CUI531 Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young Peoples Setting Learning Outcome Understand what is required for competence in own work role Assessment Criteria 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role 1.2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards 1.1 Produce a job description using the template below to describe your duties and responsibilities Name: Emma Brooks Job Title: Childminder Duties of Role Responsibilities My duty as a childminder is to provide high quality care for children and young people. In order to achieve this I must ensure I am familiar with the EYFS statutory framework (September 2012) and aware of ratio …show more content…
My roles and responsibilities above have been linked to the relevant sections in the EYFS. National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare (Wales) National Occupational Standards This sets out a need for me to consider how I will professionally develop within my role. As part of my professional development I have recently completed a SEF. I found this surprisingly beneficial in not only helping me realise my strengths but also for reflecting on how I can go about further improving. I also keep a CPD log and strive to ensure that as a professional I am keeping myself up to date with the sector, be it though the Pacey magazine, online courses or those that I attend ie First Aid, network meetings. I especially like the fact I have gained CPD hours and certificates for the effort I have put in to further develop, it has given me pride in my achievements Job Description My job description helps me to think about what I need to achieve in order to fulfil my role as a childminder. To provide high quality childcare, adhering to the EYFS statutory guidelines with a sound knowledge of the EYO. It is my duty to ensure children are in a positive, happy and safe environment. To have a sound knowledge of first aid and safeguarding procedures and to ensure training is kept up to date. Common
You could use this learning resource as a guidance/reference aid, in producing your own reflective account. This explains understanding of your personal development, training, and support available within your role.
My job role includes ensuring the happiness, wellbeing and safety of all the children I work with and to make sure that I help, together as a team with the other practioners that I work with to provide a stimulating environment where the children can learn and thrive from.
Throughout the journey of my life, I have had various personal and professional experiences. All of the opportunities that I have held up to this day have taught me something about learning to be a better listener, communicating with my colleagues, and understanding
It sets out core values, and guides educators in the day-to-day decision making. It tells me what behaviour is expected of me and gives me a guideline of principals to follow to help resolve any ethical dilemmas I may be confronted with. ⦁ Describe the principles of ethical decision making, and then provide one example of when you may need to apply these principles in an early childhood education and care setting. Honesty, respect, intergrity,justice these are just some of the princibles that i would use on a everyday basis in how I interact with my collegues and the children in my care ⦁ Outline your legal and ethical responsibilities and obligations
Listed next is the official job description which includes a job summary and a list of responsibilities:
I am responsible for ensuring that my mandatory training is up to date, and that I follow all codes, legislation, and recommendations when performing my duties. I will ensure that my job description is current, and am aware of my responsibilities within my role. It is important that I attend refresher courses to update my practical skills, and attend new training courses to improve my working knowledge and skills.
Working in Child Care Licensing will present different challenges, personally and professionally, but the one I consider will be the most challenging aspect is encountering with Child Care Providers who resist to cooperate in ensuring a safe environment for children. Therefore, knowing that there are Daycare facilities in which children might be in danger is what causes my attraction towards this career as a Child Care Licensing Inspector, because I know I am able to go the extra mile in doing my job so children can enjoy a more secure environment by making sure these Child Care Facilities are meeting the minimum standards require by the State government.
Adherence to rules, regulation, policies and guidelines to build safe and secure society/environment for children to grow strong and confident.
The ‘Children’s Act 2004’ was continuously updated and developed into the ‘Children’s Act 2006’. This act states that all settings have to follow the Early Years Framework Stages (which were renewed in 2012). The Early Years Framework Stages (EYFS) is aimed to fulfil the five aims of ‘every child matters’ and the previous children’s act of 2004. The intentions are to achieve these aims by setting standards, promote equal opportunities and through a framework of partnerships, improve quality and consistency and lay secure foundation for all learning and development, present and future. By improving the quality the service and experiences are improved for all children and families. Safeguarding children is a vital part of improving all childcare services/settings.
A childminder is somebody who works with children in their own home for more than 2 or three hours a day. A childminder needs good communication skills, be able to understand children, be able to keep records and to be able to do basic maths. They have to attend safeguarding training courses so that the children are kept safe and attend regular training in the evenings or weekends. A childminder doesn’t have much time to themselves due to having to make sure that all registers, accounts, learning records and risk assessments are all looked after and updated. They also need to make sure that the children are looked after in a safe and healthy environment. A childminder has to make sure a child’s needs are met and be able to make them feel safe and secure.
Within this scenario, I must identify my basic tasks as well as the ongoing evaluations and policy and procedural
Their days of work can start as early as 7am at their own home. They have an array of toys available for any children who come in early. When each child arrives, the childminder has to talk the the guardian bringing them to the home to discuss about the child's sleep the night before and whether they had breakfast or not. This will be important because it will help them care for the child more effectively throughout the day. A childminder may also keep a daily diary so that the parents can see what their child has been up to while with the child minder. They also have a book so that parents and childminders can communicate. When each child arrives, they make a note of the time of arrival. Once all the children have arrived, the childminder safely takes all of them the local school and pre-school. If they are minding children who go to primary school, those children will go in and begin their school day. On the way to the local school, the childminder may think of games for the children to play on the way, like "I Spy" to keep them entertained.
– A summary of person’s roles and responsibilities, as well as the action plan that you developed in
complete a detailed Job Description (JD) including all relevant information about the role, the deliverables, remuneration and areas of competence required, to be approved by the HR Manager and the CEO prior to distribution or publication;
The jobholder will be required to perform the following duties and responsibilities and other duties at the appropriate level as assigned by management.