
Letter From A Senator: A Short Story

Decent Essays

It’s senior year and it’s time to start thinking of the future. My eyes have been set on West Point Military Academy for years. It’s time to apply. I go online and read, “School transcript, recommendation letters, nomination from senator…” I’ve hit my first road block. I need a nomination from the Senator. How the heck am I going to get that? I go to my favorite teacher and ask her for a letter of recommendation. She said no problem, and asked if there was anything else I needed help with. I told her of the nomination letter I would never get and she responded with, “A nomination letter from the Senator isn’t as hard as you think it to be”. She asked me to make a student resume, which I made and had prepared for her the next day. Three …show more content…

Since the beginning of time survival has been based on the exchange of goods and services between people. Business is the same in this way, the more connections between people the more successful. A good personality has never let anyone down. When everything else is matched equal between you and your peers, and you’re going head to head for the same job; the one thing that can push you over the top is your personality. You must be positive, open- minded, broad, and optimistic. The more charismatic you are, the more cooperation you’ll get, and the better your results. Rosemary Haerfner says, “It's important to highlight soft skills that can give employers an idea of how quickly you can adapt and solve problems, whether you can be relied on to follow through, and how effectively you can lead and motivate others." (Haerfner) Being ambitious is having the motivation you need to go after your goals. An outstanding personal appearance is your first step, and foot into the door of opportunity. You must have connections to stay afloat and get ahead. Your personality will always set you apart from the rest. To be successful you must be ambitious, maintain good personal appearance,

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