
Life During The 1950s

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The 1950s was a time of progression from the previous decades and a time of fear for the same previous decades due to past experiences. The 1950s also was not sunshine and happiness, there were numerous issues and problems that affected life during that particular decade. Life in the 1950s would be something that I would enjoy due to the way things were for teenagers and how little care there was for numerous issues, but I would not have enjoyed it due to issues that I don’t feel comfortable with such as sexism, racism, and many other things. During the 50s, there was numerous of new advances being made in the medical field, technology, and many other areas. The polio vaccine came during the decade, tvs became more popular, radio did too, and automobiles became more efficient and better. According to the PBS video “Life During the 1950s” people who grew up during the decade witnessed first hand and the changes that took places and many new things becoming either invented or popular due to things such as tvs, radios, cars,buses, and popular music changed genre to rock and roll. Also from that same video former nurses saw outbreaks of polio and saw the treatments that came along with it …show more content…

Before the 50s, the U.S went to World War 11 and the Cold War began about 3 years before 1950. Everyone was ready and prepared for an upcoming bomb and attack from many rival countries. In the PBS documentary, people had stated that kids and people were taught the communism was almost downright evil and so were communists. They also taught kids a new drill called the duck and cover which would be used if there was to be an attack from a country. All of this resulted in the Korean War (The Forgotten War) because the U.S wanted to help South Korea fight North Korea and end communism all together. All this paranoia of being bombed and attacked would have been enough for me not to live in that

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