Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce
UNIT 001
Knowledge Questions
Outcome 1
1.1.1 What are the different reasons people communicate and why?
People communicate so that you can tell people how you feel and what you need. You communicate to find out information.
1.1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your work
Communication from my room leader and manager needs to be clear in order for me to undertake the tasks I am asked to do. Effective communication with children means actively listening to them and observing their body language to understand their needs and ensure they are safe.
1.1.3 Why should you observe an individuals’ reactions when communicating with them?
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Professional knowledge, skills and values are shared appropriately in order to enrich the experience of children more widely.
9. Best practice requires reflection and a continuous search for improvement
Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce
Unit 003
Outcome 1
Describe ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work place.
Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination and how you can challenge discrimination to encourage change within the setting ( cross ref to Outcome 3.2.3)
It is important not to stereotype or label people as this can lead to discrimination. For example children may discriminate against other children by name calling and teasing if they are somehow different to them.
There are many forms of discrimination based on gender, age, disability or race.
Racism would occur if a nursery refused a child a place because they were black or by failing to recognise minority religions and only celebrating mainstream festivals such as Easter and Christmas.
Sexism could occur if a nursery allowed more opportunity for boys to play ‘rough and tumble’ games than girls and encouraging girls to perform more ‘female’ activities such as tidying up and cleaning.
Disability discrimination would happen if a nursery did not provide children with special
1.1 Explain Models of practices that underpin equality, and diversity and inclusions in own area of responsibility.
1.1 Explain the models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility
A. People communicate in order to express themselves; their needs, wants, ideas, likes and dislikes etc. People also communicate for social reasons; talking to friends/family, or to express emotions such as anger, pain, frustration, happiness excitement etc. Communication is used to pass informtion on to other parties, so knowladge of a subject/person can be improved and built upon. Communication can also be used to describe something/somewhere to a person without them expreiencing it first hand. Communication is the cornerstone of how people live, it is adapted and manipulated for all to understand.
2.1 Explain how legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role.
1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in your area of responsibility
Communication is one of the requirements in a life. Human are social creature, they are depend on each other helps. Human communicate to fulfill their social needs.
3.1 - Analyse how systems and processes can promote equality and inclusion or reinforce discrimination and exclusion.
1.1 Identify the current legislation and codes of practise relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity.
1.1 The diffrent reasons people communicate are to tell others what there needs are for example there are hungry they need the toilet they would like something they need help to carry out a action and many more. They may like to exress or share ideas about themself or others. To obtaine or recive infomation maby about there children family or friends residence in a care home often worry about there family and when they are going to come to see them ect. People communiate to form relationships with others and share life experiences and to get to know each other. people comminicate to do most things it is very important.
Information can be seen by the other side of the world within a minute. Communication allow us to know that we are not alone, there is people somewhere around the world have the same thought like you do, which also explain why many teenagers like to set in front of their computer and share their thought through internet, to find people who have the same thought as they do. Communication also give us a chance to the people around you and yourself to make some new friends, to share you thought and feeling. Through communication we can fight against fear and depress, instead of hiding our emotion, share it with someone, get some advice or opinion will always better than facing a problem
I always believe that communication is a key that connects us with others, and it provides us many chances to learn about things through different perspectives as well. To some degree, communication is also a significant
In conclusion, communication helps us better understand an individual or situation. Communication enables us to resolve differences, build friendships and trust. Could you imagine the world without communication? Imagine having generations all over the world which would have to learn everything from scratch, this is what would happen without any communication.
There can be many types and forms of discrimination. Once you commit a distinction of someone not basing it on personal merit, it is an act of discrimination. Such forms are; sexism, racism, sexual orientation, religious and spiritual belief, age, class, caste, physical appearance, ethnicity, social class, wealth etc. If you have been treated unfairly because of who you are, it may lead to unlawful discrimination.
We spend most our lives interacting with others. We all have different reasons to talk to different people. We say things in a certain way depending on who we are speaking too. There is a lot more to communication than just putting words together and saying them out loud. The ability to communicate effectively takes real skill and learning this skill never ends.
People communicate to find out how people are feeling, so if there are any problems they can help them out and take them to the doctors if needed, in some cases people communication just to have a catch up with a friend. A good example of this within health and social would be if a person that spoke a different language needed to go to the toilet you would have to communicate by using the right translation book to understand what they are saying. There are many different types to communicate which are; one to one, formal, and informal, between colleagues, with other professionals, between professionals and service users, multi-agency, multi-professional working I am now going to go into some detail about these different types to communicate to each other within a social workers industry, I will be giving examples throughout.