
Liberal Vs Conservatives Essay

Decent Essays

The constitution sets forth the purpose behind are nations founding of a new government in 1787. It explains the purpose of our government through 5 key statements. The government must establish justice, promote domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. Though there are two sides of the political spectrum that envision a way to fulfill the purposes set forth in the preamble. One side of the political spectrum includes the liberal and the other the conservatives. In the middle is the moderates they take both sides of the political spectrum and combine them for a moderate views
The first purpose set forth in the Constitution is to establish justice. The conservatives want to establish justice by punishing the criminal with increased pain so that it is greater than the pleasure received from committing the crime so that it is not worth it to even try. To reduce crime the conservatives want to increase the odds of getting caught and the …show more content…

The conservatives believe that the second amendment gives the right for citizens of the United States to bear arms because all citizens have the right to defend themselves. There are too many gun control laws that haven’t done anything the crime rate but more guns in law abiding citizens will lower crime rate dramatically. On the other hand, liberals believe that the second amendment doesn’t give citizens the right to bear arms, but gives states the right to keep a militia as know as the national guard. The citizens don’t need to protect themselves that’s what local and federal law enforcement agencies and the military are for. More guns equal more crime. Moderates believe that citizens do have the right to bear arms, but there must be a strict learning and testing program before they can own a gun. Everyone must go through this testing, including the

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