
'Life Of Love In The Seafarer'

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Life of Love
(An analysis of the three messages portrayed by the Exeter poems)

As we go through life there are many questions that you may have. These questions can range from what is life, to what is love. There are many different answers that can come from these questions. In the Exeter Book there are three different poems. The first poem is The Seafarer, in this poem the speaker is out at sea. He is in the middle of a storm, and he does not believe that he is going to return home. The next poem is The Wanderer, here the speaker is now homeless. He was once a great warrior who had lost it all. The final poem is The Wife’s Lament, in this poem a wife is exiled by her husband. She is sent away and told to not come back. The Seafarer, …show more content…

The speaker of this poem is away at sea. He fears that he is never going to return home. “But there isn’t a man on earth so proud, so born to greatness, so bold with his youth, grown so brave, or so graced by God, that he feels no fear as the sails unfurl, wondering what fate has willed and will do.” (The Seafarer, pg. 22, lines 39-43). Here the speaker of the poem says that even though he may not live through his journey that he must stay faithful in what God has in store for him. He says that he must not fear what is going on. Even though everything looks as though it is against him he cannot lose all faith. If he was to lose faith and give up there would be hell to pay. Just because things do not look good you must stay optimistic and keep a cool head and stay …show more content…

In this poem the speaker is being exiled by her own husband. The man she once loved for some unknown reason was kicking her to the curb. “I had few loved ones in this land or faithful friends. For this my heart grieves: that I should find the man well matched to me…” (The Wife’s Lament, pg. 30, lines 16-19). Here the wife who is being exiled wishes that she had more people that loved her. It is important that she has people that she loves and that love her in order for her to keep herself from the fate ahead. Without love she has no one and no support. Love does not have to come from the opposite sex, but it can be found in friends that are close to us. If we do not have love we feel as though we are outcasts to the world around us. Love is what ties us into those who mean the most to us. Love is one of the most important feelings we can portray to one

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