
Life Of Pi Character Analysis

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Is Life of Pi simply a story about a boy and a tiger? Life of Pi is an award winning adventure novel by Yann Martel, published in 2001. The first part is set in a small town in India. The protagonist, Piscine Molitor Patel, and his family own a zoo in Pondicherry, India, but want to move, because the father, Santosh Patel, doesn’t agree with the politics there. The Patel family sets sail for Canada, but their ship sinks in a great storm. Pi is stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger, hyena, orangutan, and a zebra. After the zebra, hyena, and orangutan die, Pi has to survive at sea with a 450-pound pound Bengal tiger. In Life of Pi, most of the characters’ names are charactonyms. A charactonym is a name, especially for a fictional character, that suggests a distinctive trait of the character. The names have a second hidden meaning; a signifier and a signified. These hidden meanings can serve foreshadowing, and also offer readers subtle clues about the characters’ personality. A charactonym is a literary term, and in Life of Pi, it is used to tell us background about the characters, and gives us a second meaning from what is written down.

Pi’s given name, Piscine Molitor Patel, does not merely commemorate a swimming pool; it is also foreshadowing. Piscine Molitor Patel was named so by his family’s friend, Mamaji. Mamaji is a champion swimmer, and whenever he travels, he swims in a pool in the area as a way to remember the place. Piscine Molitor is a pool in France, and it is Mamaji’s favorite pool. In French, piscine means pool, and a pool is a controlled body of water. In the novel, Pi spends 227 as a castaway in a large body of water that is rough and not controlled. Yann Martel brilliantly made the connection between Pi’s name and his fate. The name Piscine is a hint that water will be an important part of Pi’s story later on. In school, Pi is relentlessly teased because his name, Piscine, sounds like “pissing.” Pi eventually gets so sick of the name-calling, that he changes his name to Pi Patel. Pi is a mathematical constant, and is usually used to help find the circumference of a circle. Being an irrational number, pi cannot be expressed as an exact fraction or ratio. It is intriguing that pi, an irrational

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