
Lewis Johely Letter To Mother

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This is an original Soldier's letter from the Civil War that was written to his mother by Lewis Josselyn on March 30 at Alexandria. The cover was addressed to Cyrus Josselyn at West Hanover, Mass. The letter is a single sheet that was folded with writing on 3 pages done in pencil. The letters reads: "No. 27 Alexandria March 30 Dear Mother & I got your letter No. 42 quite a number of days ago but thought I would not answer it the days I got it for I had send a letter the day befor I got it and then I had considerable to do simce then. I was out a foraging when the mail cameand when I got itin I had barely time to roll up me things to be off when the regiment did for they had had orders to move back into the townwhile I was away, and after we got into our …show more content…

I had not had a thing to eat //// since morning for when I got in from foraging I did not get a chance to get my dinner. The next day I wrote to Sander. I got a letter from him the same time I got yours and yesterday I was going to write to you but I.... (page 2) had to go on picket. It was the first time I had been on for about eight months. I had a pretty hard day and night of it fi=or the wind blew like a perfect hurricane. Today I have been a washing my clothes which is something new to me for a good while for I had my clothes washed for me while I was there (At B po)but here I dare not put them out to be washed for we do not know when we will be off . though it looks some as if we should stay herefor most of the troops have left hereand most of the gunboats have gone up river. One of the Hospital boats run into a rock in the river a few mile up. The boat sunk partly down and two or three of our boys went up and took the sick off. I dont know as I can say that I wnat to see any more fightingbut I dont care much whether we stay here or not. If it was not for the fighting I had as lives go from here or not. April 1st... It is a year ago

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