The pioneers Lewis & Clark embodied everything I aim to be. I have a strong desire to be a trailblazer - a leader. I come from an extremely conservative high school, and it’s quite difficult relating to my classmates. Attending a college with a liberal student body had been a dream of mine ever since I found out about feminism. I am a proud feminist, and a goal of mine is to become an activist. I believe I would be a great fit at Lewis & Clark because I will be around like-minded people. Also, as a Black female, I would love to add to the growing pool of multicultural students at Lewis & Clark. Plus, I already have my sights set on the Black Student Union, Feminist Student Union, and the climbing Club. I’d like to start a few clubs of my own,
The Lewis and Clark expedition or the “Louisiana Purchase” was the result of Spain selling the whole Louisiana area to France, and seeing how France was trying to become dominant over England, Thomas Jefferson feared that France would try to make itself the dominant power in the U.S. too. Jefferson worried about what would happen when, or if, France took over New Orleans. Jefferson sent James Monroe to buy back New Orleans, however France had lost its Haiti territory., and without Haiti, France had no way to defend the Louisiana territory, and France was in the shadow of a war, so to gain money for the coming war, Napoleon sold the entire Louisiana area to the U.S. for less than 4 cents an acre.
Jefferson’s 3 goals were to find a water route to the northwest, he wanted to claim that land for the Americans, and he wanted to know what the land was like. In my opinion, Lewis & Clark did not achieve all Jefferson’s goals. The text said “First, and most importantly, he wanted Lewis and Clark to find a “water route” to the Pacific Ocean from the Mississippi River” another piece of evidence is “Second, Jefferson wanted to claim the northwestern portion of the continent’s midsection before another country did. Lastly, he thought that knowledge of the area’s geography would be needed for all of the other goals to come true”. This is proof that Lewis & Clark didn’t accomplish all of their goals because their main goal was to find a direct water
In the early 1800s, little was known about the land west of the Mississippi. So when Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, he really didn’t know what he had just bought. From 1801 to 1809 Thomas Jefferson was president. America had only been an independent country for 30 years, so there was still a lot to know about the American land. The Lewis and Clark expedition was important to the United States of America because of the way it began, the important discoveries they made along the way, and the impact it had on the American people when they returned.
In 1803, shortly after the Louisiana Purchase, Thomas Jefferson, our third US President sent two men, U.S. Army Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark out to explore the unexplored west and in search of a water route across North America, fulfilling the dreams of Thomas Jefferson in sending explorers across the America.
This paper will explain why Lewis and Clark are two of the greatest explorers in American history. Some of the distinguishing factors of these explorers and the three main points in this paper are their exploration of the uncharted west by way of the Missouri river, the many discoveries made along the way, and the effect they had on the westward expansion of the United States.
Clark Atlanta University is the institution that will allocate the resources I need to be successful as a leader in the future. Over the years, family members, friends, mentors, teachers, and advisors have implemented tools into my educational career to get me to this point in my life. As I transition into a freshman in college, it is now my job to use the tools CAU will give to me to make a change. Through the Dual Degree Engineering Program, I will be able to study Architectural Engineering. Consistent studies and research will give me the insight I need to impact and change the social environments around me. The trust I put in the university’s faculty and procedures will allow me to flourish into an excellent leader and role model that will make a positive influence on the environment of the campus and off campus.
I am interested in attending Lewis and Clark because I want to be apart of a community that values difference, diversity, potential, and leadership. I appreciate that Lewis and Clark is a small institution and I believe that is fit to serve students in a more individualized and beneficial way, which is an environment that I feel I would thrive in. Lewis and Clark also has classes for freshman to help them as students and as people in society and I would love to be apart of a school that finds it necessary and crucial to prepare their student in every capacity possible. I feel like my contributions to the community would entail: leadership, athletics, and a positive attitude. I am currently in contact with the track and field coach, Carla McHattie,
I decided to attend North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University because I wanted a HBCU experience. For most my life, I was surrounded by diversity. The schools I attended had a healthy balance of students from all races. Even though that was good I wanted a change of environment. Throughout high school I was taught the bare minimum of black history. Each year, the great deeds of Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, and Rosa Parks were drilled into my head. When I toured A&T they provided me with information on black history that I was not even aware of. After the tour, I made my decision to attend A&T and gain more knowledge. When I came to college the biggest challenge I faced was time management.
Attending a Historically Black College and University is something I have never imagined, by reason of living in a world where competition is a standard. Growing up during my childlike years I have attended schools where instructors would not take the time to avail you because they are brought under the impression that everyone is on that same level of knowledge. All my life I was stationed in an educational environment where the majority of students were predominantly white. Therefore, making an effort to be driven has guided me where I am today since contention was at an all-time high. At first, I wanted to attend a predominantly white institution as I formulated my college choice. I have always had to compete against everybody, and I knew that my success would derive from my emulation. Virginia Union University was a college I decided on instead because I sought to be in an environment surrounded by people, who are uplifting and exhilarating,
These organizations will enhance my found passion for service and justice and empower me to do more. Beyond the opportunities Berkeley law offers to me, I know that I will add a unique perspective on law and justice to the already diverse and inclusive student body because I have a unique background, and experiences including, my experiences from my immersion trips in various communities in Kenya, Tanzania, and the United
In 1800 Thomas Jefferson was elected president. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Jefferson had the vision of the United States growing from sea to sea. However, it was unknown what was out there. Jefferson planned an exploratory expedition and called upon Meriwether Lewis to lead it. Jefferson was very interested in what was in the west lands. Much was involved in the carrying out of this expedition; the preparations for this trip, what happened during their long journey west, and the return home. This expedition was very important in the development of the United States.
I am hoping to create one or find a club like the UCO Black Male Fellows because it's a very inspirational organization. This program can support so many people in so many ways and being in a program like this would make me feel so sensational. Getting involved in a program that will give guidance, motivate, and show so much leadership would be wonderful because it would help me do the same for other people around me. I love teaching and learning about the black culture and I will try to make a club where I can do that at
I aspire to attend the Clark Atlanta University because it is a symbol for past and future generations of educational and operational excellence. Clark Atlanta University is the hub of African American leadership and educational expansion, and with the constant policing of the community and poaching of black culture in today’s society, it is significant that I achieve an education that represents myself and the world with which I am familiar and intend to change for the better.
What influenced you to apply to Cornell College, and why do you believe it might be a good college choice for you? (100)
As well as focusing on academics, I also believe that in the future I will expand my social experiences. Familiarizing myself with diversity and broadening my horizons is in my opinion important to act upon. For example, as I embark on the Study Abroad program here at Bryant during my “Sophomore Year Experience” or as I travel after college, I see myself meeting new and exciting people (whether from Spain, Europe, Australia, etc) who can educate me in how their government is run, school systems are set up and overall what it’s like to live in a place that is so much different from my home. In turn, I will be able to do the same for them.