Dear Rupi Kaur/ the author of milk and honey, I'm doing a project about your book, I'm supposed to write a letter to you explain how your book made me feel. Honestly, reading your book gave a lot of emotions, there’s times where you're happy, there's times when it's so true, it's sad or you get mad because you don't want that emotion to be happening. But there’s also times that you laugh or smile because it's true, but still kind of sad, because your book is mainly about sad things like people leaving or being hurt mentally and physically. So when I relate I kinda realize how messed up my real life is. I guess that would depend on the type of person you are, if you would see it as funny because how much you relate. I'm gonna guess that i’m
This book connects with me in a way that only one other book has (that book being Fahrenheit 451). It digs deep into my mind and takes things out that I have buried away and hoped to never think of again. Most of the people in my family suffer from depression, including me. The author and I are very much alike. I don’t tell anyone about it because not a lot of people understand what it means to suffer from depression. A deep part of my mind doesn’t want to tell anyone in my family because they all think I’m a happy and joyful person with a bright future and I don’t want to smash their hopes in thinking that at least one of my parents’ kids doesn’t suffer from depression. But the truth is, is that I
I have created this letter to you in necessity for myself. This letter will hopefully bring a close to a chapter of my life that was in immense need of ending. Also, this letter will hopefully allow you to create a more positive view of myself, as I believe you have never seen me in a good light.
When I first heard we were moving here, I thought to myself. Why did dad have to take this job? I mean I don’t hate it here. I just hate the fact that I didn’t get to tell most of my friends I was leaving. Although, something good came out of this. I get to see an old friend of mine, at least start something over. This house is nicer than the one before. I still remember the time when mom thought there was a rat in the cabinets, man was she scared.
The author’s tone is soft and direct to have the audience read with a concerning ease. The author wants to be perceived just like everyone else, but most importantly like every other parent. The author’s mood is very emotional and it is a mood that fluctuates with
Mr. Holloman would like to know what would be cover in this meeting? Please forward information over so he can review prior to scheduling a meeting and What other TN Health Center your company have worked with? Once all questions are answer and reviewed by Mr. Holloman ,I will than let you know if a meeting can be schedule.
One topic that I would like to dwell on is how happy you make me. I love your hair so much. It’s just so cute and pretty. YOU’RE SO CUTE JUST IN GENERAL. Honestly, I wasn’t too happy before I met you. My life is the opposite of what it was before I met you. I would like to thank your parents, yellow creators and you for being so amazing. I am really happy with you, truly, I got so lucky with you. I am writing this letter purely out of choice and no demon child named Osh is forcing me, I promise. But really, I do want to make you feel special. So, in conclusion, YOU CUTE, THICC AND YOU MAKE ME HAPPY. What else could I need? I just wonder what I ever did to deserve you. I SCORED!
There have been many marvelous books given to this world by genius authors. I have discovered a new deep appreciation for written works and their generous offers of knowledge into my mind. Think of it. Literature is a way to spark imagination, adventure, and passion into the dull areas of life. It creates emotion in me and in turn, plays off my emotions to give me a message of some kind. Books have the power to inspire change or purely entertain. In my own personal life, I have read a book that has changed me for the better. William Goldman’s Princess Bride has taught me many simple yet important life lessons. I especially love his clever satire and interesting characters that give me better insight for the world I’m preparing to enter. This
In the pages of this book, the readers are transformed from readers to listeners, listening to the troubles and concerns of a close friend. By sharing so candidly her personal beliefs, Williams is able to gain and keep the interest of her readers by allowing them to personally relate to her and the characters she describes.
Throughout the years that I lived in, there has been many bad things happening to me. The only bad thing that I give thanks to were the time when my dad would spank me for very good reasons. At the time I would be crying and hoping he wouldn’t but they were well deserved. With every spank it hurt, I know that, but later on with every mark I had I knew that pain is temporary it may last for a minute or an hour or a day even a year but eventually it will subside and something else will take it’s place. While that something is getting back it’s time to come back stronger and better because of it and I’m showing that the world is not a happy and peaceful place no it’s a mean and nasty place and it will beat you on your knees if you let it. I have shown that it hasn’t beat’n me from all the hits it has given me, I was able to look up and get up from that situation because it’s not how hard you hit the world it’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much pressure you can take and keep moving forward.
There are millions of people around us, the sound is so loud it’s almost unbearable. Everyone is waiting in line to board the SS Nevada, the ship that is going to take us all to Ellis island, the gateway to America. I can hear the chatters of excitement echoing about their freedom in America, but I’m having mixed feelings about leaving. I’m excited to go because I will receive my freedom and be reunited with my mother and father, but I’m also devastated that I have to leave you and the rest of Ireland behind. Tears escape my eyes just thinking about not being able to talk to you every day, but I promise I’ll write like this often once I reach America.
It’s my first time Im writing in this diary. Here's what happened to me and my faimly. It’s been a tough time. I’ve had to deal with many horrific situations, but I got through it. Not many people made it through the Holocaust. It was really hard for me as a jew myself, there were times I thought I would never make it through. But I surprisingly I did make it, but my family did not. I had two younger brothers named Markus and William. William was 8 and Markus 10. I as the older sister was supposed to protect them, help them, and stop them from getting hurt. But I couldn’t save them, I did all I could but couldn't help them. As on to my parents, I had a mom named Martha and a dad named Aron. He was named after his great, great grandfather.
Additionally, since her work is very personal her feelings are clearly expressed through her words. The predominant emotions are anger and hope. Throughout her essay she is angry that writers are not expressing themselves to the fullest form. She described it as an injustice to the reader and to the writer. This is an injustice because a writer cannot pick and choose what is valuable, instead it is up to the reader, “ Whatever you find here of use you will take away with you, whatever you cannot use you will
In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, malicious characters are portrayed as obviously evil and influential. Macbeth, however, is one character that is not represented in this way, in fact he is quite the opposite. The new king is seen as a victim of his foul wife’s influences and the witches prophecies but is really only supported by them and these ideas, leading him to make decisions based on evil ambition and a wicked desire for power. Readers are pushed to believe that Macbeth deserves sympathy, but as all humans do, Macbeth has free will allowing him to make his own decisions which means that if he were a victim, he would only be this due to his depraved actions.
As the end of the night approached us, I couldn’t stop thinking about how many mixed emotions I had about starting a whole new chapter in my life. I couldn't wait to go to college, meet all new people, get a degree so that I could start my career path, but I knew that meant I had to say goodbye to my two best friends, who were moving several hours away from me. This was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do in my life. We all cried a little, and then made promises to keep in touch, and then we were off into the real world! I was very happy to be at this point in my life, but I was scared deep down inside.
One of the big questions lurking in the United States is if transgenders can serve in the military. As of right now they are temporarily not allowing transgenders into the military. If they were to allow them there would be many things that they would have to look at. There is things like where would they live to how would be treated. They would have to decide what they would want to do with the ones currently serving. There’s just many factors to look at when trying to decide when something like transgenders are becoming so popular in a society like ours today.