
Let Teen Agers Try Adulthood

Good Essays

“Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood” was written on May 17,1999 and published in The New York Times by Leon Botstein. The main topic of the article revolves around the Botstein’s belief that high school should be abolished and the various underlying social reasons that drive his viewpoint. The text has a clear bias for his viewpoint however those who disagree with abolishing high school can also find certain parts of the text to be agreeable. The author persuades his audience by using examples that are relevant to readers. Botstein’s writing does have great word choice for example he uses words like “adolescence, pubescent, and innocence” to describe the teen agers. Throughout the article, Botstein introduces key supporting points such as the …show more content…

This audience is typically heads of household that would have children in schools and would generally relate to the high school experiences discussed throughout this article. As Botstein pointed out, “Often the high school outsider becomes the more successful and admired adult.” These successful adults can see the viewpoint of the author through their own lenses and also realize that their success was not directly tied to the learning they gained in school but to the harsh realities they faced once they moved into adulthood. Although Botstein highlights the various problems faced by students in high school but to effect change he needs to gain the support of the parents, in addition to wealth. The only way to effect change in the American school system is to be driven by both the student’s parents and the individuals that can influence the school board.
The social issue Botstein is addressing and trying to solve is ineffectiveness of high school and that it is “obsolete and should be abolished” (para. 1). He references the multiple instances where graduates have come forth to express that the “cliques and artificial intensity” inaccurately define the student roles. (para. 1). Botstein further details that these experiences do not translate to the “positions” individuals achieve in the real world. The high school environment amounts to an MTV reality show

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