
Level 3 CU1531

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CUI531 Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young Peoples Setting Learning Outcome Understand what is required for competence in own work role Assessment Criteria 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role 1.2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards 1.1 Produce a job description using the template below to describe your duties and responsibilities Name: Emma Brooks Job Title: Childminder Duties of Role Responsibilities My duty as a childminder is to provide high quality care for children and young people. In order to achieve this I must ensure I am familiar with the EYFS statutory framework (September 2012) and aware of ratio …show more content…

My roles and responsibilities above have been linked to the relevant sections in the EYFS. National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare (Wales) National Occupational Standards This sets out a need for me to consider how I will professionally develop within my role. As part of my professional development I have recently completed a SEF. I found this surprisingly beneficial in not only helping me realise my strengths but also for reflecting on how I can go about further improving. I also keep a CPD log and strive to ensure that as a professional I am keeping myself up to date with the sector, be it though the Pacey magazine, online courses or those that I attend ie First Aid, network meetings. I especially like the fact I have gained CPD hours and certificates for the effort I have put in to further develop, it has given me pride in my achievements Job Description My job description helps me to think about what I need to achieve in order to fulfil my role as a childminder. To provide high quality childcare, adhering to the EYFS statutory guidelines with a sound knowledge of the EYO. It is my duty to ensure children are in a positive, happy and safe environment. To have a sound knowledge of first aid and safeguarding procedures and to ensure training is kept up to date. Common

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