
Liesel Zusak's The Book Thief

Decent Essays

“When Liesel arrived in Molching, she had at least some inkling that she was being saved, but that was not a comfort” (Zusak 23). Liesel Meminger from The Book Thief was a very dynamic character throughout her story. She showed how strong she could be, but she was still haunted by her past. Although many misfortunes came to her, she tried not to let them get to her and stayed strong-minded. She was not afraid to put herself in danger to protect the ones she loved. At the beginning of the story, she would not even go into the Hubermann’s in fear of what would happen. However, she realized by the end of the story that they were her true family. She was an angry girl who despised her new family, but that all changed. Liesel Meminger from The Book …show more content…

At the beginning of the story, she would not even go inside of the Hubermann’s house and was terrified of everything. “A gang of tears trudged from her eyes as she held on and refused to go inside” (Zusak 21). Starting new was not something Liesel wanted to do and all she wanted was her mother. Towards the end, Liesel constantly put herself in danger when she stole either food or books. She did not care about the consequences of her actions. “When she reached her hand in, she was bitten, but on the second attempt, she made sure she was fast enough. She latched onto the closest of the books” (Zusak 81). She risked her life by stealing a book from the large bonfire the Nazi’s made of books that were “too Jewish” or “un-German.” Although her new parents and her friends died from a bombing on Himmel Street, Liesel managed to stay strong and fight through the pain. She would never forget what happened, but she did not let it consume her as her life went on. “It would have been easy to say nothing, but Liesel had the opposite reaction to her devastation. She sat in the exquisite spare room of the mayor’s house and spoke and spoke—to herself—well into the night” (Zusak 363). She took the pain of losing a loved one differently than everyone did. Liesel even went to not bathing like she did at the beginning of the book, but she managed to get herself out of that hole of despair and grow up and live to an old age. She was able to have children of her own and live a normal life that she was never able to

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