
Lewis ' Screwtape Letters, An Amusing And Profound Story Of The World 's Temptation And A Christian 's Essay

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Lewis’ Screwtape Letters is an amusing and profound story of the world 's temptation and a Christian 's victory over it. In a collection of letters, an old demon, Screwtape, gives advice and guidance to his young and naive nephew, Wormwood, on how to lure his "patient" to Hell. Amateurishly attempting to tempt his patient to commit some great, extravagant sin, Wormwood lets his hand off the wheel and his patient becomes a Christian. Even in a seemingly hopeless situation, Screwtape kept his cool and advised Wormwood "to prevent his doing anything. As long as he does not convert it into action...Let him do anything but act. No amount of piety in his imagination and affections will harm us if we can keep it out of his will. As one of the humans has said, active habits are strengthened by repetition but passive ones are weakened."(pg.66-67) Screwtape and Wormwood work to work to keep the patients ' faith in a passive, lukewarm state and put out his fire for the Lord. They try to distract him with the ways of the world, but they are unable to put out his burning fire for the Lord. In an unexpected bombing, the patient slipped through Wormwood 's hands and into the open arms of his Heavenly Father. Some ways Wormwood is instructed to tempt his patient is by keeping him either stuck in the past or hag-ridden with the future, creating doubt during the low or struggling times and distracted during the good times, and with love.

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