
Letter From Birmingham Jail Argument

Decent Essays

Standing Up for What is Right Learning about civil rights was a requirement for many of us during our years in school. We have learned about the leaders and how they have been treated at civil rights movements, we know that because of them the world is how it is today. Although individuals have been taught these things not many was educated about civil rights from a leader’s perspective. A famous leader we all should know about, from his “I have a Dream” speech down to his birthplace; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. King is a significant person in history today, we all know about his speech but did you evaluate his letter? “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is a letter written while he was in Birmingham jail, to the clergymen that criticized him and his activities. Dr. Martin Luther King was put into jail for participating in nonviolent activities against segregation (Jr, Letter From Birmingham Jail). Dr. King was not a horrible person and he shouldn’t have been punished for any of his nonviolent actions. Dr. King was a man of his word and he stood up for what he thought was right. …show more content…

An extremist is not anything bad, it is the way the people portrayed him. As he describes in the letter Jesus, Amos, Paul, John Bunyan, Abraham Lincolm, and Thomas Jefferson were all extremist of different things that they believed in (Jr, Letter From Birmingham Jail). Dr. King believed in his rights and desegregation for his family and his people. Police Brutality, segregated bars and amusement parks, and even certain churches were segregated and disrespectful to the black

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