The letter to Sherry Lewski would utilize the 3Cs strategy for persuasive messages (Pfeiffer 78-79). It would represent the Lewski's consideration by expressing how they are going to fix the issue. It would persuade Sherry Lewski by expressing all that is being done to fix the issue. Last, it would give a source of contact for Sherry as an indication of reassurance and the cementing of the relationship. To start and close the letter, I would apologize to Sherry Lewski for the
I am sorry for the late submission of week ten assignment. I did not feel well the last week and could not finish the assignment before the deadline. I am pregnant in the last trimester and expecting my baby this week. I attached “the week ten assignment”, please find it and accept my apologize
Correct In a memo to a co-worker, the style and tone of the communication should be
I am writing this letter to you as I am very concerned about Richard not getting the counseling that he needs, Rich’s ongoing parental alienation with Richard, and Rich’s continued manipulation of the situation.
I would like to respond to Mr. Pless’ and Mr. Buccheim’s letters of last week.
I decided to do my discussion on a woman named Alexandra Lewicke, who suffered from severe depression and self-harm disorder. She was diagnosed as a teenager, when she was a junior in high school. She was constantly bullied by others and her grades were suffering immensely. She had to be admitted to the hospital twice. She had believed that her depression was caused by all of the negative things around her, but when she moved away and began college, she realized that wasn’t the case.Despite having found wonderful new friends, a loving boyfriend, and having perfect grades, Alexandra still had the dark shadow of depression in the back of her mind. Her feelings got worse and she contemplated suicide.She knew she needed help, and so her close friends
If you are looking for an outgoing, unique and friendly girl to befriend on campus, look no further. Alicia Lykens is an incoming freshman here at Lock Haven University. She has chosen to major in Health Sciences with a concentration in Physician Assistant studies. However, her goal is to later in life be a nutritionist. She has chosen to concentrate in Physician Assistant studies because the prerequisites for a nutritionist are almost identical to the prerequisites for a concentration in Physician Assistant studies. Alicia finds health and fitness extremely important, which majorly influenced her decision to pursue a career as a nutritionist. Another factor which influenced Alicia’s decision to pursue a career as a nutritionist is the fact
I am writing you this letter because my father won’t stand up for me. I just want you to know you were correct your mother did die in 1993. Because my Grandmother wouldn’t have raised a daughter to be like you are. You are a conniving BITCH!!! She told me years ago that I was to get her wedding band and that you and her went and bought Olivia and Michelle a ring a piece also. You know all of this but you haven’t told anyone the truth about it. I don’t even know why you want any of her stuff because you never come around until my grandfather passed away who you treated like shit also. Instead of being hateful and spiteful you need to do the right thing but I know that will not happen. I also want you to know you are the reason she
The letter to Lauren Miller would likewise use the 3cs strategy for persuaive messages (Pfeiffer 78-79). Since the letter is intended to inform her of the issue, it would catch her attention by expressing the issue. I would persuade Lauren Miller that the issue is being taken care of and enumerate the ways how. And lastly, I would leave contact data for Ms. Miller for further inquiries. Same as to Sherry Lewski's letter, I would start and end with an apology.
A number of settlement changes had occurred in California since 1796. The discovery of gold greatly accelerated these changes. Prior to the unearthing citizens from Russia, México, America and the natives themselves had already turned California into a universal frontier. It is due to this reason that immigrants from all over the world jostled up here. Many gold seekers and other investors flooded California all with the motive of benefiting from it. This in turn brought people from different races together and encouraged the spread and development of varying ethnic languages, social languages and religions to the new American state (Rawls and Bean 21). However, most of these visitors were not interested in settling down in California. The
Lastly, this letter is an opportunity to tell your teacher a little bit about yourself: your background, interests, extracurriculars, reading and writing style, concerns about the course.
I’ve been wanting to show exposure on this essence for a long time now. It’s about my concern on your son Hector Zeroni. He even gave himself a horrendous name like Zero because he has nothing in his head. Even Though he is a quiet kid, his operations, or actions, defects this appearance. At Camp Green Lake we improve one’s character and help them to become the supreme person they can accomplish.
I wanted to thank you for connecting me with Elora Amtower. I can assure you that we will take great care of her here at Atlantic Financial and make this process for her as smooth and as easy as possible. I look forward to working with you and developing a long lasting mutually beneficial business relationship. I wish you all the
My name is Gertrudes Perlas Bonilla, I’m a fairly new paralegal with LM. A couple of days ago my manager emailed you about my interest in training for e-Discovery, Relativity etc. I wanted to follow up with you and make sure I’m not left out of the loop. Please let me know if there is any subscription steps I must follow or any upcoming dates I should be aware of. Thank you in advance!
Dear Ellen, I'm 15 year old Austin Baker and I've been watching your show for as long as I can remember! You've helped me so much and you don't even know it anytime I felt down or just flat out sad I would get on YouTube and watch your show and it would cheer me right up I would stay up for hours laughing my head off! You've truly inspired me to be a better person with how you end every show with "be kind to one an other" I know there such simple words but I think about them at least once a day. There was a time in the lunch line at my school where I saw this girl get her lunch taken away cuz she didn't have enough money (and at my school you can't changer) so I was like what would Ellen do? So I bought my lunch wait for the girl to sit down
I am writing this letter to express my sincere apology for what occurred in your class on Tuesday, April 4, 2017. My decisions were extremely poor and resulted in a unnecessary waste of time for you and I as well as the rest of the class. I may have not felt this way at first, but after having some time to think I now realize how disrespectful, rude, and pointless my actions were as well as how lucky I actually am to get off fairly easy.