
Liberal And Conservative Beliefs In Samuel's Prophecy

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In Samuel’s prophecy, Samuel and the Israelite’s separate viewpoints on appointing a king are similar to the contemporary debate between liberal and conservative beliefs. In this passage of the Old Testament, the people of Israel demanded to be appointed a king to have a superior rule over them and to fight their battles for them; this desire for a king is similar to liberal beliefs today. Liberalists emphasize the need for government to solve their problems and allow them human rights. Samuel, however, had faith that God was all that the people needed to protect them. His viewpoint would be more similar to modern conservative belief that personal responsibility overpowers government. Conservatives believe in a limited government that provides people with the freedom necessary to solve their problems independently ("Conservative vs. Liberal …show more content…

The LORD assured him that it was an insult to his power rather than Samuel and encouraged Samuel to give the people what they want. He first had Samuel warn the Israelites of the costs that came with appointing a king. Samuel delivered the LORDS message, “the governance of the king who will rule you will be as follows: He will take your sons and assign them to his chariots and horses, and they will run before his chariot… He will take your male and female slaves, as well as your best oxen and donkeys, and use them to do his work. He will also tithe your flocks. As for you, you will become his slaves. On that day you will cry out because of the king whom you have chosen, but the LORD will not answer you on that day (1 Samuel 8:10-22).” God had allowed the Israelites to decide between having faith in him and a king. By delivering this message, however, it served as a warning to them that if they chose the king, he would not be there when the king fails to live up to their

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