A Letter to Macduff
Dear Macduff,
Oh, what you have missed! I have important news to tell you. A series of events happened at the banquet you failed to attend. The majesty left all of us thanes speechless and suspicious. It is not that I ever doubted your thoughts about Macbeth, but it is now clear to me that he is a guilty man with a conscience filled with remorse. The ceremony seemed as if it were going to be elegant and pleasing. There were an equal number of thanes on each side of the table. The king presented himself honorably as he sat down with the rest of us to “play the humble host” and announced that Lady Macbeth would keep her state. However not long after that things began to get strange. A dirt and bloody man
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Dear Macduff at this point I wouldn’t help but think that maybe it was your father king Duncan coming back for vengeance… Our suspicions grew even stronger by the end of his second episode. He paused, looked at us and asked us how we could see such things and not look pale moreover when Ross asked him with confusion what the sighs were, before the King could reply, Lady Macbeth firmly reminded us that questions would enrage him and then dismissed all of us and demanded to leave at once and not by order of importance. The scene was quite suspicious and most alarming Macduff. This whole ceremony was a disaster that will lead to Macbeth’s fall my lord. Things were said and done at this event that no one thane should have seen or heard. Once we left the banquet you could hear the rumors on the street about the king, how he had gone mad, but those who were knowledgeable, began to think about the things that had happened and began to ask questions about the resent murders.
How is it going with you Macduff? After attending the banquet last night, I am certain that Macbeth will go to any length to get what he want so please be careful, watch your back at all times. Hope everything is working out the way you hope.
Your noble friend,
P.S. You will not believe that news my ears have just heard. Banquo has been
This scene marks the promised demise of Macbeth, and good once again conquering evil. His ambitions overall lead to his demise, and if he had either followed his orders from the King, who is a higher being on the ‘Chain of Being’, or gained the royal, majestic position through an accepted process, then his death would not have been sentenced and
I had received a letter from my husband saying that he ran up into the witches while returning from his victorious battle. He had mentioned that he will be a thane of Cawdor and the king, what an exciting news; This implies that I will be the queen! My great Macbeth is interested as he says about his desire to question them but they vanish into thin air. Great Glamis, worthy Cawdor and king? Can this day get any better? However, he fears that he has too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness. My dearest husband can be foolish sometimes. You know what this means? In Order to demand this murder I have called upon the evil spirits to make me stronger, make thick my blood, and have all of the action of a devil.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to honour a man who was amazing in so many ways. You may have known him since birth, as I have, or you may have only known him a brief time, but in any case, he touched your life. He touched many lives, some with his valiant courage and love, some with his kitchen knives. Although our dear friend Macbeth has passed from this world to the next, there is still much to be learned from him. He always had a kind word for me, and although he was bit intense he was a very special man. His face could have entranced the sirens themselves: such was his beauty and grace. He charmed friends and strangers alike with his wit and
From the witnesses we have heard from, it’s clear that Macduff was absent from Macbeth’s coronation.However, unlike the other witnesses, the servant’s testimony, looks to blame my client’s zealous attitude of Macbeth’s success as his main motive. But,
As Macbeth learnt about the prophecies from the witches. They predict that he will the king but also predict that Malcom the son of King Duncan will become the prince of Cumberland. Feeling uneasy about this Macbeth lets his wife Lady Macbeth know and urges Macbeth to kill Duncan. He let his wife, Lady Macbeth, into persuading him into killing King Duncan. Macbeth then became a murderer and soon came to lose his mind. He began to change into something so evil that he couldn't find his way back into heroic warrior that he was. He started to become weary of his surroundings and dependent towards the witches. Macduff was not as caught up in love as Macbeth, he left his family to help his nation. Macduff clues in about how Macbeth is a murderers and flees to England to seek military aid from the English Kind Edward to overthrow Macbeth. Unwisely Macduff left his wife and children behind and enraged Macbeth sends murderers to Macduff’s castle to slaughter Macduff’s entire family. After his wife and children are killed, Macduff is flailing around blames himself and states, “all my pretty ones? All my pretty chickens and their dam/ at one fell swoop?” (Act 4, Scene
Little does everyone know the fainting iss al an act becase lady macbeth is also in on the murder of the kind. Macduff is conserned with ther saftery and health even though the king is dead. This is a cmplet contract to Macbeth who in the time has just killed his own king beicause of his want to be king, he only thinks about himself and his wants. Right after the muder of Duncan when everyone is gathered Macduff seems to be aware that Macbeth has done something. He becomes suspicous of Macbeth and his actions. Banquoe also suspects something of Macbeth
Macbeth goes to see the three witches again to get some answers about the future. “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff!
They enter the castle in scene seven and Macduff seeks out Macbeth, ignoring all other beings there. "Let me find him, Fortune! And more I beg not" (5.7). They finally meet and Macbeth tells him to leave, as he already has so much of his blood. Macduff says that he has no words for him and that he will let his sword be his voice. Macduff then tells Macbeth that his prophecy does not protect from him, as he had to be removed from his mother by C-section and thusly is not “Woman-born”. He then fights Macbeth to the death. He reappears in scene nine with Macbeth’s head and announces that Malcolm is now the king of Scotland.
Ross is told by an old man of the events that have taken place, describing them as the most treacherous thing he has ever seen. Macduff leaves the ironic safeness of the castle walls with the announcement that with the king’s sons no longer here, the lords have decided to make Macbeth king. Macduff then heads for his home in Fife, while Ross goes after Macbeth to behold the crowning in scone.
It has been a wonderful day, filled with many surprises and promises of great things to come. The letter which my husband Macbeth wrote to me is very interesting indeed. It has transported me into the future in which I am queen of Scotland and he, my valiant king. I must start formulating a plan to help Macbeth become the king, however he can only become king if he lets go of his honorable nature and accepts that killing is the only way to get what he deserves. I will chastise him and shape him into a true man, who will do anything to become king. The king’s messenger came to me and told me that the current King Duncan is coming for a visit, however this will be the last visit he ever makes because if my plan works, Duncan will never leave our house alive.
Shakespeare’s Macbeth is one of the playwright’s masterpieces, and has been a favorite of performers for four hundred years. Today, Macbeth is viewed as a binary of good versus evil. Macbeth is an overly ambitious man who usurps the throne through treachery and eventually loses everything to his ambition. Although Shakespeare’s original notes on the play are lost or nonexistent, thanks to the First Folio Macbeth survives today. Based on the editors’ interpretations of the varies editions of the First Folio, it is clear that Shakespeare intended the message of Macbeth to be a warning that those plotting against their rightful ruler will inevitably lead to the usurper’s demise. It is also clear that he used the play as a political platform in support of King James I, the patron of Shakespeare’s theater company, and whose rule at the original premiere of the play was strained to say the least.
Before Macbeth meets with Macduff, he thinks of ways to handle Macduff so he would no longer be a problem. Macduff was considered to be a problem because he left the kingdom in order to assist an opposing force. Macbeth states “Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee? But yet I’ll make assurance double sure, and take a bond of fate.” (Act IV scn i, ln 82-84) He wants to make sure Macduff will not be a problem; he wants to keep Macduff out of his way. In this scene Macbeth is attempting to discover ways to inforce his superiority through the phrase “The castle of Macduff I will surprise; seize upon Fife; give to th’ edge o’ th’ sword his wife, his babies, and all unfortunate souls.” (Act IV scn i, ln 150-152) He hired men to kill Macduff’s family, so he will be depressed and will grieve; he wants to keep Macduff out of the way of him still being King. The main reason he did this, however, was to exert his leadership over Macduff and send a message. This paragraph explains how Macbeth was disloyal to Macduff and how he did anything to keep Macduff out of his way, but things did not turn out as he
The Word of King Duncan’s death spread quickly. It has brought many faces to the castle including the likes of Macduff. Who begins asking many questions into the death of King Duncan? Soon after the coronation, he walked through the streets and all you could hear was. “All hail King Macbeth,” everyone shouts! Macduff became angry when he saw this. King Duncan had not even been buried yet, and everyone is cheering for him, King Macbeth. He finally Met King Macbeth one on one, he said to him “you look different when you’re not in that soldiers uniform. Macbeth Grinned, yes we have all come a long way he said. “Indeed “replied Macduff. He later asked Macduff to join him at the coronation dinner, Macduff agreed.
The party was held in a beautiful banquet hall. Everywhere you looked there were guests dressed in their best clothes, lavish decorations, and a vast array of food choices for every appetite. The room was quite large, with dozens of tables. At the front of the room, there was a table with two exquisitely detailed chairs facing the guests. These were reserved for Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth. When I arrived, both of the seats were empty, and the two were chatting with some of their acquaintances. As I looked around the room, I saw many familiar faces, including my cheerful friend Ross, who was coming over to say hello. As I continued to look around the room, I noticed the party was lacking the presence of one of Macbeth’s best friends. As Ross and I
However, their reactions to the witches’ prophecies differ. Banquo is sceptical and quickly dismisses the idea of the prophecies, saying it was just their