
Life In Urban America

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Independence and freedom were at the found of American but ironically the new urban American hindered both. With the increase of industry and growth of urban population, independence was lost. People were trapped in a constant bustle. Early cities were repugnant. They were dirty, polluted and over-crowed. Life inside the city was detestable for most. “The city’s ways and forms were conceived of as too artificial and of the wrong quality to support a more life” . Warner draws forth the idea of the city as artificial which is a very troubling quality. Life in the city was artificial and created a fake way of life. This artificial form was the thing people wanted to avoid. The great populous cities of Europe were over developed and lost their uniqueness they became artificial. …show more content…

Life in the agrarian society was centered around community. Within a city community is lost and so are the people. The city changed the people who lived there. “For the middle class of the late nineteenth century the rural ideal was one positive element in the complex of conditions which shifted people’s attitude from being favorable to being hostile to city life” .The new urban way of life destroyed community and unity and replaced it with greed. Commerce overtook the minds of everyone. The many negative aspects of urban life also troubled the city dwellers. Cities were dirty, dangerous, and overcrowded. “The crowding of factory, foreigners with ever new languages and habits—these negative pressures tended to drive the middle class from the city” . Urban life made people want to leave but unfortunately everyone was

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