
Life Of Pi Act 1 Scene 5

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As the opening scene we see all these animals and hear two men talking, we find the men in a kitchen and the man sitting down call the other man Pi. So as the audience, we know that this is Pi in the future as an adult. Pi then tells this man who we think is a reporter because he says that he arrived there to “find a story no one could believe and that would make you believe in god”. Pi continues with his childhood story of growing up with his family under his parents and that how Ben feels always under his parents and he follow in their footsteps and listen to everything that they say. Pi as he got older he started questioning things how they worked and asked about god, Ben started doing the same questioning why he can't make his own choices …show more content…

We see this constant switch from present him as an adult to the past when he is a kid/teenager on the boat. When Pi falls off the boat into the water and is underneath looking up to the surface, it's a connection to when Ben was under the water in the scuba gear looking up to the surface. Once Pi realizes the lion is on board with him, he is backed in a corner as it goes for him as when Mrs. Robinson backed him in a corner and went after him for sex. When Pi has the chance to kill the lion he matures and realizes that he doesn't have to kill the defenseless animal in the water, and that the main idea of the coming to age movies is the characters growing up. Even with all the bad that has happened to him, he continues to have faith in all that he believes in to show that he has changed within himself that he will make his own choices and control his fate. Both of which can be related to Ben when he chooses to have control over something and changes that he will choose for himself when he tells about his affair with her mother, and it is a coming of age movie because he's growing and

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