
Libertarianism And Ethical Analysis

Decent Essays

Referring back to the area of consequentialist, a non-consequentialist believes that the rightness or the wrongness of an act is based on properties that are intrinsic to the action, and not on the actions consequence. For example, Libertarianism proposes that people should be able to do as they please, as long as it allows others to do the equivalent. As stated earlier, many philosophers have their definition of ethics, however a Roman philosopher named Cicero, focused on the question of “what we should do” when what is right. He writes: “Let us regard this as settled: what is morally wrong can never be advantageous even when it enables you to make some gain that you believe to be your advantage. The mere act of believing that some wrongful …show more content…

Consumer Cultures are part of the economy, a “consumer culture is a form of capitalism in which the economy is focused on the selling of consumer good and the spending of consumer money”. (Chron, 2015) a consumer culture can motive the economy and encourage consumers to spend money which will have a considerable effect on the economic growth, however, for the growth to continue it has to be continued – the more consumers buy, the richer the economy gets! Referring back to Adam Smith’s theory on the “invisible hand”, he assumed it was natural and that the invisible metaphorical hand could guide an individual through the economy and capitalism through competition for resources. An egotistic individual exploits their own good, with that being said if the individual interprets “best interest” through trade, the economy will become better off. (The Economic Times, 2015) The “invisible hand” theory is seen as the best solution for the economy, suggesting that government intervention is in fact not needed. Government intervention, helps with rising issues such as maximising social welfare, promoting economic fairness within corporations and reducing problems regarding inflation and recessions from occurring in the service …show more content…

Globalisation is there to increase the wealth in less developing countries, for example India and Rwanda – however, it can be seen in a negative light as globalisation can raise potential for exploitation of workers in less developed countries as businesses in well developed countries have production costs cut by producing their “goods” oversea. (Economics Online, 2015) In order to maximise profits, many business’s exploit consumers, this is where government bodies exist to protect the consumers from unfair trade practices, abuse of monopoly power, unsafe and harmful products and a numerous amount

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