
Leon: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Leon is a ten year old boy, who lives in a poor family. They live in a ghetto, where they were placed because they were Jewish. They wore bad, poor clothes, because they don’t have much money left; remnant coins is all they’ve got. His parents spent most of their money on food; now they’re fighting starvation. In my life I’ve never had to experience starvation. Leon’s mom does her best to wash and sew their old poor clothing everyday; keep her family clean, ordinarily, they only have one thing to wear every day. Today I do not have to worry about sewing my clothes or anything like that. If anyone tries to blend in with polish or german people to run away, they would be easy noticeable because of their old dirty clothing and bony, little …show more content…

The Gestapo said a lot of rude things and called them grotesque; before worst things started happening, even though the family was naive and did nothing wrong; always did what they were told to do. The Gestapo was Nazi internal security police; groups of young 18-19 year old men. They ransacked through the apartments where Jewish families lived and searched for money and jewelry; one day they broke into their apartment and tried to find money because they thought that Leon’s dad was still rich; he tried to tell them that he got nothing left, but …show more content…

"As the Nazis tightened their grip on Krakow, Jews were barraged with all kinds of insulting caricatures. Demeaning posters appeared in both Polish and German, depicting us as grotesque, filthy creatures, with large crooked noses. Nothing about these pictures made any sense to me....I found myself studying all our noses. None was particularly big. I couldn't understand why the Germans would want to make us look like something we were not." (Pg. ) Not all the Jews had dark hair, and not all polish or german people had blue eyes and blonde hair. They were also discriminated because of their religion. Today I have a freedom, it doesn’t matter what skin color I have or what I wear or what I believe. Back then it was very legal for german people to discriminate Jews. Even if there were people who tried to help them, they couldn’t because they would get killed also. Lion didn’t understand that when he got out of the concentration camp. "As I walked out of the ghetto with its tombstone-crowned walls and along the streets of Krakow, I was dumbfounded to see that life seemed just as it had been before I entered the ghetto...I stared at the clean, well-dressed people, busily moving from place to place...Had they not known what we had been suffering just a few blocks away? How could they not have known? How could they not have done something to help us?...They showed absolutely no interest

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