
Life And Death : Is The Base Of Human Values?

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Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect no matter of the timing of their death, which is the base of human values. Often times, we are afraid of speaking about death that we avoid the topic. As we grow older and we experience substantial loss, we start to come to the realization that we must also accept our own mortality. Dying with dignity is how we confront our own death and how we make our self-worth count. In many culture life and death are perceive as equally important. A person must be able to have autonomy, have their religious believes respected and die in a dignifying way that will not interact with their moral believes. First, we must consideration a person’s autonomy. A person has the right to make their own …show more content…

In his book towards the end of his life his wife Lucy states, “ If he doesn’t have a chance of meaningful time, he wants to take the mask off and hold Cady.” His wife Lucy knew that her husband Paul will not want to be intubated because death was approaching him and by him being intubated he will not die with dignity. Instead he wanted to spend his last moment with his loved ones especially his wife Lucy and his daughter Cady. He knew if he were to be intubated he would suffer more and will not be able to die in comfort with his loved ones. Besides, when it comes to autonomy Paul decided that it was time and he wanted to be as conformable as possible so he could die with dignity. Paul stated, “I’m ready. Ready, he meant, to remove the breathing support, to start morphine, to die.” Paul knew that there wasn’t anything else that could be done and that his time had come. As the doctors prepare to take of the mask and administer morphine, Paul, Lucy and the doctors knew that by giving him morphine this would cause him to die faster. As we have learn in our health care ethics class this is known as the Double effect. The double effect is when we consciously know that by trying to help him alleviate his pain with morphine we are also suppressing his breathing, which will make him die faster. Lucy also states, “

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