Man found dead shortly after killing woman
A woman was found in the stables of her husband’s ranch a few miles south of Soledad lying half covered by hay, her neck broken. According to witnesses, it was immediately assumed that one Lennie Small was the culprit, due to his size and tendency to violent outbursts. Because of this assumption the men of the ranch, following the boss and husband of the womans orders, grabbed weapons and went out looking for Lennie Small. Lennie Small was killed soon after this by George Milton, who shot him in the back of the head at the banks of a river.
Lennie Small is described as “a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, [and] with wide sloping shoulders.” (Steinbeck, 2) According to the other ranch
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Dumb bastard like he is, he wants to touch ever’thing he likes. Just wants to feel it. So he reaches out to feel this red dress an’ the girl lets out a squawk, and that gets Lennie all mixed up, and he holds on ‘cause that’s the only thing he can think to do. Well, this girl squawks and squawks. I was just a little bit off, and I heard all the yellin’, so I comes running, an’ by that time Lennie’s so scared all he can think to do is jus’ hold on. I socked him over the head with a fence picket to make him let go. He was so scared he couldn’t let go of that dress. And he’s so god damn strong you know.” (Steinbeck, 41)
Although no one saw Lennie kill the woman, it is assumed something along these lines occurred. This is voiced by slim, saying “maybe [it was] like that time in weed [George] was telling about.” (Steinbeck,
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The woman found is assumed by those who knew both her and Lennie to have brought this upon herself. She is described by them as being provocative and flirtatious. Many spoken to believe she lured Lennie to herself, leading to her death. Her intentions in this assumed luring are thought to have been sexual, or at the very least wrong.
A witness tells us he heard the farm hand Candy talking upon finding the body, saying “’you god damn tramp,’ he said viciously. ‘you done it di’n’t you? I s’pose you’re glad. Ever’body knowed you’d mess things up. You wasn’t no good. You aint no good now, you lousy tart’”
When asked about this, Candy confessed to saying these things, and that he believed she had ruined his chance of getting land with Lennie and George, by causing Lennie trouble.
Those who know George, and who knew Lennie, assume George shot Lennie so that no one else would kill him, and to give him a friendly moment before his death. This is not known for sure, because George refused to comment on
Though their deaths caused somewhat different impacts, the circumstances of Lennie and Bob's death are fairly similar. Lennie is a character in Of Mice and Men who is mentally disabled and when he gets scared tends to grab onto things. Near the end of chapter five, Lennie gets frightened about losing his and George’s dream and breaks the neck of the Curley’s, wife. After Lennie kills Curley’s wife, George realizes who truly dangerous Lennie is. “I should of knew,” George said hopelessly. “I guess maybe way back in my head I did” (page 94). After this realization George shoots Lennie in the head but, only after making sure Lennie is happy. Slim The God like character on the ranch tells George “you hadda, George. I swear you hadda…” (page 107).
March Madness collegiate basketball tournament, hosted by the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) tournament, generated “7.5 billion dollars in revenue over the past decade,” through advertising alone (Chupka, 2016). Currently, this year 's 2016 March Madness tournament is projected to make over “1 billion dollars” (Chupka, 2016). The NCAA is counting the cash, lots of it,” stated financial analyst Kevin Chupka. Does this solicit the view that the NCAA is a money-hungry organization? Through extensive research as a group, we will be collectively addressing the intrinsically paternalistic view that the NCAA has portrayed to all athletes and spectators alike. We will be focusing on the origin of the organization, motivation for implementation, specific divisional separation, financial asset allocation analysis, and the social stratification of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
First, in Weed, Lennie got in trouble because he wanted to feel a dress that a girl in Weed had on but she did not want him to. Then he gripped ahold of it really tight and the girl started to scream for help so George and Lennie had to run from Weed. It says on page 39, “Well, he seen this girl in a red dress. Dumb bastard like he is, he wants to touch everything he likes. Just wants to feel it. So he reached out to feel this red dress and’ the girl lets out a squawk And that gets Lennie all mixed up and he hold on cause that the only thing he can think to do.” Next, Lennie made the same mistake with Curley’s wife. The text states on page 86, “Lennie was in a panic. His face was contorted. She screamed then, and Lennie’s other hand closed over her mouth and nose. Please don’t! He
Lennie was talking to the boss’s son's wife, known as curley's wife Lennie killed curley's wife by accidentally snapping her neck. George and Candy were talking and george realizes that curley and boss would want to kill him or lock him up but they don't understand that lennie can't survive on his own. Georges debating whether to let the guys kill lennie or if he should,. George was telling Lennie a story and his hands were shaking and the gun drops. He continues to tell him the story but he hears the guys coming in the distance. George shoots Lennie and he
“Jus’ wanted to feel that girl’s dress-jus’ wanted to pet it like it was a mouse.” (Chapter One) This was said by Lennie who was explaining why he touched the girl’s dress back in Weed, California. This was foreshadowing that Lennie was going to get in trouble again once they end up on the ranch. Lennie ends up getting in trouble several times when they’re at the ranch, but there is one time that throws a real plot twist in the story.
Lennie is an innocent, unknowing of what's going on around him type of person. All he really knows is that he likes things that feel soft and that is what ends up getting him kill. He is so focused on not having George mad at him and not letting him tend to the rabbits that he accidentally kills Curley's wife. “"Don't you go yellin'," he said, and he shook her; and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck.”(xx) Lennie just killed Curley's wife and he has done a lot of bad things but never murdered someone. This is the last straw for George and when he hunts him down in the woods, he kills Lennie because he is at a loss of hope for Lennie. Lennie has a tendency to kill small animals by accident and
Before arriving at the Ranch, George and Lennie worked at the Weeds and had to desert their old jobs because Lennie had grabbed a girl's dress and she “tells the law she been raped” (Steinbeck) and the “guys in weed start a party to lynch Lennie” (Steinbeck). Lennie also hurts animals like the mouses the “lady would give to him” and “she stopped givin’ ‘em” because Lennie “always killed ‘em” (Steinbeck). Lennie had killed Curley’s wife in a violent struggle where “Lennie had broken her neck.” The evidence provided proves that Lennie hurt and killed people or animals countless times, which makes Lennie an immediate threat to those around him even if it was unintentionally. George recognizes this and decides that killing Lennie prevents him from accidentally hurting or killing someone else making George’s decision to kill Lennie
George kills Lennie because he poses a threat to society since he does not know his own strengths. In Weed, Lennie harassed a girl, but George was there to stop him before he could cause any serious harm. However, at the ranch, George was not there to stop Lennie when he grabs onto Curley’s wife’s hair and does not let
After reading the novel, Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck, I felt relieved and shocked. The novel ends with George shooting Lennie in the head because he killed the bosses sons wife. Lennie was born with a mental disability causing him to look up upon George. When Lennie killed Curry’s wife, a whole lynch mob was on the look out for him. George saw no other choice but to take Lennie out of his misery. I felt relieved because it wasn't the first time Lennie had caused a scene, previously they had to leave town because of an incident Lennie had caused. George already knew Lennie could not control himself and some point he couldn't try to control Lennie forever. In the last chapter is states “George still stared at Curley’s wife. “Lennie never done it in meanness,” he said. “All the time he done bad things, but he never done one of ‘em mean.” He straightened up and looked back at Candy. .. He said sharply, “I ain’t gonna let ‘em hurt Lennie.” George loves Lennie unconditionally, this makes him choose to kill Lennie
One of the main reasons why George was actually justified for the killing is because Lennie had hurt others in the past and would most likely continue to do so. When they were in Salinas, Lennie got into very similar trouble when he wouldn’t let go of a girl’s dress. When George was asked by Slim what had happened in Weed he explained, “Well that girl rabbits in an’ tells the law she been raped. The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie. So we sit in a irrigation ditch under water all the rest of that day. An’ at night we scrammed outta there” (42). This shows us that Lennie is trouble, brings it wherever he goes, and this is why they moved to Salinas. When at the ranch Lennie not only kills his puppy, he also breaks Curley’s hand, showing that the trouble that follows Lennie happens quite often. Lennie smiled with this bruised mouth. “I didn't want no trouble," he said. He walked toward the door, but just before he came to it,
Relying on hostile evidence to recreate Marcus Antonius’ life from his youth until the Battle of Actium entrains several issues. This essay will discuss Virgil’s Latin epic ‘The Aeneid’, a kind of propaganda, Cicero’s ‘Second Philippic’ a piece written with personal and political intentions in mind, and Plutarch’s Rome in Crisis regarding Antony. One must treat these sources with caution, not least because of the inherent bias present in their writing. It is necessary to take into account the context, type of source and how the author has shaped material for their own personal or political gain. Limitations.
He had your gun”(107). So far as anyone knows about what happened to Lennie was an act of self defence from George. If he continues with that version of the story he would not be accused of anything.
In Of Mice and Men, George was right to kill Lennie. In the novel, Lennie killed a mouse, a puppy, and a woman. Lennie could have been charged with rape on two separate occasions. In Weed, Lennie grabbed a woman and ripped a part of her clothes off. At the farm, in the barn, Lennie stroked her hair and accidentally killed her. George killed Lennie, because Candy told George he wished he would have shot his own dog, Lennie killed Curley’s wife, the puppie, and the mouse, and the lynch mob would have done worse things to Lennie.
On countless occasions Lennie has been unaware of how strong he was and did something bad. After Curley's Wife found the dead puppy Lennie accidentally kills her too by snapping her neck. "Curley's wife lay with a half-covering of yellow hay.(46)" Curley's Wife let Lennie stroke her hair, but she started yelling and Lennie got angry. Lennie got scared and ran to the river where George wanted Lennie to go.
Throughout the United States, drunk driving is responsible for 28 deaths per day and nearly 10,000 deaths per year. In some states like Utah, there is a push to lower the legal intoxication limit from 0.08 BAC to 0.05 BAC. In Massachusetts, there is a push to get ignition interlock devices into cars to prevent people that are under the influence of alcohol from getting behind the wheel. Combining these two aspects to clamp down on drunk driving would be considered strict enforcement of laws. There are many people that are in full support of this reduction and the use of the ignition interlock systems. However, there are people that are trying to make a stand against these topics. Lowering the legal intoxication limit and increasing the use of ignition interlock systems will create a safer environment for society by saving lives, reducing crime, and increasing overall traffic safety.