I humbly write you this letter in hopes that I may appeal to you and persuade away from embracing Legalist ideologies upon initiating your new campaign in which you plan to subdue all of heaven. As you well know, I am a steadfast Confucian, and I sincerely want what is best for both you, your majesty, and this mighty nation that you desire to solely rule over. Now, if I have found in favor in your sight, please listen carefully on what I am about to advise you on the way that I think most beneficial too your expedition and how you should go about
Beyond the ancient “fengshui” beard, Confucius remains one of Asia’s most highly regarded philosophers of all time. Today Confucianism is considered a way of life rather than a religion. This view of Confucianism is the very foundation of Confucius’s teachings. In The Analects of Confucius, readers are often directed by Confucius himself, regarding appropriate and virtuous manners throughout their lives. The Analects depicts Confucius as someone who "transmits but not create […]" (7:1, Analects). What Confucius claimed to transmit was the Dao (Way); a Confucian notion of the evolved moral and cultural patter of past eras of sage governance. Throughout the Analects, he is the erudite warden of ritual who tests his disciples to emulate the
Reading T. R. Reid's new book brought me back to that conversation. ''Confucius Lives Next Door'' is aptly named. Reid, a longtime reporter and Asia correspondent for The Washington Post, has nailed his copy of the Analects to the mast. Drawing on the experience of his own and his family's life in Tokyo and other east Asian points, he has written a paean to what he terms ''east Asia's social miracle -- how the Asians have built modern industrial societies characterized by the safest streets, the best schools and the most stable families in the world.'' Asians, he holds, have ''a sense of civility and harmony that you can feel,'' and they ''achieved their social miracle primarily by holding to a
One of the first points to note is that extreme caution has to be used when relying on any specific quote or work attributed to Confucius (born 500 BC), because historical records are either poor or non-existent. Much of the life and professional history of Confucius is not recorded in any formal sense, but has been passed down as part of Chinese social traditions, though it would be extending it too far to call it a legend; there is no doubt that he did exist. For that reason, specific acts or events that he may be associated with can never be satisfactorily substantiated. Furthermore, one point that is known is that many of the famous quotes attributed to him were collected many years after his death, and may actually be aphorisms. Nonetheless,
Confucian culture, also known as Confucianism, was founded by Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period, which was developed gradually after the Han Dynasty with benevolence as the core. Since the Han Dynasty, Confucianism was the official ideology and the basis of mainstream ideology in the vast majority of historical periods of China, and it also influenced many southeast Asian countries in history. After a variety of shocks, Confucianism was still the core values of China's social public, and represented the Chinese culture and national tradition in the world (Littlejohn, 2010). In the contemporary society, the Confucian culture in China increasingly spread, at the
In modern Japanese society, education is always as an important and serious issue affect by culture value. Culture value is constantly changing with the time period of Japan. Thus, Japanese education is changing with ancient education and modern education. In the Taika Reform Period (ancient education), the eastern tradition cultural that is Confucian ideology impacts the whole royal household. The characteristics of the Confucian culture are reflected in the education, especially moral education, on the group, the self-cultivation and spiritual values, the examination and academic performance of talented attention. This cultural identity has played a positive role in Japan 's political stability and economic prosperity. In the modern Japanese society, education reform results in compulsory education from year 1 – year 12.
Confucius, who was born to a poor family in the middle of the sixth century and lived his life as a teacher or instructor to most of the Chinese culture. Confucius is one of the most protruding philosophers of ancient China. Confucius' childhood was not all golden paths and a walk through the park as many expect it to since he had preached peace. When Confucius was main the advisor, the crime level had almost vanished. The merchants and traders hadn't wanted to cheat of the customers since they had all followed Confucius teachings. Confucius with no hope left he had gone back to the library to learn more and he was writing not all but most of his teachings. At around age 50, Confucius became the minister in his home state, achieving his goal because the duke of Lu was impressed by Confucius’s wisdom. In the
In the ancient times around 2070 B.C.E. a new civilization formed in the eastern part of the world, a civilization that would be highly dependent on duties of people. While in the west, another civilization was emerging and in 509 B.C.E. the Roman republic emerged. Both the Civilizations also had similar ideas of duties, such as relationships and obligations. Even though the different civilizations contained many of the same duties, the different civilization contained different types of relationships with different values.
Confucianism is a philosophy that developed into a religion in northern China, yet when comparing it to other religions many similarities can be found. Confucianism, Christianity, and Buddhism all have written teachings for their followers. All three of these religions originated in parts of Asia, and they all have a form of the golden rule. Despite these similarities they have many distinctions between them. Since Confucianism began as a philosophy and not a religion, it makes it fundamentally different from Christianity and Buddhism. Confucianism doesn’t believe in any gods while Christianity and, partially, Buddhism are monotheistic. They’re views on what occurs after death also vary.
Confucius Lives Next Door is a book by journalist and author T.R Reid about how the teachings of Confucius has greatly influenced Asian society. Confucius was an Chinese philosopher, political, editor and teacher born 29 September 551 BC.The main teachings of Confucius are Jen-human goodness;what gives people with humanity,Li- benefit of order;acting for one 's role in society, respect for all ages,Te-the power of example,Ye-moral sense,Hsiao-filial piety and Chih-all people are born good.
Confucius created a system of thinking called Confucianism. If only one word could be used to summarize the Chinese way of life for the last two thousand years, that word would be Confucian. No other person has had as great an effect on the life and thought of the Chinese people as Confucius. He is the most adored person in Chinese history. Confucius claimed no greatness, instead he looked to a past time that he saw as the golden age. He told one of his disciples, "I transmit but I do not create. I am sincerely fond of the ancient. I would compare myself to Old P'eng who was fond of talking about the good old days." Confucius was a transmitter of the wisdom of the past. From his study of Chinese tradition, he gathered the
The teachings of Confucius, who lived about 500 years before Christ, have probably had more influence on the world than those of Christianity. It is said that all world religions and all governments are still influenced by the philosophy taught in his school and by his books.
Confucius, who lived from 551-479 BCE, was a Chinese philosopher, teacher, and politician. Confucius had written a set of books or ideas and concepts called The Analects. These were different collections of sayings that Confucius had written to reflect his ideas about different things like politics, family, morality, and many more. Confucius is also the creator of the commonly used “Golden Rule” of “do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.” Through his teachings, books, and his followers, the philosophy of Confucianism was created. In Doctrine of the Mean, Confucius explains how to perfect oneself and how to become a morally righteous person. He explains how one must maintain a balance into a constant state of equilibrium.
The process for appointing rulers further works to suppress the selfishness of man by prescribing the lawful selection of leadership. In contrast with other methods of selecting leaders, such as Confucianism’s selection based on merit, and most other traditions of familial dynasties, Legalism establishes that leaders be selected through adherence to the law. It holds that the “intelligent sovereign makes the law select men and makes no arbitrary promotion himself.” (6 Let the Law Select Leaders) The law selects a leader instead of the arbitrary systems of divine approval already being used in theocracies such as Egypt where rulers claim relationships with the gods and made notable in East Asia Mandate of Heaven under the Zhou Dynasty. Obedience is not only the key to attaining political power, it is also a foundational
Confucius was a man from China who lived from 551 BC to 479 BC. He started working at the age of 9. He was a supervisor of a noble family's herds. According to the source, “When he got older, he started to believe that people should have 5 relationships, father and son, older brother and younger brother, husband and wife, friend and friend, and ruler and subject” . And with all of that comes filial piety, the teaching that children should pay the uttermost respect to their parents and grandparents. ( This teaching I highly agree with.)
I am so embarrassed and taken back by the blunder on my behalf. I feel like I have to explain myself to you. You are correct, it was an oversight on my behalf I thought I submitted the right assignment. As you can see from my previous grades this truly isn’t in my character to make such a huge slip-up. With the holidays, as well as taking to two classes, and trying to become a kidney donor for my terminally ill father it has been somewhat overpowering. I understand that this doesn’t excuse my performance nonetheless; I was wondering if you could find it in your heart to let me resubmit this assignment. Honestly I am afraid if I don’t pull this grade up academically, I will be below the required thresh hold in the eye of the