wait, am i on glue or did we not get into the same law school, Warner?” He responds saying that she should do something more valuable with
Many people confuse what is popular is always good. The desire for popularity is what causes many people to jump on a bandwagon with the rest of society and enjoy only what is popular. A huge example of this is when a popular book comes out, especially if it is followed by a popular movie. 50 Shades of Grey is an extremely popular book that almost every woman on this planet has read. Many people do not read unless it is a book that is blasted all over social media. I have not personally read the book and I have heard several opinions about how great this book is; but that does not mean that it is as interesting as another book that has not made it all over the media. I believe that it is more important to read an interesting book rather than
Jennifer Lawrence, a 25 year old actress and young star, is one of the top grossing female actresses in Hollywood. At a young age, Jennifer's peers could never imagine that she would be famous. It was not until she was involved in a few plays before she realized she had a passion for acting. Her biggest break in acting came when she got the lead in The Hunger Games. Even today, Jennifer continues to be in the Hollywood light.
The first machine invented that was power-driven and created for the specific use of creating tile was established in the country of Denmark back in the 1920’s. Clay and concrete tile, though, has been used way before that. The Chinese seemed to have come up with it first thousands of years ago. Ancient data indicates that it was actually between 4,000 and 5,000 years back that they started using it to top off their homes. They got really creative in those times as well, making lots of different patterns and styles with the clay tiles. The information the records give isn’t that far-fetched from the characteristics of the Chinese traditions, as we today still marvel at their unique and ageless architecture.
Have you ever seen a celeb in the Ash Blonde cleopatra bang? Tyra Banks, Taylor Swift and Ryana have all been spotted wearing this bang style and color! Looks absolutely amazing! These beautiful women know fashion, especially the great model tyra banks, and the right hair style for coordination is key when their picture is being taken for millions of viewers around the world! It looks amazing on various skin colors! How do you think you’d look in a ash blonde clip in bang?
The Hollywood movie Pretty Woman (1990) is about a prostitute in Hollywood, marrying an extremely rich businessman, in spite of her mutual distrust and prejudice. The movie contains the basic narrative of the Cinderella tale: through the love and help of a man of a higher social position, a girl of a lower social status moves up to join the man at his level.
As Elle Woods stands on the stage four years later graduating at the top of her class, with all kinds of opportunities thrown her way that’s a moment that could make any young woman feel like she’s capable of anything. Legally Blonde should be a required movie for young women to watch because it is such an inspiration to the female society. This movie inspires young women that no matter what people think a female is like as a person, that they can turn any bias around, and go in any path, or be anything that they want to be.
On her first day of Harvard Law School her professor quotes Aristotle, “The law is reason free of passion.” In regards to the quote, main character from the cinema production Legally Blonde, Elle Woods, repeated those words to the graduating class of 2004 with an opposite opinion. Throughout the movie, the viewer witnesses’ Elle’s reoccurring effort and success at accomplishing her goals; acceptance into Harvard Law School, entry into a court internship, getting the “guy,” and unexpectedly elected class-speaker at her graduation ceremony. Regardless of Aristotle’s voicing of law to be “reason free” or rather “useless,” Elle acquired a different belief on passion. Elle declares in her speech that, “Passion is a key ingredient to the study and
If you don’t want to uncover your true era, graying hair is a lifeless giveaway, so how can you prevent it from showing? Have a look at the blow quick tips that helps reverse gray hair issues: