
Level 3 Award in Education and Training: Unit 1 Q&A

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Level 3 Award IN Education and Training - Mark Kendrick
Unit 1 Understanding Roles Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training
Question 1
1.1 Main Role and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer in education and training
The main role of a teacher/trainer should be to teach in a way which engages learners and actively engage learning during every lesson irrespective of the environment. In my position as IT manager at Barnsley College there are roles and responsibilities that are set to facilitate personal and organisational goals the same can be said for teaching and learning. As a teacher/trainer I will need to be able to adapt my style of teaching by being a friend, counsellor, mentor to ensure that my learners are …show more content…

As a teacher I am responsible for the evaluation of course work and all aspect of the learning process to gauge whether improvements can be made. Throughout the process I must make sure that the course is delivered with quality and professionalism and continually assess my own teaching style and course delivery. As a teacher I will need to evaluate the course and delivery throughout the course duration to enable continuous improvement of my teaching and the impact that it is having on my learner. Question 2
How my role will involve working with other professionals and what the boundaries are between the teaching role and other professional roles
3.1 How the teaching role involves working with other professionals
When teaching the individual needs of the student may need to be passed on to another professional to facilitate learning if so this should be done in a professional manner and must treat the student with respect. It is important that the correct professional to deal with the individual learner needs is selected and understand the job role and how they can support me in the classroom.
Examples of working with other professionals may include
Student support worker
Administrative staff to deal with paperwork and hand outs
Making sure the room is tidy open and free of hazards – caretaker
Learning support assistant to help with

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