
Level 2 Certificate For The Children And Young People Questions 1

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Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce

UNIT 001

Knowledge Questions

Outcome 1
1.1.1 What are the different reasons people communicate and why?

People communicate so that you can tell people how you feel and what you need. You communicate to find out information.

1.1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your work

Communication from my room leader and manager needs to be clear in order for me to undertake the tasks I am asked to do. Effective communication with children means actively listening to them and observing their body language to understand their needs and ensure they are safe.

1.1.3 Why should you observe an individuals’ reactions when communicating with them?
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Professional knowledge, skills and values are shared appropriately in order to enrich the experience of children more widely.

9. Best practice requires reflection and a continuous search for improvement

Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce

Unit 003

Outcome 1

Describe ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work place.

Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination and how you can challenge discrimination to encourage change within the setting ( cross ref to Outcome 3.2.3)
It is important not to stereotype or label people as this can lead to discrimination. For example children may discriminate against other children by name calling and teasing if they are somehow different to them.
There are many forms of discrimination based on gender, age, disability or race.
Racism would occur if a nursery refused a child a place because they were black or by failing to recognise minority religions and only celebrating mainstream festivals such as Easter and Christmas.
Sexism could occur if a nursery allowed more opportunity for boys to play ‘rough and tumble’ games than girls and encouraging girls to perform more ‘female’ activities such as tidying up and cleaning.
Disability discrimination would happen if a nursery did not provide children with special

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