
Life After Death Quotes

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Catholics base their true facts on life after death from The Apostle Creed. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ he destroyed the power of sin and death, and brought new life to the world. To this day, us, Christians believe there is a life after death because we were saved by Jesus. We believe our souls live on entirely with God, where we came from, even when our body dies. This is because Jesus rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion and we believe that we will also be raised from death to new life like Jesus did, if we follow Jesus’ teachings and ways, God and eternal life awaits us in heaven.

As the following quotes prove:
Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even …show more content…

John 3:16

After someone has died his or her life here on earth is celebrated by having a funeral. Near the end of the funeral the coffin is taken from the church, either for burial or cremation.
In the Apostle’s Creed it says, "I believe in … the resurrection of the body". However, St Paul said that, "On earth it is a physical body but in heaven it will be a spiritual body". Therefore, today it is often just a personal decision as to whether a person is buried or cremated. How ever what happens to the persons soul after the funeral is the big question.

Hell or Heaven

Many Christians have different ideas of what happens in heaven and hell as it is rarely described in the bible. Some/ most Christians such as me believe that Heaven is a place where our souls can live on in peace and just with God. Where our lives we have lived on earth are not judge but accepted, and our sins are forgiven. As far as I believe, anyone has the pass to get into Heaven for us long as they believe and have trust in God no matter how many sins they have committed, God will always be there open handed waiting for us, arms wide, and when we are ready we can openly hearted walk mentally into the heart to God (heaven) freeing our

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