
Letter To A Patriot Analysis

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I’ve heard a lot about you these past couple of weeks; I bet you’re glad to hear that the allure of the anthem hasn’t died out yet… even though you’ve been dead for about 200 years. Time flies right? As a patriot and daughter of two veterans, your eloquent portrayal of the US as a resilient military victor, united under one star spangled banner, has always resonated with me. However, I recently learned about the unsung verses of your piece and thought it was my responsibility to enlighten you on some of the changes that have transpired in the past 173 years.
You’d probably be pretty happy to hear that your first verse is sung nearly every day in the United States, from school assemblies to sporting events, you’re pretty much a celeb. Your song …show more content…

Although I contend that we’ve got a long ways to go, we’ve also come so far. I was upset by your line “Their blood has wiped out their foul footsteps pollution./ No refuge could save the hireling and slave/ From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:” And I know you’re probably thinking, ‘What are you talking about? Look at the rhyme scheme, the eloquence-’ but slavery is not a thing anymore, and that line is incredibly racist. In your day, ownership of slaves was commonplace, but in today’s society, it's entirely unacceptable. But, as you may have gleaned from my mention of athletes kneeling, oppression of black people continues to this day. One of the main reasons I drafted this letter is because I’m of the mindset that it's never too late to change someone’s mind. The more people to whom I can espouse equality, the better and more accepting I can help make this country. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but seeing as you’re only 173 (years expired), I thought I’d give it a shot. I hope after reading this letter, you’ll understand that your line was racist and unacceptable. If not, you might want to chill in your grave indefinitely, a world where we are equals is a tough one for a

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