The Lego Movie is a film that focuses on the impression of life in a Lego world but misses key concepts incorporated with Lego. At a first impression, the Lego Movie is viewed as a movie directed towards children to stir their imagination but this would be ironic to what is being portrayed in the film. By analyzing the ideas behind the movie in a sociological process, distinct themes can be connected and reflected within reality. The Lego Movie can be viewed in a functionalist perspective that is influenced by the conflict theory within the divided Lego society. To connect the sociological views to their society, one must understand how they interact and why they interact the way they do. From the beginning scenes of the movie, the viewer analyzing the content can undeniably see the conformity of the citizens of Bricksburg. One strong example would be how Emmet, …show more content…
To define, symbolic interaction theory looks at individual and group meaning-making, and focusing on human action instead of large-scale social structures. In the case of the Lego movie, the characters that are aware of the believed prophecy share their understandings to others and create meanings to objects and people. For example, the followers of the prophecy made up by Vitruvius were in a common judgement about the Piece of Resistance, The Special one, and the critical Kragle. They used these objects and beliefs to come together in a resistance and create the ideology that they must overthrow President Business in order to practice creativity. As a result of this, a counterculture is established. A counterculture is a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm. The counterculture formed by the Master builders are opposed to Lord Business’ intent to eliminate creativity from being practiced and using his power to control
The Notebook is the film based on the novel written by Nicholas Sparks by the same name. It begins in a nursing home with an elderly man reading to a woman. The story he is reading is about a young couple, Noah Calhoun and Allie Hamilton, who falls in love as teenagers. Noah is a blue collar worker from a humble background while Allie comes from a wealthy family and a society that discriminates against people from Noah’s social class. Consequently, when Allie’s parents find out about the relationship, they do not approve. They send her away to the city to keep her away from Noah. He is heartbroken when she moves, but every day for over a year, he writes her a letter. Still, Allie never receives any of them as her mother
Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective that focuses on the microscopic level of how society works. This particular perspective, allows sociologist to focus more on how and why people act individually. Throughout the story of The Grinch that Stole Christmas, the main theme is giving people a second chance even if they may not seem like they deserve it. Although there are many characters who
The movie “Sixteen Candles” is a 1980’s teen comedy film. It’s about this girl named Samantha Baker and her family forgets her 16th birthday because it’s the day before her sister Ginny’s wedding. She is just a normal teenager that gets bugged by creepy freshmen, spoiled siblings, confused parents and a beautiful, popular blonde that stands between her and the boy of her dreams. She is in love with a popular and attractive senior, Jake Ryan. Sam thinks that he does even notice her because she isn’t popular, does not think she has a good body image like Jakes girlfriend Caroline and she is virgin. When she was in study hall, Jake picked up a sex quiz that she had taken and was meant to be seen by her best friend Randy. Sam panics because the quiz contains
How Marxist theory is presented in Disney/Pixar films, with a focus on Toy Story 3 and Wall-E.
The symbolic interactionism theory relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and rely upon the process of social interaction. With this theory, the reality is seen as social, developed interaction with others. Most symbolic interactionists believe a physical reality does indeed exist by an individual’s social definitions, and that socially develop in relation to something that is real. To simply state it, symbolic interactionism is the way we earn to interpret and give meaning to the world through our interactions with others. Through Michael and Leigh Anne’s interactions, they formed a very strong bond. This bond was equal to the role of a mother-son relationship where Leigh Anne cared for Michael just as she did for her biologic children. She helped him to better himself and his life throughout the entire movie. With the motherly support from Leigh Anne, Michael was able to go forth and make something of himself.
Steven starts to feel comfortable and proud of his Jewish roots, and this will have a positive effect in his upcoming films (Friedman & Notobohm, 2000). When his wife, Kate Capshaw converted to Judaism before the marriage and they decided to raise their children as Jews, Steven began to feel his Jewishness as a blessing and not as a shame anymore (Friedman & Notobohm, 2000). The change in his personality after the film in which finally he accepts himself was the change the audience saw. It is a fact how the audience, firstly saw him as a Peter Pan that could never grow up to a director who could express himself through a personal film like Schindler's list. After a long time, Steven finally felt his Jewishness as a real bless (Friedman & Notobohm,
Ryan McMaken defends Lego’s gender marketing issue as he focuses on Lego primarily as a profit-seeking business, as well as a business who has proven to know exactly what they are doing. McMaken concentrates on how Lego’s introduction of their Friends Line increased the worth of the female construction toy industry’s from 300 million to 900 million dollars. Evidently, these Lego sets may appear stereotypical or sexist to some, but there are what many people prefer to buy. He explains that Lego, in a competitive industry, must aim to please consumers, meet their needs, and gain a competitive advantage. To do so, it is crucial to offer products that other companies may not; products that will satisfy the needs of all children. Therefore, after extensivea research, and various
The views that they shared were from the enthusiasts, companies who use them, artists who made a career with them, and the children. They did a great job presenting the different views of those who use the LEGO by showing just how different they change a person’s life. This documentary would be a very credible film if they found the views from those who are not users to give their opinion on whether or not it is acceptable to play with the toy.
Symbolic interaction theory is symbols that give a meaning. Society is viewed as subjects and social status and that they are given symbols. Homeless people are approached through symbols. Symbols can be anything like for instance the way they act, the clothes they wear and the kind of food they eat.
Legos are the multi-colored blocks we used as children to build creations that were only limited by our imaginations. I remember adding to my multi-colored plastic sculptor, each block putting me one step closer to the final product. The process would always entail first setting up a strong foundation, and then creating structural support, while always having a plan in the back of my mind. The outcome of which, would tower above me; to think it all began with a single block. In many ways people are similar to Legos. We are the combination of our experiences, each adding to our personas, and shaping how we view the world. Also like Legos, to have a stable and functioning final product it must have a foundation, support and a plan. I was
Durkheim writes that education of youth cannot be taught by the family nor the state because they are either too distant or too close to understand the child, therefore, there needs to be an institution located in between the two (Durkheim, 1991, 193). This institution is school (Durkheim, 1991, 191). School is one of the only places where social life is prevalent (Durkheim, 1991, 192). Secondary institutions like school aims to aid children in internalizing hegemonic ideals of the group (Durkheim, 1991, 192). The cinematic production “Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood, and Corporate Power” demonstrates this by showing how mediums like Disney movies teaches dominant ideologies of society. For instance, when looking at gender representations of females in these types of films, the ideologies implemented in this film is that girl’s appearance will get them what they want or that they need to be saved (Mickey Mouse Monopoly, 2001). These ideologies are internalized by youth without them noticing. Girls and boys will play with one another, and the former will play the role of the victim waiting to be saved by the latter (Mickey Mouse Monopoly, 2001). This contemporary examples signifies that secondary institutions has moved far beyond school and that education can be done through mass media. Interestingly, Mary Wollstonecraft (1993) states that women are taught to care for their appearances and
Plato, the philosopher who lived in 423 B.C., was criticized by his people the Romans. The Romans thought that because Plato was affecting their children, he must be a nefarious character, therefore no Roman should take his advice. Going to the twentieth century for a more modern example of this, Stephen Hawking was thought in the same light for his anti-christian views. Going to painters, on the opposite of the spectrum, Pablo Picasso threw his wife down a flight of stairs so that he would not have a child, yet his work is still revered throughout the world as some of the greatest of all time. This information is not kept secret either. The public is well aware of what is happening. We can see past the horrid things that Pablo Picasso did
Lego is one of the most recognizable companies across the world. The Lego Group was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen and has since been passed down from generation to generation, currently owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen. The Lego Group has headquarters in Billund, Denmark and main offices in USA, UK, China, and Singapore. The Lego name originated from the abbreviation of two Danish words “leg godt” meaning “play well”. The present-day Lego brick was launched in 1958 with the interlocking principle which allowed for an infinite amount of building possibilities. Because of the Lego Groups mass size there also comes a very precise corporate structure. The Lego company is operated in a five-member Management Board. The Management Board consists of the Chief Executive Officer(CEO), Chief Marketing Officer(CMO), Chief Financial Officer(CFO), Chief Commercial Officer(CCO), and the Chief Operations Officer(COO)/Chief HR Officer(CHRO). From there it is further broken down into a 21-member Corporate Management and a board of directors. This corporate structure allows for individual departments to work successfully within the larger corporation. With the Lego Groups mission to “inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow” they have become one of the world’s largest manufactures of toys, valuing imagination, creativity, fun, learning, caring, and quality.
The symbolic interactionism theory is the view of social behavior of individual that emphasizes linguistic and the gestural communication in a society and its subjective understanding of different matters, but especially the role of language in the formation of the child as a social being and social behavior in the society.
For my final paper where we had to pick a topic from current popular culture, I decided to write my paper with the focus on Disney movies. More particularly with the focus on the Disney princess movies. When it comes to the Disney movies they have always been and will always be such a huge part of our society. While growing up most children grow up watching these movies and get the idea that that is what they want to be when they grow up. When you ask a young girl what she wants to be when she is older there is a good chance that she will say that she wants to be a princess when she grows up. I have always been such a huge fan of Disney movies and I have a feeling I always will be. I found it very interesting this semester when we spend the short class period talking about the Disney female and male characters. It is rather interesting and something that I can say that I really never noticed before but the fact that the majority of all the female characters all had the same face shape. Whereas the males there were none two that were the same. However for this paper I will be looking into the relationship to cultural meanings about gender and other identity markers, such as race, sexuality, and cultural norms as seen in some of the more classic well known Disney movies.