
Level 5 Health an Social Care Essay

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Unit 16 Understand Safeguarding of Children & Young People (for those working in the adult sector) and Unit 14 Safeguarding and Protection of Vulnerable Adults Assignment Unit 14 AC1.3 Unit 16 AC 1.1 in the table below explain the following legislation and guidance in respect of safeguarding adult’s children and young people. Legislation/policy/best practice guidance | Summary | Safeguarding Vulnerable groups Act 2006 | Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 restricts contact between children and vulnerable adults and those who might do them harm. | Mental Capacity Act 2005 | The Mental Capacity Act 2005 prevents people who lack mental capacity from being mistreated or wilfully neglected. | Deprivation of Liberty …show more content…

It includes the right to protection from abuse, the right to express their views and have them listened to and the right to care and services for disabled children or children living away from home. Although the Government has said it regards itself bound by the Convention and refers to it in child protection guidance, it has not become part of UK-wide law. | Education Act 2002 | Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 requires local education authorities and governing bodies of maintained schools and FE colleges to make arrangements to ensure that their functions are carried out with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The five outcomes that are key to children’s and young people’s wellbeing are: * Stay safe * Be healthy * Enjoy and achieve * Make a positive contribution * Achieve economic wellbeing The school should give effect to their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of their pupils (students under the age of 18 years of age) under the Education Act 2002 and , where appropriate, under the Children Act 1989 by: * Creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for children and young people. * Identifying where there are child welfare concerns and taking action to address them in partnership with other

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