
Leibniz's Argument

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According to Leibniz, God is the supreme creator of everything. God is perfect in nature and everything that exists is in existence because of God. He argues that God has made everything perfect in nature and that they are considered perfect not because God made it but due to the fact that everything that comes from God is perfect and is created for a distinct reason. He argues that it would not be Godlike to create things that don’t have purpose because through God’s infinite wisdom and knowledge he knows that creating things with a purpose is necessary. Like Spinoza, Leibniz believes that God has infinite power and that nothing exists outside of Gods nature. He also believes that there is only one God and that everything that is in existence has to exist. …show more content…

Leibniz argues that there does not exist two of the same substances. Instead, he argues that each substance it like an individual world with everything that it will do or become already existing in its nature. He maintains that individual substances contains all predicates true of it past, present, and future. For example, he argues that humans encompass everything that it needs to exist in their being. As a result, it seems that the essence of the human is the human itself. He suggests that humans have a unique ability to make choices because they have a mind and are able to rationally choose between doing A or B. He notes that animals do not have this choice because there is no evidence that they make choices based on rational thought and mental processes. Thus, humans already encompass an ability that this different from everything else in

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