The 1950s was a time of progression from the previous decades and a time of fear for the same previous decades due to past experiences. The 1950s also was not sunshine and happiness, there were numerous issues and problems that affected life during that particular decade. Life in the 1950s would be something that I would enjoy due to the way things were for teenagers and how little care there was for numerous issues, but I would not have enjoyed it due to issues that I don’t feel comfortable with such as sexism, racism, and many other things. During the 50s, there was numerous of new advances being made in the medical field, technology, and many other areas. The polio vaccine came during the decade, tvs became more popular, radio did too, and automobiles became more efficient and better. According to the PBS video “Life During the 1950s” people who grew up during the decade witnessed first hand and the changes that took places and many new things becoming either invented or popular due to things such as tvs, radios, cars,buses, and popular music changed genre to rock and roll. Also from that same video former nurses saw outbreaks of polio and saw the treatments that came along with it …show more content…
Before the 50s, the U.S went to World War 11 and the Cold War began about 3 years before 1950. Everyone was ready and prepared for an upcoming bomb and attack from many rival countries. In the PBS documentary, people had stated that kids and people were taught the communism was almost downright evil and so were communists. They also taught kids a new drill called the duck and cover which would be used if there was to be an attack from a country. All of this resulted in the Korean War (The Forgotten War) because the U.S wanted to help South Korea fight North Korea and end communism all together. All this paranoia of being bombed and attacked would have been enough for me not to live in that
The 1950’s were a great time and one main reason was because most people were happy with their lives because everything was going well. In the 1950’s most men had
For conclusion, the article, “What We Really Miss About the 1950s” by Stephanie Coontz shows that 1950s is the decade that have a lot of vote when it comes to the decade that good to live in. Even though, the rates are high, but the reason people choose it is because it have a more friendly economic. This decade do not suitable for people that be consider as the “others” during this time. So, this decade will only good for live in for the white people, or more narrowly will be for the white men. Because there’s a lot of sexism and racism during this decade.
The 1950s were defined by security, social advancement, and social change, in the home and racial fronts. Speakers such as Joseph McCarthy drew out the remains of the Red Scare, and controversy influenced the public over the American dream and how the Cold War had changed it. The 1950s were an era of social conformity, proven by the suburban middle-class lifestyle and threat of wartime possibilities.
As mentioned earlier, during the 1950s people were more likely to compare themselves to their neighbors and community. There was limited forms of media that everyone saw on a mass scale so most class groups would read or watch the same movies, books, etc. People would look out their
The 1950s was a huge time of change in the world. After World War ll, a record breaking 4 million babies were born each year, this time period became known as the Baby Boom. This rise in population was well needed, there was tons of factories made during the war that needed employees. The 1950s not only changed population, but it changed
In unit four we learned about the faces of totalitarianism, the Berlin Wall, The Atomic bomb, The U2 incident, The North Atlantic treaty Organization (NATO), The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), D Day, and many more. But the most outstanding Trend/event/action is the culture of the 1950s. This Culture includes things like music, media, and other big time trends back then.
There are a lot of politicians in America who are trying to get the votes of the older people who lived in the 1950s and maybe a little bit earlier than that. The older generation lived at the time when America was extremely strong and was very influential all over the world. Many people believe that Donald Trump will be able to take America back when it was supposedly great. The older generation would love to see America change to how it was in the past. The only problem is that it wasn’t as great as people actually think it is. There were no rights for women and minorities all over America. Additionally, there were two major wars that killed many Americans. America was only great to white American males.
During the 1950's, the United States experienced great change with the end of World War II, making it difficult to label the busy decade. America was the most powerful nation in the world and it was a time of complacency. The United States accepted two new states, Hawaii and Alaska ( The science world boomed with new inventions; televisions broadcast nationally; rock n' roll was popular; commercial hotel and fast food chains became common; the car industry exploded; vaccinations for measles and polio were discovered; and birth control pills were introduced (Layman VII). Another event in the 1950’s was the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which limited presidents to two terms in office. The 1950's "baby
The Federal Civil Defense Administration created by President Harry Truman launched an aggressive campaign educating the American public especially those in the suburbs on how to survive, the government believed that cities would be the primary targets and people leaving near needed to know how to survive. According to an article titled “U.S. H-Bomb Test Put Lethal Zone at 7,000 Sq Miles” by William M. Blair published in the New York Times on February 16th 1955, the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission Lewis L. Strauss said “Since nuclear weapons are in possession of the U.S.S.R. the commission believes that the American people wish to be informed regarding the dangers of nuclear explosions and the measures which individuals can take to protect themselves if an atomic attack should occur***.”.
Overall, the sources do not support the statement that women’s lives had improved ‘enormously’ by the end of the 1950s.
Life today is very fast-paced. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere and will push you out of the way to get there, like it's some kind of race. In our personal lives, we have our cell phones, and maybe a home phone, scheduled play dates for our kids, microwaves, satellite TV, home security systems that don't involve dogs, solar landscape lighting, automatic underground sprinkler systems for our lawns, and compact fluorescent lights to replace the incandescent bulbs that waste energy. In the business world, you have meetings that you can attend by using a video phone, PowerPoint presentations to help you get your point across at the meetings you can't get out of, instant messaging to speak to clients and other businesses around the
When most people think of the 1950’s or 1960’s, they think of Elvis, Greasers, jukeboxes, Woodstock, and rainbow peace signs and hippie love. Although these symbols are somewhat accurate (and very popular), not many people think about the changes society and culture went through. The 1950’s and 60’s were a time of great change and freedom for many Americans. Everything from World War II, to the gay liberation movement, to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped to change society. Many of the views American’s had on topics such as war, gender roles and sexual preference were changed greatly after these events and have led to our culture being what it is today. The 1950’s and 1960’s were a time where great changes took place that helped to
And with these new things brought new jobs, more money being made, the economy was growing, and that’s only a small portion of what some things affected. Some of the things that changed the 50’s were hit movies such as: Superman and The Lone Ranger.(4) Aside from that a huge hit was Walt Disney’s creation of Disneyland which was opened up in 1955.(4) Teen culture was sparked by the new sound of “Rock ‘N Roll”, and a huge icon in that genre was the hip swinging Elvis Presley.(Silverman 5)
The 50s flourished with fads especially in fashion. With the rise of media and culture influenced fad. Some of the people who influenced fashion fads were iconic celebrities like James Dean, Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor etc. Even though fashion fad was followed by everyone, most of them were young adults. Some of the most
The 1960s were a very historical decade in America. With the Cuban Missile Crisis and John Fitzgerald Kennedy being shot, Americans had a lot to cope with. In the fifties, cigarettes became a huge fad, and the coming of the sixties did not slow that trend down at all. Cigarettes gave people a way to just go outside (or even inside) and relax and smoke. Other important past events were Martin Luther King Jr’s “I had a Dream” speech and the majority of the space race. Fashion wise, the 1960s brought out a lot of colors when the people were not in full formal attire. For music, one of the main impacts was singer, writer, and musician, Bob Dylan. Another aspect was the use sex being portrayed in ads. Even though the seventies had used sex abundantly to sell, it