
Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper

Decent Essays

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is one of the most renowned Renaissance man known primarily as an artist, but also as a sculptor, scientist, architect, and inventor. He was born in Anchiano, Tuscany (now Italy), which is near the town Vinci. He had no formal education aside from learning basic math, reading and writing. Da Vinci’s father saw his artwork and was so impressed he sent him off to the artist Andrea del Verrocchio to become an apprentice at the age of 15. After his time with Verrocchio he developed and refined his artwork and technique by which he was then commissioned by the Scopeto Monastery. Though known mainly for his artworks such as The Last Supper and Mona Lisa his works in anatomy were groundbreaking. Information during this …show more content…

The Renaissance and Scientific Revolution was an era of science where ideology began to shift from religion to more logical reasoning. With the church as a dominating institute it often limited Da Vinci's research since at the time dissections of the human body was considered inhumane and a desecration of the creation of God. Da Vinci would often buy cadavers from grave robbers or hospital directors to complete his studies and sketches of the human …show more content…

When Della Torre died, he started to do the dissections himself and also drew his dissections to have a better visual of the human body. He then started to put his better study of the human body onto his artwork which is seen in the Vitruvian Man. The picture was named after the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius. The Vitruvian man showed the proportions of the average human, like the shoulder proportions and arm length. Vitruvius was also a man like Da Vinci in the way both men seemed to study subjects out of their specialty, so the Vitruvian Man stood as a symbol of an interest of all things. The Vitruvian Man did not only stand for science and math but also in an architectural sense as Da Vinci discussed in text the symmetry and proportions as related to buildings of temples. Da Vinci’s artwork for anatomy is still today unrivaled. He dissected around 30 cadavers to study the human body better, and he also made wax molds of the human heart and brain, to study them even further. People during the time thought the heart was just a source of a vital spirit but he realized it was just another muscle. Da Vinci was the first anatomist to correctly number the root structures of the human teeth, and was also the first one to describe a coronary artery disease. Not only that but he also completely described the function of the arterial valves, how each valve opened and closed. During his

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