
Life Cycle Of Stars: The Life Cycle Of A Star

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The Life Cycle of Stars Stars go through tremendous things in the course of their life. In a star’s life they go through eight different phases. These phases can take many years to go through. When a star is made up it starts needing. Gas and dust in space to form what is called a nebula. Nebulae are the birthplace of stars. There are different types of nebulas one being an emission nebula. For example the Orion Nebula grows very brightly because of the gas that is in it which is energized by the stars that have formed inside of it (“Life of a Star”). Another type of nebula is a reflection nebula this is when starlight reflects off the greens of dust that are in a nebula. The last type of nebula is a dark nebula, these are very dense clouds of molecular hydrogen that can either partially or completely absorbed light from stars.
So by definition a star is a globe of gas that produces its heat and light by nuclear fusion. They are born from a nebulae and are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium gas. Surface temperature on a star can range from 2000°C all the way up to 30,000°C (“Life of a Star.”). The colors of a star can range from blue to red depending on the brightness of the star. The brighter star is the higher the …show more content…

When a star explodes it obtains the brightness of 100 million suns for a very short period of time. It is like a massive firework, it is apparently very pretty to see. There are two types of supernovas one being a type one and the other being a type two. A type one supernova occurs when gas from one star falls into a white dwarf which causes it to explode. Type ii supernova is when a star that is 10 times as big as the sun suffers internal reaction which ultimately results in the loss of its life. When a type ii supernova explodes can turn into neutron stars and black holes. Supernova is thought to have elements are heavier than hydrogen and helium in

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