Republicanism: Who and Why “Republicans are for both the man and the dollar, but in case of conflict the man before the dollar.” This quote, by Abraham Lincoln describes some of the core principles behind Republicanism. Those core ideas are to help United State’s citizens first and the economy seconds. Republicanism is a belief that the United States should take a more conservative approach in its economic and social policies, and people believe in it because they think that a hands off government approach in which there is less government control over businesses would be beneficial to themselves and to the United States as a whole. Understanding what Republicans believe creates a dialogue about policies that should be made in society and allows others, such as Democrats, to find common ground that they can work together on to solve problems in the United States.
Origin and Development The word Republican originates from the root word republic, which is a government where the people elect representatives to vote for issues and create legislation that is in their best interest or in the best interest of the government. According to Haley Barbour, the former RNC Chairman, “originally, ‘republican’ was a neutral term because the Constitution had guaranteed each state ‘a republican form of government’” (Barbour). This broad term later became narrowly tailored when it became used to describe conservatives. According to the Wisconsin Historical Society, “this name had been
The Republican party is known as one of the two primary parties, the other being the Democratic Party.The Republican party became associated with the Laissez-faire capitalism, to lower taxes and conservative social groups in the 20th and 21st century.In the 1870’s the party had acquired the acronym GOP, widely known as the “ Grand Old Party.”Moreover, the parties official logo is the elephant it came from a cartoon by “Thomas Nast.”They oppose abortion and same-sex marriages, and they look to values found in Christianity.
Republican’s generally form a consensus around a few distinct beliefs: that the government should play a non-dominant role in the American peoples lives, to return power to state governments, and to fight for the rights of the individual American citizen. Over the course of
Republicans supported a weaker national government that restricted in its powers by a narrow reading of the Constitution. Republicans feared that federal intervention in the economy would benefit only a few wealthy northeasterners, and they believed that agriculture, not manufacturing, should remain the country's economic base. Therefore the beliefs and views of both parties have to impact the whole of American politics. Republicans have a different point of view than federalists. Continually they absolutely abolish all possible kinds of
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were two men who worked closely under George Washington under his presidency, two of Washington’s best yet they could not stand each other. Despite how close the two worked together they had far more differences than similarities. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were the ones to start the first political parties in the western world. Hamilton was the creator and leader of the Federalists and Jefferson led the republicans or also known as democratic republicans. Both Hamilton and Jefferson had been involved in the founding of the nation yet made almost no contact until appointed under Washington.
A Republican is a person who is involved with or supports the Republican Party. They support the ideals that the party holds in its party platform. Their party platform includes restoring the American Dream, reforming the Federal government, renewing American values, and abiding by the Constitution to fix the country. Some party planks include cutting government spending, making a Federal-State partnership to create jobs, reform the tax code, and organizing space missions and programs. A Republican is usually more conservative, which means that they most likely disapprove gun control, oppose abortion, and disagree with same-sex marriage.
On July 6, 1854 on the outskirts of Jackson, Michigan, 10,000 people turned out for a mass meeting "Under the Oaks." This meeting led to the first organized party convention in Pittsburgh on February 22, 1856. Then on June 17, 1856 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Republican Representative announced the birth of the Republican Party as a unified political force with one mission: to create a stronger and freer America. The Republican Party was born through the blood and tears of righteous men and continues to be upheld by the belief system it so strongly stands by. This believe system was fabricated by the main principles that this nation was based upon, and still hold true today. Unlike other political parties, the Republican Party is a conservative system that puts its faith in the people of America, rather than in its government. Therefore, I’m not going to lie, but Republicans are fly.
“The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by a group of renegade Democrats, Whigs, and political independents who opposed the expansion of Slavery into new U.S. territories and states. What began as a single-issue, independent party became a major political force in the United States. Six years after the new party was formed, Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln won the U.S. presidential election. The Republican Party and its counterpart, the Democratic Party, became the mainstays of the nation's de facto two-party system.” As stated in the free dictionary’s definition of the republican party. The Republican and Democrat parties are opposites on almost every decision they come to. The Republican party is more small government whereas the Democratic party is pro big government.
The idea of republican
The Republican Party has had numerous attempts to move the otherwise known, GOP more right. The GOP is more favored at maintaining a "limited" government than the Democratic left side liberals who favors a government whose finances and expenses are handled by the government and other high ranking officials. The Republican party is more aimed at conservative values such as minimizing taxes, cutting back government welfare, the death penalty, government regulations of drugs and abortions, and many more. Recent attempts such as embracing non traditional issues such as cutting back government welfare and also their concerns to have the government regulate drugs and also abortions, have made a noticeable difference in public interest in the GOP
The first idea of the Republican core value is the belief more in the ability of the people to solve problems and work for the common good of the country. Republicans simply believe the people can effectively find solutions to problems and issues with as little government help and assistance as possible. This gives power to the people by involving them in making important decisions and not allowing government to control all issues without the general populace being heard. While on the other hand, the Democratic Party believes more in the ability of government to solve problems and work for the common good of the country. This leaves the majority of the decisions in the hands of government, without involving the people.
First, I must make an observation on the criteria many believe the definition of both parties. According to the encyclopedia Britannica the criteria for being a republican, “The Republicans advocate reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom. They tend to oppose extensive government regulation of the economy, government-funded social programs, affirmative action, and policies aimed at strengthening the rights of workers. Many Republicans, though not all, favor increased government regulation of the private, noneconomic lives of citizens in some areas, such as abortion, though most Republicans also strongly oppose gun-control legislation. Republicans are more likely than
The Federalist party was lead by the Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, along with John Jay and Gouverneur Morris. The Federalist ideals emphasized the need of federal power, favored large businesses, believed the country needed a strong financial system, and interpreted the Constitution loosely. (“Political Parties Emerge (Overview)” 1). The Democratic Republican party was the complete opposite of the Federalist party. Lead by Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, the Democratic Republican party’s ideals, which were largely inspired by the Enlightenment, were centered around the power of the people. The Democratic Republican party was strongly against an intrusive federal government and believed the power should remain in the hands of the states. Along with those beliefs, the Democratic Republicans favored small, agriculturally based businesses and a strict interpretation of the Constitution (Danver 3). The differences between the parties lead to much conflict within the country, but it also made sure that the decisions made by the government would benefit the whole nation.
The Republican Party believes that the government should not have a big part in the average American's life. They believe in taxes being lowered and less spending on social programs, they believe in the advancement of women in the military, marriage should be between man and woman.The republican party also believes that criminals can't cause harm or damage to anybody or anything if they are locked behind bars, that the death penalty should be enforced on major criminals and big drug kingpins, that our taxes should be going towards cleaning up our environment and finding better energy sources. They believe that we should help poor nations, that Americans should have a right to firearms without having to obtain a license to posses one, that the government should open more public land for hunting, that we should track each foreign traveler and should not have aerial surveillance over U.S soil, That increasing our minimum wage makes our country more competitive.
Republicans platforms values a foundation on the original principles of God that this country was founded on by our forefathers. Anything that forfeits the Christian faith they will not support such as abortion, same sex marriage, or gender identity restroom laws. They view marriage as to be between man and
Republicans or people who believes in or supports the republic form of government, was the next political party that I looked at. Subsequently, I had to take a look at the word “republic,” to understand what it meant. According to, it means “a country that is governed by elected representatives and by an elected leader (such as a president) rather than by a king or queen.” After reading that definition I began to think to myself what republicans stand for also has to do with the American idea. Republicans had history with